




 * We have several execution strategies for Portals, depending on what
 * query or queries are to be executed.  (Note: in all cases, a Portal
 * executes just a single source-SQL query, and thus produces just a
 * single result from the user's viewpoint.  However, the rule rewriter
 * may expand the single source query to zero or many actual queries.)
 * 对于Portals(客户端请求),有几种执行策略,具体取决于要执行什么查询。
 * (注意:无论什么情况下,一个Portal只执行一个source-SQL查询,因此从用户的角度来看只产生一个结果。
 * 但是,规则重写器可以将单个源查询扩展为零或多个实际查询。
 * PORTAL_ONE_SELECT: the portal contains one single SELECT query.  We run
 * the Executor incrementally as results are demanded.  This strategy also
 * supports holdable cursors (the Executor results can be dumped into a
 * tuplestore for access after transaction completion).
 *                    按需要的结果重复(递增)地运行执行器。
 *                    该策略还支持可持有游标(执行器结果可以在事务完成后转储到tuplestore中进行访问)。
 * PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING: the portal contains a single INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
 * query with a RETURNING clause (plus possibly auxiliary queries added by
 * rule rewriting).  On first execution, we run the portal to completion
 * and dump the primary query's results into the portal tuplestore; the
 * results are then returned to the client as demanded.  (We can't support
 * suspension of the query partway through, because the AFTER TRIGGER code
 * can't cope, and also because we don't want to risk failing to execute
 * all the auxiliary queries.)
 *                       在第一次执行时,运行Portal来完成并将主查询的结果转储到Portal的tuplestore中;
 *                       然后根据需要将结果返回给客户端。
 *                       (我们不能支持半途中断的查询,因为AFTER触发器代码无法处理,
 *                       也因为不想冒执行所有辅助查询失败的风险)。
 * PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH: the portal contains one single SELECT query, but
 * it has data-modifying CTEs.  This is currently treated the same as the
 * PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING case because of the possibility of needing to fire
 * triggers.  It may act more like PORTAL_ONE_SELECT in future.
 * PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH: 只包含一个SELECT查询,但它具有数据修改的CTEs。
 *                      这与PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING的情况相同,因为可能需要触发触发器。将来它的行为可能更像PORTAL_ONE_SELECT。
 * PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT: the portal contains a utility statement that returns
 * a SELECT-like result (for example, EXPLAIN or SHOW).  On first execution,
 * we run the statement and dump its results into the portal tuplestore;
 * the results are then returned to the client as demanded.
 * PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT: 包含一个实用程序语句,该语句返回一个类似SELECT的结果(例如,EXPLAIN或SHOW)。
 *                     在第一次执行时,运行语句并将其结果转储到portal tuplestore;然后根据需要将结果返回给客户端。
 * PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY: all other cases.  Here, we do not support partial
 * execution: the portal's queries will be run to completion on first call.
 * PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY: 除上述情况外的其他情况。
 *                     在这里,不支持部分执行:Portal的查询语句将在第一次调用时运行到完成。
typedef enum PortalStrategy
} PortalStrategy;

 * A portal is always in one of these states.  It is possible to transit
 * from ACTIVE back to READY if the query is not run to completion;
 * otherwise we never back up in status.
 * Portal总是处于这些状态中的之一。
 * 如果查询没有运行到完成,则可以从活动状态转回准备状态;否则永远不会后退。
typedef enum PortalStatus
    PORTAL_NEW,                 /* 刚创建;freshly created */
    PORTAL_DEFINED,             /* PortalDefineQuery完成;PortalDefineQuery done */
    PORTAL_READY,               /* PortalStart完成;PortalStart complete, can run it */
    PORTAL_ACTIVE,              /* Portal正在运行;portal is running (can't delete it) */
    PORTAL_DONE,                /* Portal已经完成;portal is finished (don't re-run it) */
    PORTAL_FAILED               /* Portal出现错误;portal got error (can't re-run it) */
} PortalStatus;

typedef struct PortalData *Portal;//结构体指针

typedef struct PortalData
    /* Bookkeeping data */
    const char *name;           /* portal的名称;portal's name */
    const char *prepStmtName;   /* 已完成准备的源语句;source prepared statement (NULL if none) */
    MemoryContext portalContext;    /* 内存上下文;subsidiary memory for portal */
    ResourceOwner resowner;     /* 资源的owner;resources owned by portal */
    void        (*cleanup) (Portal portal); /* cleanup钩子函数;cleanup hook */

