/** * Observes, modifies, and potentially short-circuits requests going out and the corresponding * responses coming back in. Typically interceptors add, remove, or transform headers on the request * or response. */ public interface Interceptor { Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException; interface Chain { Request request(); Response proceed(Request request) throws IOException; /** * Returns the connection the request will be executed on. This is only available in the chains * of network interceptors; for application interceptors this is always null. */ @Nullable Connection connection(); } }
看一下Interceptor接口,只有intercept(Chain chain)方法,其返回值是Response,顾名思义,是响应数据,我们要做的也就是重写该方法以达到我们的目的。intercept(Chain chain)方法中有个Chain参数,Chain是Interceptor接口内部中定义的另一个接口,我们暂且不管Retrofit内部是如何实现该接口的(这部分内容将会在新的文章中统一讲解),现在只需要知道调用其request()方法可以拿到Request,调用其proceed(Request request)方法可以得到相应数据即可。
public class CommonInterceptor implements Interceptor { private static MapcommonParams; public synchronized static void setCommonParam(Map commonParams) { if (commonParams != null) { if (CommonInterceptor.commonParams != null) { CommonInterceptor.commonParams.clear(); } else { CommonInterceptor.commonParams = new HashMap<>(); } for (String paramKey : commonParams.keySet()) { CommonInterceptor.commonParams.put(paramKey, commonParams.get(paramKey)); } } } public synchronized static void updateOrInsertCommonParam(@NonNull String paramKey, @NonNull String paramValue) { if (commonParams == null) { commonParams = new HashMap<>(); } commonParams.put(paramKey, paramValue); } @Override public synchronized Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { Request request = rebuildRequest(chain.request()); Response response = chain.proceed(request); // 输出返回结果 try { Charset charset; charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); ResponseBody responseBody = response.peekBody(Long.MAX_VALUE); Reader jsonReader = new InputStreamReader(responseBody.byteStream(), charset); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(jsonReader); StringBuilder sbJson = new StringBuilder(); String line = reader.readLine(); do { sbJson.append(line); line = reader.readLine(); } while (line != null); LogUtil.e("response: " + sbJson.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LogUtil.e(e.getMessage(), e); } // saveCookies(response, request.url().toString()); return response; } public static byte[] toByteArray(RequestBody body) throws IOException { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); body.writeTo(buffer); InputStream inputStream = buffer.inputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] bufferWrite = new byte[4096]; int n; while (-1 != (n = inputStream.read(bufferWrite))) { output.write(bufferWrite, 0, n); } return output.toByteArray(); } private Request rebuildRequest(Request request) throws IOException { Request newRequest; if ("POST".equals(request.method())) { newRequest = rebuildPostRequest(request); } else if ("GET".equals(request.method())) { newRequest = rebuildGetRequest(request); } else { newRequest = request; } LogUtil.e("requestUrl: " + newRequest.url().toString()); return newRequest; } /** * 对post请求添加统一参数 */ private Request rebuildPostRequest(Request request) { // if (commonParams == null || commonParams.size() == 0) { // return request; // } Map signParams = new HashMap<>(); // 假设你的项目需要对参数进行签名 RequestBody originalRequestBody = request.body(); assert originalRequestBody != null; RequestBody newRequestBody; if (originalRequestBody instanceof FormBody) { // 传统表单 FormBody.Builder builder = new FormBody.Builder(); FormBody requestBody = (FormBody) request.body(); int fieldSize = requestBody == null ? 0 : requestBody.size(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++) { builder.add(requestBody.name(i), requestBody.value(i)); signParams.put(requestBody.name(i), requestBody.value(i)); } if (commonParams != null && commonParams.size() > 0) { signParams.putAll(commonParams); for (String paramKey : commonParams.keySet()) { builder.add(paramKey, commonParams.get(paramKey)); } } // ToDo 此处可对参数做签名处理 signParams /** * String sign = SignUtil.sign(signParams); * builder.add("sign", sign); */ newRequestBody = builder.build(); } else if (originalRequestBody instanceof MultipartBody) { // 文件 MultipartBody requestBody = (MultipartBody) request.body(); MultipartBody.Builder multipartBodybuilder = new MultipartBody.Builder(); if (requestBody != null) { for (int i = 0; i < requestBody.size(); i++) { MultipartBody.Part part = requestBody.part(i); multipartBodybuilder.addPart(part); /* 上传文件时,请求方法接收的参数类型为RequestBody或MultipartBody.Part参见ApiService文件中uploadFile方法 RequestBody作为普通参数载体,封装了普通参数的value; MultipartBody.Part即可作为普通参数载体也可作为文件参数载体 当RequestBody作为参数传入时,框架内部仍然会做相关处理,进一步封装成MultipartBody.Part,因此在拦截器内部, 拦截的参数都是MultipartBody.Part类型 */ /* 1.