本文小编为大家详细介绍“Linux chage命令怎么用”,内容详细,步骤清晰,细节处理妥当,希望这篇“Linux chage命令怎么用”文章能帮助大家解决疑惑,下面跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来学习新知识吧。
linux chage命令简介:
the chage command changes the number of days between password changes and the date of the last password change. this information is used by the system to determine when a user must change his/her password
chage [options] user
参数 | 描叙 |
-d | 指定密码最后修改日期 |
-e | 密码到期的日期,过了这天,此账号将不可用。0表示马上过期,-1表示永不过期。 |
-h | 显示帮助信息并退出 |
-i | 密码过期后,锁定账号的天数 |
-l | 列出用户以及密码的有效期 |
-m | 密码可以更改的最小天数。为零代表任何时候都可以更改密码。 |
-m | 密码保持有效的最大天数。 |
-w | 密码过期前,提前收到警告信息的天数。 |
1: 查看chage命令的帮助信息
[root@db-server ~]#man chage
[root@db-server ~]# info chage
[root@db-server ~]# chage -h
usage: chage [options] user
-d, --lastday last_day set last password change to last_day
-e, --expiredate expire_date set account expiration date to expire_date
-h, --help display this help message and exit
-i, --inactive inactive set password inactive after expiration
to inactive
-l, --list show account aging information
-m, --mindays min_days set minimum number of days before password
change to min_days
-m, --maxdays max_days set maximim number of days before password
change to max_days
-w, --warndays warn_days set expiration warning days to warn_days
[root@db-server ~]# chage -l mysql
last password change : mar 26, 2015
password expires : never
password inactive : never
account expires : never
minimum number of days between password change : -1
maximum number of days between password change : -1
number of days of warning before password expires : -1
[root@db-server ~]#
[root@db-server ~]# chage -m 60 -m 7 -w 7 mysql
you have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@db-server ~]# chage -l mysql
last password change : mar 26, 2015
password expires : may 25, 2015
password inactive : never
account expires : never
minimum number of days between password change : 7
maximum number of days between password change : 60
number of days of warning before password expires : 7
[root@db-server ~]#
[root@db-server home]# useradd test
[root@db-server home]# passwd test
changing password for user test.
new unix password:
retype new unix password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@db-server home]# chage -d 0 test
you have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@db-server home]# chage -l test
last password change : password must be changed
password expires : never
password inactive : never
account expires : never
minimum number of days between password change : 0
maximum number of days between password change : 99999
number of days of warning before password expires : 7
下面给大家介绍linux chage命令
用法:chage[-l][-m mindays][-m maxdays][-i inactive][-e expiredate][-w warndays][-d lastdays]username
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