     * State data for remembering which subtransaction(s) the portal was
     * created or used in.  If the portal is held over from a previous
     * transaction, both subxids are InvalidSubTransactionId.  Otherwise,
     * createSubid is the creating subxact and activeSubid is the last subxact
     * in which we ran the portal.
     * 状态数据,用于记住在哪个子事务中创建或使用Portal。
     * 如果Portal是从以前的事务中持有的,那么两个subxids都应该是InvalidSubTransactionId。
     * 否则,createSubid是正在创建的subxact,而activeSubid是运行Portal的最后一个subxact。
    SubTransactionId createSubid;   /* 正在创建的subxact;the creating subxact */
    SubTransactionId activeSubid;   /* 活动的最后一个subxact;the last subxact with activity */

    /* The query or queries the portal will execute */
    const char *sourceText;     /* 查询的源文本;text of query (as of 8.4, never NULL) */
    const char *commandTag;     /* 源查询的命令tag;command tag for original query */
    List       *stmts;          /* PlannedStmt链表;list of PlannedStmts */
    CachedPlan *cplan;          /* 缓存的PlannedStmts;CachedPlan, if stmts are from one */

    ParamListInfo portalParams; /* 传递给查询的参数;params to pass to query */
    QueryEnvironment *queryEnv; /* 查询的执行环境;environment for query */

    /* Features/options */
    PortalStrategy strategy;    /* 场景;see above */
    int         cursorOptions;  /* DECLARE CURSOR选项位;DECLARE CURSOR option bits */
    bool        run_once;       /* 是否只执行一次;portal will only be run once */

    /* Status data */
    PortalStatus status;        /* Portal的状态;see above */
    bool        portalPinned;   /* 是否不能被清除;a pinned portal can't be dropped */
    bool        autoHeld;       /* 是否自动从pinned到held;was automatically converted from pinned to
                                 * held (see HoldPinnedPortals()) */

    /* If not NULL, Executor is active; call ExecutorEnd eventually: */
    QueryDesc  *queryDesc;      /* 执行器需要使用的信息;info needed for executor invocation */

    /* If portal returns tuples, this is their tupdesc: */
    TupleDesc   tupDesc;        /* 结果元组的描述;descriptor for result tuples */
    /* and these are the format codes to use for the columns: */
    int16      *formats;        /* 每一列的格式码;a format code for each column */

     * Where we store tuples for a held cursor or a PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING or
     * PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT query.  (A cursor held past the end of its
     * transaction no longer has any active executor state.)
     * (在事务结束后持有的游标不再具有任何活动执行器状态。)
    Tuplestorestate *holdStore; /* 存储持有的游标信息;store for holdable cursors */
    MemoryContext holdContext;  /* 持有holdStore的内存上下文;memory containing holdStore */

     * Snapshot under which tuples in the holdStore were read.  We must keep a
     * reference to this snapshot if there is any possibility that the tuples
     * contain TOAST references, because releasing the snapshot could allow
     * recently-dead rows to be vacuumed away, along with any toast data
     * belonging to them.  In the case of a held cursor, we avoid needing to
     * keep such a snapshot by forcibly detoasting the data.
     * 读取holdStore中元组的Snapshot。
     * 如果元组包含TOAST引用的可能性存在,那么必须保持对该快照的引用,
     * 因为释放快照可能会使最近废弃的行与属于它们的TOAST数据一起被清除。
     * 对于持有的游标,通过强制解压数据来避免需要保留这样的快照。
    Snapshot    holdSnapshot;   /* 已注册的快照信息,如无则为NULL;registered snapshot, or NULL if none */

     * atStart, atEnd and portalPos indicate the current cursor position.
     * portalPos is zero before the first row, N after fetching N'th row of
     * query.  After we run off the end, portalPos = # of rows in query, and
     * atEnd is true.  Note that atStart implies portalPos == 0, but not the
     * reverse: we might have backed up only as far as the first row, not to
     * the start.  Also note that various code inspects atStart and atEnd, but
     * only the portal movement routines should touch portalPos.
     * atStart、atEnd和portalPos表示当前光标的位置。
     * portalPos在第一行之前为0,在获取第N行查询后为N。
     * 在运行结束后,portalPos = #查询中的行号,atEnd为T。
     * 注意,atStart表示portalPos == 0,但不是相反:我们可能只回到到第一行,而不是开始。
     * 还要注意,各种代码在开始和结束时都要检查,但是只有Portal移动例程应该访问portalPos。
    bool        atStart;//处于开始位置?
    bool        atEnd;//处于结束位置?
    uint64      portalPos;//实际行号

    /* Presentation data, primarily used by the pg_cursors system view */
    TimestampTz creation_time;  /* portal定义的时间;time at which this portal was defined */
    bool        visible;        /* 是否在pg_cursors中可见? include this portal in pg_cursors? */
}           PortalData;

 * PortalIsValid
 *      True iff portal is valid.
 *      判断Portal是否有效
#define PortalIsValid(p) PointerIsValid(p)