若MultipartBody.Part作为文件参数载体传入,则构造MultipartBody.Part实例时, 需使用MultipartBody.Part.createFormData(String name, @Nullable String filename, RequestBody body)方法, 其中name参数可作为key使用(因为你可能一次上传多个文件,服务端可以此作为区分)且不能为null, body参数封装了包括MimeType在内的文件信息,其实例创建方法为RequestBody.create(final @Nullable MediaType contentType, final File file) MediaType获取方式如下: String fileType = FileUtil.getMimeType(file.getAbsolutePath()); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse(fileType); 2.若MultipartBody.Part作为普通参数载体,建议使用MultipartBody.Part.createFormData(String name, String value)方法创建Part实例 name可作为key使用,name不能为null,通过这种方式创建的实例,其RequestBody属性的MediaType为null;当然也可以使用其他方法创建 */ /* 提取非文件参数时,以RequestBody的MediaType为判断依据. 此处提取方式简单暴力。默认part实例的RequestBody成员变量的MediaType为null时,part为非文件参数 前提是: a.构造RequestBody实例参数时,将MediaType设置为null b.构造MultipartBody.Part实例参数时,推荐使用MultipartBody.Part.createFormData(String name, String value)方法,或使用以下方法 b1.MultipartBody.Part.create(RequestBody body) b2.MultipartBody.Part.create(@Nullable Headers headers, RequestBody body) 若使用方法b1或b2,则要求 备注: 您也可根据需求修改RequestBody的MediaType,但尽量保持外部传入参数的MediaType与拦截器内部添加参数的MediaType一致,方便统一处理 */ MediaType mediaType = part.body().contentType(); if (mediaType == null) { String normalParamKey; String normalParamValue; try { normalParamValue = getParamContent(requestBody.part(i).body()); Headers headers = part.headers(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(normalParamValue) && headers != null) { for (String name : headers.names()) { String headerContent = headers.get(name); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(headerContent)) { String[] normalParamKeyContainer = headerContent.split("name=\""); if (normalParamKeyContainer.length == 2) { normalParamKey = normalParamKeyContainer[1].split("\"")[0]; signParams.put(normalParamKey, normalParamValue); break; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } if (commonParams != null && commonParams.size() > 0) { signParams.putAll(commonParams); for (String paramKey : commonParams.keySet()) { // 两种方式添加公共参数 // method 1 multipartBodybuilder.addFormDataPart(paramKey, commonParams.get(paramKey)); // method 2 // MultipartBody.Part part = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData(paramKey, commonParams.get(paramKey)); // multipartBodybuilder.addPart(part); } } // ToDo 此处可对参数做签名处理 signParams /** * String sign = SignUtil.sign(signParams); * multipartBodybuilder.addFormDataPart("sign", sign); */ newRequestBody = multipartBodybuilder.build(); } else { try { JSONObject jsonObject; if (originalRequestBody.contentLength() == 0) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); } else { jsonObject = new JSONObject(getParamContent(originalRequestBody)); } if (commonParams != null && commonParams.size() > 0) { for (String commonParamKey : commonParams.keySet()) { jsonObject.put(commonParamKey, commonParams.get(commonParamKey)); } } // ToDo 此处可对参数做签名处理 /** * String sign = SignUtil.sign(signParams); * jsonObject.put("sign", sign); */ newRequestBody = RequestBody.create(originalRequestBody.contentType(), jsonObject.toString()); LogUtil.e(getParamContent(newRequestBody)); } catch (Exception e) { newRequestBody = originalRequestBody; e.printStackTrace(); } } // 可根据需求添加或修改header,此处制作示意 // return request.newBuilder() // .addHeader("header1", "header1") // .addHeader("header2", "header2") // .method(request.method(), newRequestBody) // .build(); return request.newBuilder().method(request.method(), newRequestBody).build(); } /** * 获取常规post请求参数 */ private String getParamContent(RequestBody body) throws IOException { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); body.writeTo(buffer); return buffer.readUtf8(); } /** * 对get请求做统一参数处理 */ private Request rebuildGetRequest(Request request) { if (commonParams == null || commonParams.size() == 0) { return request; } String url = request.url().toString(); int separatorIndex = url.lastIndexOf("?"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(url); if (separatorIndex == -1) { sb.append("?"); } for (String commonParamKey : commonParams.keySet()) { sb.append("&").append(commonParamKey).append("=").append(commonParams.get(commonParamKey)); } Request.Builder requestBuilder = request.newBuilder(); return requestBuilder.url(sb.toString()).build(); } }
该拦截器示例代码提供了插入公共参数及对添加header功能(该功能在代码中被注释掉,如需要,放开即可)。对Request的拦截处理在rebuildRequest(Request request) 方法中完成,该方法只处理了GET与POST请求,内部有较为详尽的注释,较为复杂的是文件传输,有些需要注意的事项也做了尽可能完善的说明;对响应数据的处理,代码示例中只做了结果输出处理,仅仅做个示范。
完整示例: https://github.com/670832188/TestApp