public class JstJobGoods implements Serializable { @JSONField(serialize = false) private Long id; //ID @JSONField(name = "shop_id") private String shopId; //店铺编号 @JSONField(name = "i_id") private Long iId; //商品款号,商品ID @JSONField(name = "shop_i_id") private String shopIId; //外部款号 @JSONField(name = "name") private String name; //名称 @JSONField(name = "sale_price") private Long salePrice; //销售价格 @JSONField(name = "enabled") private Integer enabled; //是否启用 @JSONField(name = "brand_name") private String brandName; //品牌名称 @JSONField(name = "market_price") private Long marketPrice; //市场价格 @JSONField(serialize = false) private int realSkuQt = 0; //真实SKU数量 @JSONField(serialize = false) private String digit; //数据MD5(不含id和uptime计算所得) @JSONField(serialize = false) private java.util.Date uptime; //更新时间 @JSONField(name = "skus") private ListgoodsSkuList; @JSONField(serialize = false) private Opt opt = Opt.DO_NOTHING; private static Pattern pnv = Pattern.compile("(.+):(.+)"); public static SerializeFilter[] serializeFilters = new SerializeFilter[]{ new ValueFilter() { @Override public Object process(Object object, String name, Object value) { if (object instanceof JstJobGoods) { JstJobGoods goods = (JstJobGoods) object; if (name.equals("sale_price")) return numberFormat2((long) value / 100); if (name.equals("market_price")) return numberFormat2((long) value / 100); } else if (object instanceof JstJobGoodsSku) { JstJobGoodsSku sku = (JstJobGoodsSku) object; if (name.equals("sale_price")) return numberFormat2((long) value / 100); if (name.equals("market_price")) return numberFormat2((long) value / 100); } return value; } }, new BeforeFilter() { @Override public void writeBefore(Object object) { //尺码:22,颜色:黑色 if (object instanceof JstJobGoods) { JstJobGoods goods = (JstJobGoods) object; goods.setDigit(goods.getDigit()); } else if (object instanceof JstJobGoodsSku) { JstJobGoodsSku sku = (JstJobGoodsSku) object; sku.setDigit(sku.getDigit()); String properties = sku.getProperties(); if (properties == null || properties.trim().length() == 0) return; String[] nvs = properties.split(","); StringBuffer propertiesNames = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer propertiesValues = new StringBuffer(); for (String nv : nvs) { Matcher m = pnv.matcher(nv); if (m.find()) { propertiesNames.append(','); propertiesValues.append(','); } } wipeEndSeparator(propertiesNames, ','); wipeEndSeparator(propertiesValues, ','); sku.setPropertiesName(propertiesNames.toString()); sku.setPropertiesValue(propertiesValues.toString()); } } private void wipeEndSeparator(StringBuffer sb, char separator) { if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == separator) sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); } } }; //getter and setter...
public static Double numberFormat2(double value) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); df.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.DOWN); return Double.parseDouble(df.format(value)); } String req = JSON.toJSONString(needSynGoodsList, JstJobGoods.serializeFilters, SerializerFeature.PrettyFormat, SerializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue);
[ { "brand_name":"", "enabled":1, "i_id":1174, "market_price":188.0, "name":"皮豆豆6620真皮战斗短靴大棉", "sale_price":158.0, "shop_i_id":"1174_001", "shop_id":"10039844", "skus":[ { "brand_name":"", "color":"", "enabled":1, "market_price":188.0, "name":"皮豆豆6620真皮战斗短靴大棉", "pic":"", "pic_big":"", "properties_name":"尺码,颜色", "properties_value":"21,红色", "sale_price":158.0, "shop_sku_id":"v_1572_001", "sku_id":"r_1572" }, { "brand_name":"", "color":"", "enabled":1, "market_price":188.0, "name":"皮豆豆6620真皮战斗短靴大棉", "pic":"", "pic_big":"", "properties_name":"尺码,颜色", "properties_value":"21,黑色", "sale_price":158.0, "shop_sku_id":"v_1573_001", "sku_id":"r_1573" } ] } ] {"code":0,"issuccess":true,"msg":null}
import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class FastJSONTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Foo f0 = new Foo("asan", 1100,24); System.out.println("原始的Foo:\n"+f0); String json1 = JSON.toJSONString(f0, new ValueFilter() { @Override public Object process(Object object, String name, Object value) { switch (name){ case "_val": return (Integer) value / 10; case "age": return (Integer) value +1; default: return value; } } }); System.out.println("第1次序列化后的Foo:\n"+f0); System.out.println(">>>JSON1"+json1); List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(f0); String json2 = JSON.toJSONString(f0,new SerializeFilter[]{ new BeforeFilter() { @Override public void writeBefore(Object object) { if(!(object instanceof Foo))return; Foo f = (Foo)object; f.setName(f.getName()+"++"); f.setAge(f.getAge()+100); } }, new AfterFilter() { @Override public void writeAfter(Object object) { // if(!(object instanceof Foo))return; // Foo f = (Foo)object; // f.setName(f.getName().substring(0,f.getName().length()-2)); // f.setAge(f.getAge()-100); } } }); System.out.println("第2次序列化后的Foo:\n"+f0); System.out.println(">>>JSON2"+json2); } } class Foo { private String name; @JSONField(name = "_val",serialize = true) private int val; private int age; public Foo(String name, int val, int age) { = name; this.val = val; this.age = age; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public int getVal() { return val; } public void setVal(int val) { this.val = val; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } @Override public String toString() { return "Foo{" + "name='" + name + '\'' + ", val=" + val + ", age=" + age + '}'; } }
原始的Foo: Foo{name='asan', val=1100, age=24} 第1次序列化后的Foo: Foo{name='asan', val=1100, age=24} >>>JSON1{"_val":110,"age":25,"name":"asan"} 第2次序列化后的Foo: Foo{name='asan++', val=1100, age=124} >>>JSON2{"_val":1100,"age":124,"name":"asan++"} Process finished with exit code 0
fastjson SerializerFeature详解