/* ----------------
 *      query descriptor:
 *  a QueryDesc encapsulates everything that the executor
 *  needs to execute the query.
 *  QueryDesc封装了执行器执行查询所需的所有内容。
 *  For the convenience of SQL-language functions, we also support QueryDescs
 *  containing utility statements; these must not be passed to the executor
 *  however.
 *  为了使用SQL函数,还需要支持包含实用语句的QueryDescs;
 *  但是,这些内容不能传递给执行程序。
 * ---------------------
typedef struct QueryDesc
    /* These fields are provided by CreateQueryDesc */
    CmdType     operation;      /* 操作类型,如CMD_SELECT等;CMD_SELECT, CMD_UPDATE, etc. */
    PlannedStmt *plannedstmt;   /* 已规划的语句,规划器的输出;planner's output (could be utility, too) */
    const char *sourceText;     /* 源SQL文本;source text of the query */
    Snapshot    snapshot;       /* 查询使用的快照;snapshot to use for query */
    Snapshot    crosscheck_snapshot;    /* RI 更新/删除交叉检查快照;crosscheck for RI update/delete */
    DestReceiver *dest;         /* 元组输出的接收器;the destination for tuple output */
    ParamListInfo params;       /* 需传入的参数值;param values being passed in */
    QueryEnvironment *queryEnv; /* 查询环境变量;query environment passed in */
    int         instrument_options; /* InstrumentOption选项;OR of InstrumentOption flags */

    /* These fields are set by ExecutorStart */
    TupleDesc   tupDesc;        /* 结果元组tuples描述;descriptor for result tuples */
    EState     *estate;         /* 执行器状态;executor's query-wide state */
    PlanState  *planstate;      /* per-plan-node状态树;tree of per-plan-node state */

    /* This field is set by ExecutorRun */
    bool        already_executed;   /* 先前已执行,则为T;true if previously executed */

    /* This is always set NULL by the core system, but plugins can change it */
    struct Instrumentation *totaltime;  /* ExecutorRun函数所花费的时间;total time spent in ExecutorRun */
} QueryDesc;



 * PortalStart
 *      Prepare a portal for execution.
 *      执行前初始化portal结构体中的相关信息
 * Caller must already have created the portal, done PortalDefineQuery(),
 * and adjusted portal options if needed.
 * 调用者必须已经创建了portal,完成PortalDefineQuery()函数的调用,并且已经调整了portal中的相关选项
 * If parameters are needed by the query, they must be passed in "params"
 * (caller is responsible for giving them appropriate lifetime).
 * 如果查询需要提供参数,通过"params"参数传入
 * (调用者负责参数的生命周期管理)
 * The caller can also provide an initial set of "eflags" to be passed to
 * ExecutorStart (but note these can be modified internally, and they are
 * currently only honored for PORTAL_ONE_SELECT portals).  Most callers
 * should simply pass zero.
 * 调用者需要提供"eflags"变量的初始化集合,该参数用于传递给函数ExecutorStart
 * (要注意eflags可以在内部修改,它们目前只在PORTAL_ONE_SELECT中才会被使用)
 * 大多数的调用者只应该传递参数0
 * The caller can optionally pass a snapshot to be used; pass InvalidSnapshot
 * for the normal behavior of setting a new snapshot.  This parameter is
 * presently ignored for non-PORTAL_ONE_SELECT portals (it's only intended
 * to be used for cursors).
 * 调用者可以选择传递要使用的快照;为设置新快照的正常行为传递InvalidSnapshot。
 * 这个参数目前仅用于PORTAL_ONE_SELECT使用(用于游标)。
 * On return, portal is ready to accept PortalRun() calls, and the result
 * tupdesc (if any) is known.
 * 该函数返回时,portal已做好接收PortalRun()调用返回的准备,结果tupdesc是已知的.
PortalStart(Portal portal, ParamListInfo params,
            int eflags, Snapshot snapshot)
    Portal      saveActivePortal;
    ResourceOwner saveResourceOwner;
    MemoryContext savePortalContext;
    MemoryContext oldContext;
    QueryDesc  *queryDesc;
    int         myeflags;

    AssertState(portal->status == PORTAL_DEFINED);

     * Set up global portal context pointers.
     * 设置全局portal上下文指针
    saveActivePortal = ActivePortal;
    saveResourceOwner = CurrentResourceOwner;
    savePortalContext = PortalContext;
        ActivePortal = portal;
        if (portal->resowner)
            CurrentResourceOwner = portal->resowner;
        PortalContext = portal->portalContext;

        oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(PortalContext);

        /* Must remember portal param list, if any */
        portal->portalParams = params;

         * Determine the portal execution strategy
         * 确定portal执行场景
        portal->strategy = ChoosePortalStrategy(portal->stmts);

         * Fire her up according to the strategy
         * 根据场景触发相应的处理
        switch (portal->strategy)

                /* Must set snapshot before starting executor. */
                if (snapshot)

                 * Create QueryDesc in portal's context; for the moment, set
                 * the destination to DestNone.
                 * 在portal上下文中创建QueryDesc,同时设置接收的目标为DestNone
                queryDesc = CreateQueryDesc(linitial_node(PlannedStmt, portal->stmts),

                 * If it's a scrollable cursor, executor needs to support
                 * REWIND and backwards scan, as well as whatever the caller
                 * might've asked for.
                 * 游标可滚动,执行器需要支持REWIND和向后的扫描
                if (portal->cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL)
                    myeflags = eflags | EXEC_FLAG_REWIND | EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD;
                    myeflags = eflags;

                 * Call ExecutorStart to prepare the plan for execution
                 * 调用ExecutorStart,为执行做准备
                ExecutorStart(queryDesc, myeflags);

                 * This tells PortalCleanup to shut down the executor
                 * 告知PortalCleanup关闭执行器
                portal->queryDesc = queryDesc;

                 * Remember tuple descriptor (computed by ExecutorStart)
                 * 记录tuple描述符(queryDesc->tupDesc)
                portal->tupDesc = queryDesc->tupDesc;

                 * Reset cursor position data to "start of query"
                 * 重置游标位置数据为"开始查询"
                portal->atStart = true;//开始的位置
                portal->atEnd = false;  /* 允许可获取数据;allow fetches */
                portal->portalPos = 0;//游标位置


            case PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING:
            case PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH:

                 * We don't start the executor until we are told to run the
                 * portal.  We do need to set up the result tupdesc.
                 * 执行器在调用的时候才会启动,需要配置结果tupdesc.
                    PlannedStmt *pstmt;

                    pstmt = PortalGetPrimaryStmt(portal);//获取主stmt
                    portal->tupDesc =

                 * Reset cursor position data to "start of query"
                 * 重置游标位置
                portal->atStart = true;
                portal->atEnd = false;  /* allow fetches */
                portal->portalPos = 0;


                 * We don't set snapshot here, because PortalRunUtility will
                 * take care of it if needed.
                    PlannedStmt *pstmt = PortalGetPrimaryStmt(portal);

                    Assert(pstmt->commandType == CMD_UTILITY);
                    portal->tupDesc = UtilityTupleDescriptor(pstmt->utilityStmt);

                 * Reset cursor position data to "start of query"
                portal->atStart = true;
                portal->atEnd = false;  /* allow fetches */
                portal->portalPos = 0;

                /* Need do nothing now */
                portal->tupDesc = NULL;
        /* Uncaught error while executing portal: mark it dead */

        /* Restore global vars and propagate error */
        ActivePortal = saveActivePortal;
        CurrentResourceOwner = saveResourceOwner;
        PortalContext = savePortalContext;



    ActivePortal = saveActivePortal;
    CurrentResourceOwner = saveResourceOwner;
    PortalContext = savePortalContext;

    portal->status = PORTAL_READY;

 * ChoosePortalStrategy
 *      Select portal execution strategy given the intended statement list.
 *      根据预期的语句链表选择portal执行策略。
 * The list elements can be Querys or PlannedStmts.
 * That's more general than portals need, but plancache.c uses this too.
 * 链表中的元素可以是Query或者是PlannedStmt.
 * 这比portal需要的更普遍,plancache.c也用这个。
 * See the comments in portal.h.
 * 参见portal.h中的注释.
ChoosePortalStrategy(List *stmts)
    int         nSetTag;
    ListCell   *lc;

     * PORTAL_ONE_SELECT and PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT need only consider the
     * single-statement case, since there are no rewrite rules that can add
     * auxiliary queries to a SELECT or a utility command. PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH
     * likewise allows only one top-level statement.
     * 因为没有可以向SELECT或实用程序命令添加辅助查询的重写规则。
     * PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH同样只允许一个最上层语句。
    if (list_length(stmts) == 1)//只有1条语句
        Node       *stmt = (Node *) linitial(stmts);//获取stmt

        if (IsA(stmt, Query))//Query
            Query      *query = (Query *) stmt;

            if (query->canSetTag)
                if (query->commandType == CMD_SELECT)//查询命令
                    if (query->hasModifyingCTE)
                        return PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH;//存在可更新的CTE-->PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH
                        return PORTAL_ONE_SELECT;//单个查询语句
                if (query->commandType == CMD_UTILITY)//工具语句
                    if (UtilityReturnsTuples(query->utilityStmt))//返回元组
                        return PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT;//PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT
                    /* it can't be ONE_RETURNING, so give up */
                    return PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY;//返回PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY
        else if (IsA(stmt, PlannedStmt))//PlannedStmt,参见Query处理逻辑
            PlannedStmt *pstmt = (PlannedStmt *) stmt;

            if (pstmt->canSetTag)
                if (pstmt->commandType == CMD_SELECT)
                    if (pstmt->hasModifyingCTE)
                        return PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH;
                        return PORTAL_ONE_SELECT;
                if (pstmt->commandType == CMD_UTILITY)
                    if (UtilityReturnsTuples(pstmt->utilityStmt))
                        return PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT;
                    /* it can't be ONE_RETURNING, so give up */
                    return PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY;
            elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(stmt));

     * PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING has to allow auxiliary queries added by rewrite.
     * Choose PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING if there is exactly one canSetTag query and
     * it has a RETURNING list.
     * PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING必须允许通过重写添加辅助查询。
     * 如果只有一个canSetTag查询,并且它有一个RETURNING链表,那么选择PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING。
    nSetTag = 0;
    foreach(lc, stmts)//遍历
        Node       *stmt = (Node *) lfirst(lc);

        if (IsA(stmt, Query))
            Query      *query = (Query *) stmt;

            if (query->canSetTag)
                if (++nSetTag > 1)
                    return PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY;  /* no need to look further */
                if (query->commandType == CMD_UTILITY ||
                    query->returningList == NIL)
                    return PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY;  /* no need to look further */
        else if (IsA(stmt, PlannedStmt))
            PlannedStmt *pstmt = (PlannedStmt *) stmt;

            if (pstmt->canSetTag)
                if (++nSetTag > 1)
                    return PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY;  /* no need to look further */
                if (pstmt->commandType == CMD_UTILITY ||
                    return PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY;  /* no need to look further */
            elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(stmt));
    if (nSetTag == 1)
        return PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING;

    /* Else, it's the general case... */

 * CreateQueryDesc
 * 构造QueryDesc结构体
QueryDesc *
CreateQueryDesc(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt,
                const char *sourceText,
                Snapshot snapshot,
                Snapshot crosscheck_snapshot,
                DestReceiver *dest,
                ParamListInfo params,
                QueryEnvironment *queryEnv,
                int instrument_options)
    QueryDesc  *qd = (QueryDesc *) palloc(sizeof(QueryDesc));

    qd->operation = plannedstmt->commandType;   /* 操作类型;operation */
    qd->plannedstmt = plannedstmt;  /* 已规划的SQL语句;plan */
    qd->sourceText = sourceText;    /* 源SQL文本;query text */
    qd->snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(snapshot);  /* 快照;snapshot */
    /* RI check snapshot */
    qd->crosscheck_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(crosscheck_snapshot);
    qd->dest = dest;            /* 输出的目标端;output dest */
    qd->params = params;        /* 传入到查询语句中的参数值;parameter values passed into query */
    qd->queryEnv = queryEnv;    //查询环境变量
    qd->instrument_options = instrument_options;    /* 是否需要instrumentation;instrumentation wanted? */

    /* null these fields until set by ExecutorStart */
    qd->tupDesc = NULL;//初始化为NULL
    qd->estate = NULL;
    qd->planstate = NULL;
    qd->totaltime = NULL;

    /* not yet executed */
    qd->already_executed = false;//未执行

    return qd;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *      ExecutorStart
 *      This routine must be called at the beginning of any execution of any
 *      query plan
 *      ExecutorStart必须在执行开始前调用.
 * Takes a QueryDesc previously created by CreateQueryDesc (which is separate
 * only because some places use QueryDescs for utility commands).  The tupDesc
 * field of the QueryDesc is filled in to describe the tuples that will be
 * returned, and the internal fields (estate and planstate) are set up.
 * 获取先前由CreateQueryDesc创建的QueryDesc(该数据结构是独立的,只是因为有些地方使用QueryDesc来执行实用命令)。
 * 填充QueryDesc的tupDesc字段,以描述将要返回的元组,并设置内部字段(estate和planstate)。
 * eflags contains flag bits as described in executor.h.
 * eflags存储标志位(在executor.h中有说明)
 * NB: the CurrentMemoryContext when this is called will become the parent
 * of the per-query context used for this Executor invocation.
 * 注意:CurrentMemoryContext会成为每个执行查询的上下文的parent
 * We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins
 * get control when ExecutorStart is called.  Such a plugin would
 * normally call standard_ExecutorStart().
 * 我们提供了一个函数钩子变量,可以让可加载插件在调用ExecutorStart时获得控制权。
 * 这样的插件通常会调用standard_ExecutorStart()函数。
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
    if (ExecutorStart_hook)//存在钩子函数
        (*ExecutorStart_hook) (queryDesc, eflags);
        standard_ExecutorStart(queryDesc, eflags);

standard_ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
    EState     *estate;
    MemoryContext oldcontext;

    /* sanity checks: queryDesc must not be started already */
    Assert(queryDesc != NULL);
    Assert(queryDesc->estate == NULL);

     * If the transaction is read-only, we need to check if any writes are
     * planned to non-temporary tables.  EXPLAIN is considered read-only.
     * 如果事务是只读的,需要检查是否计划对非临时表进行写操作。
     * EXPLAIN命令被认为是只读的。
     * Don't allow writes in parallel mode.  Supporting UPDATE and DELETE
     * would require (a) storing the combocid hash in shared memory, rather
     * than synchronizing it just once at the start of parallelism, and (b) an
     * alternative to heap_update()'s reliance on xmax for mutual exclusion.
     * INSERT may have no such troubles, but we forbid it to simplify the
     * checks.
     * 不要在并行模式下写。
     * 支持更新和删除需要:
     *   (a)在共享内存中存储combocid散列,而不是在并行性开始时只同步一次;
     *   (b) heap_update()依赖xmax实现互斥的替代方法。
     * INSERT可能没有这样的麻烦,但我们禁止它简化检查。
     * We have lower-level defenses in CommandCounterIncrement and elsewhere
     * against performing unsafe operations in parallel mode, but this gives a
     * more user-friendly error message.
     * 在CommandCounterIncrement和其他地方,对于在并行模式下执行不安全的操作,
     * PG有较低级别的防御,这里提供了更用户友好的错误消息。
    if ((XactReadOnly || IsInParallelMode()) &&
        !(eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY))

     * Build EState, switch into per-query memory context for startup.
     * 构建EState,切换至每个查询的上下文中,准备开启执行
    estate = CreateExecutorState();
    queryDesc->estate = estate;

    oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);

     * Fill in external parameters, if any, from queryDesc; and allocate
     * workspace for internal parameters
     * 填充queryDesc的外部参数(如有);并为内部参数分配工作区
    estate->es_param_list_info = queryDesc->params;

    if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes != NIL)
        int         nParamExec;

        nParamExec = list_length(queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes);
        estate->es_param_exec_vals = (ParamExecData *)
            palloc0(nParamExec * sizeof(ParamExecData));

    estate->es_sourceText = queryDesc->sourceText;

     * Fill in the query environment, if any, from queryDesc.
     * 填充查询执行环境,从queryDesc中获得
    estate->es_queryEnv = queryDesc->queryEnv;

     * If non-read-only query, set the command ID to mark output tuples with
     * 非只读查询,设置命令ID
    switch (queryDesc->operation)
        case CMD_SELECT:

             * SELECT FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE and modifying CTEs need to mark
             * tuples
             * SELECT FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE和正在更新的CTEs需要标记元组
            if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->rowMarks != NIL ||
                estate->es_output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);

             * A SELECT without modifying CTEs can't possibly queue triggers,
             * so force skip-triggers mode. This is just a marginal efficiency
             * hack, since AfterTriggerBeginQuery/AfterTriggerEndQuery aren't
             * all that expensive, but we might as well do it.
             * 不带更新CTEs的SELECT不可能执行触发器,因此强制为EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS标记.
             * 这只是一个边际效益问题,因为AfterTriggerBeginQuery/AfterTriggerEndQuery成本并不高,但不妨这样做。
            if (!queryDesc->plannedstmt->hasModifyingCTE)
                eflags |= EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS;

        case CMD_INSERT:
        case CMD_DELETE:
        case CMD_UPDATE:
            estate->es_output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);

            elog(ERROR, "unrecognized operation code: %d",
                 (int) queryDesc->operation);

     * Copy other important information into the EState
     * 拷贝其他重要的信息到EState数据结构中
    estate->es_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(queryDesc->snapshot);
    estate->es_crosscheck_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(queryDesc->crosscheck_snapshot);
    estate->es_top_eflags = eflags;
    estate->es_instrument = queryDesc->instrument_options;
    estate->es_jit_flags = queryDesc->plannedstmt->jitFlags;

     * Set up an AFTER-trigger statement context, unless told not to, or
     * unless it's EXPLAIN-only mode (when ExecutorFinish won't be called).
     * 设置AFTER-trigger语句上下文,除非明确不需要执行此操作或者是EXPLAIN-only模式

     * Initialize the plan state tree
     * 初始化计划状态树
    InitPlan(queryDesc, eflags);




testdb=# explain select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny, 
testdb-# from t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny, 
testdb(#                         from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf 
testdb(#                                        on gr.dwbh = dw.dwbh 
testdb(#                                           and gr.grbh = jf.grbh) grjf
testdb-# order by dw.dwbh;
                                        QUERY PLAN                                        
 Sort  (cost=20070.93..20320.93 rows=100000 width=47)
   Sort Key: dw.dwbh
   ->  Hash Join  (cost=3754.00..8689.61 rows=100000 width=47)
         Hash Cond: ((gr.dwbh)::text = (dw.dwbh)::text)
         ->  Hash Join  (cost=3465.00..8138.00 rows=100000 width=31)
               Hash Cond: ((jf.grbh)::text = (gr.grbh)::text)
               ->  Seq Scan on t_jfxx jf  (cost=0.00..1637.00 rows=100000 width=20)
               ->  Hash  (cost=1726.00..1726.00 rows=100000 width=16)
                     ->  Seq Scan on t_grxx gr  (cost=0.00..1726.00 rows=100000 width=16)
         ->  Hash  (cost=164.00..164.00 rows=10000 width=20)
               ->  Seq Scan on t_dwxx dw  (cost=0.00..164.00 rows=10000 width=20)
(11 rows)


(gdb) b PortalStart
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8cb67b: file pquery.c, line 455.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, PortalStart (portal=0x25cd468, params=0x0, eflags=0, snapshot=0x0) at pquery.c:455
455     AssertArg(PortalIsValid(portal));


455     AssertArg(PortalIsValid(portal));
(gdb) n
456     AssertState(portal->status == PORTAL_DEFINED);
461     saveActivePortal = ActivePortal;
462     saveResourceOwner = CurrentResourceOwner;
463     savePortalContext = PortalContext;


466         ActivePortal = portal;
467         if (portal->resowner)
468             CurrentResourceOwner = portal->resowner;
469         PortalContext = portal->portalContext;
471         oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(PortalContext);
474         portal->portalParams = params;


(gdb) p portal->strategy


489                 if (snapshot)
492                     PushActiveSnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());


498                 queryDesc = CreateQueryDesc(linitial_node(PlannedStmt, portal->stmts),


(gdb) n
512                 if (portal->cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL)
(gdb) p *queryDesc
$2 = {operation = CMD_SELECT, plannedstmt = 0x2650df0, 
  sourceText = 0x2567eb8 "select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny, \nfrom t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny, \n", ' ' , "from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf \n", ' ' ..., 
  snapshot = 0x260ce10, crosscheck_snapshot = 0x0, dest = 0xf8f280 , params = 0x0, queryEnv = 0x0, 
  instrument_options = 0, tupDesc = 0x0, estate = 0x0, planstate = 0x0, already_executed = false, totaltime = 0x0}


(gdb) n
515                     myeflags = eflags;
(gdb) p eflags
$3 = 0


(gdb) n
147         standard_ExecutorStart(queryDesc, eflags);
(gdb) step
standard_ExecutorStart (queryDesc=0x2657f68, eflags=0) at execMain.c:157
157     Assert(queryDesc != NULL);


157     Assert(queryDesc != NULL);
(gdb) n
158     Assert(queryDesc->estate == NULL);
175     if ((XactReadOnly || IsInParallelMode()) &&


182     estate = CreateExecutorState();
183     queryDesc->estate = estate;
(gdb) p *estate
$4 = {type = T_EState, es_direction = ForwardScanDirection, es_snapshot = 0x0, es_crosscheck_snapshot = 0x0, 
  es_range_table = 0x0, es_plannedstmt = 0x0, es_sourceText = 0x0, es_junkFilter = 0x0, es_output_cid = 0, 
  es_result_relations = 0x0, es_num_result_relations = 0, es_result_relation_info = 0x0, es_root_result_relations = 0x0, 
  es_num_root_result_relations = 0, es_tuple_routing_result_relations = 0x0, es_trig_target_relations = 0x0, 
  es_trig_tuple_slot = 0x0, es_trig_oldtup_slot = 0x0, es_trig_newtup_slot = 0x0, es_param_list_info = 0x0, 
  es_param_exec_vals = 0x0, es_queryEnv = 0x0, es_query_cxt = 0x2653e30, es_tupleTable = 0x0, es_rowMarks = 0x0, 
  es_processed = 0, es_lastoid = 0, es_top_eflags = 0, es_instrument = 0, es_finished = false, es_exprcontexts = 0x0, 
  es_subplanstates = 0x0, es_auxmodifytables = 0x0, es_per_tuple_exprcontext = 0x0, es_epqTuple = 0x0, 
  es_epqTupleSet = 0x0, es_epqScanDone = 0x0, es_use_parallel_mode = false, es_query_dsa = 0x0, es_jit_flags = 0, 
  es_jit = 0x0, es_jit_worker_instr = 0x0}


(gdb) n
185     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);
191     estate->es_param_list_info = queryDesc->params;
193     if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes != NIL)
202     estate->es_sourceText = queryDesc->sourceText;
207     estate->es_queryEnv = queryDesc->queryEnv;


212     switch (queryDesc->operation)
220             if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->rowMarks != NIL ||
(gdb) p queryDesc->operation
(gdb) n
221                 queryDesc->plannedstmt->hasModifyingCTE)
220             if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->rowMarks != NIL ||
230             if (!queryDesc->plannedstmt->hasModifyingCTE)
231                 eflags |= EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS;
232             break;


(gdb) n
249     estate->es_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(queryDesc->snapshot);
(gdb) p *queryDesc->snapshot
$6 = {satisfies = 0xa923ca , xmin = 1689, xmax = 1689, xip = 0x0, xcnt = 0, subxip = 0x0, 
  subxcnt = 0, suboverflowed = false, takenDuringRecovery = false, copied = true, curcid = 0, speculativeToken = 0, 
  active_count = 1, regd_count = 1, ph_node = {first_child = 0x0, next_sibling = 0x0, prev_or_parent = 0x0}, whenTaken = 0, 
  lsn = 0}


(gdb) n
250     estate->es_crosscheck_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(queryDesc->crosscheck_snapshot);
(gdb) p *queryDesc->crosscheck_snapshot
Cannot access memory at address 0x0
(gdb) n
251     estate->es_top_eflags = eflags;
252     estate->es_instrument = queryDesc->instrument_options;
253     estate->es_jit_flags = queryDesc->plannedstmt->jitFlags;


265     InitPlan(queryDesc, eflags);
267     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
268 }


(gdb) p *queryDesc
$7 = {operation = CMD_SELECT, plannedstmt = 0x2650df0, 
  sourceText = 0x2567eb8 "select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny, \nfrom t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny, \n", ' ' , "from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf \n", ' ' ..., 
  snapshot = 0x25e46c0, crosscheck_snapshot = 0x0, dest = 0xf8f280 , params = 0x0, queryEnv = 0x0, 
  instrument_options = 0, tupDesc = 0x2665058, estate = 0x2653f48, planstate = 0x2654160, already_executed = false, 
  totaltime = 0x0}
(gdb) p *estate
$8 = {type = T_EState, es_direction = ForwardScanDirection, es_snapshot = 0x25e46c0, es_crosscheck_snapshot = 0x0, 
  es_range_table = 0x264ec98, es_plannedstmt = 0x2650df0, 
  es_sourceText = 0x2567eb8 "select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny, \nfrom t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny, \n", ' ' , "from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf \n", ' ' ..., 
  es_junkFilter = 0x0, es_output_cid = 0, es_result_relations = 0x0, es_num_result_relations = 0, 
  es_result_relation_info = 0x0, es_root_result_relations = 0x0, es_num_root_result_relations = 0, 
  es_tuple_routing_result_relations = 0x0, es_trig_target_relations = 0x0, es_trig_tuple_slot = 0x0, 
  es_trig_oldtup_slot = 0x0, es_trig_newtup_slot = 0x0, es_param_list_info = 0x0, es_param_exec_vals = 0x0, 
  es_queryEnv = 0x0, es_query_cxt = 0x2653e30, es_tupleTable = 0x2654af8, es_rowMarks = 0x0, es_processed = 0, 
  es_lastoid = 0, es_top_eflags = 16, es_instrument = 0, es_finished = false, es_exprcontexts = 0x2654550, 
  es_subplanstates = 0x0, es_auxmodifytables = 0x0, es_per_tuple_exprcontext = 0x0, es_epqTuple = 0x0, 
  es_epqTupleSet = 0x0, es_epqScanDone = 0x0, es_use_parallel_mode = false, es_query_dsa = 0x0, es_jit_flags = 0, 
  es_jit = 0x0, es_jit_worker_instr = 0x0}


(gdb) n
ExecutorStart (queryDesc=0x2657f68, eflags=0) at execMain.c:148
148 }
(gdb) n
PortalStart (portal=0x25cd468, params=0x0, eflags=0, snapshot=0x0) at pquery.c:525
525                 portal->queryDesc = queryDesc;


525                 portal->queryDesc = queryDesc;
(gdb) n
530                 portal->tupDesc = queryDesc->tupDesc;
535                 portal->atStart = true;
536                 portal->atEnd = false;  /* allow fetches */
537                 portal->portalPos = 0;
539                 PopActiveSnapshot();
540                 break;


613     portal->status = PORTAL_READY;
614 }
exec_simple_query (
    query_string=0x2567eb8 "select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny, \nfrom t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny, \n", ' ' , "from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf \n", ' ' ...) at postgres.c:1091
warning: Source file is more recent than executable.
1091            format = 0;             /* TEXT is default */



PG Document:Query Planning
