这篇文章主要介绍Oracle Study在AIX环境下如何构建主机信任关系,文中介绍的非常详细,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们一定要看完!
在AIX环境下构建主机信任关系首选rsh,但在构建Oracle 11g RAC时需要ssh支持,以下文档介绍如何在AIX6.1下构建ssh的信任关系。
[root@aix209 ssh]#ls
OpenSSH_5.8.0.6102.tar.Z openssl- ssh.txt
解压后通过smit installs安装:
[root@aix209 ssh]#uncompress OpenSSH_5.8.0.6102.tar.Z
[root@aix209 ssh]#uncompress openssl-
[root@aix209 ssh]#ls
OpenSSH_5.8.0.6102.tar openssl- ssh.txt
[root@aix209 ssh]#tar xvf OpenSSH_5.8.0.6102.tar
x openssh.base, 6310912 bytes, 12326 tape blocks x openssh.license, 338944 bytes, 662 tape blocks x, 153600 bytes, 300 tape blocks x openssh.msg.CA_ES, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.CS_CZ, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.DE_DE, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.EN_US, 17408 bytes, 34 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ES_ES, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.FR_FR, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.HU_HU, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.IT_IT, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.JA_JP, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks x openssh.msg.Ja_JP, 26624 bytes, 52 tape blocks x openssh.msg.KO_KR, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.PL_PL, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.PT_BR, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.RU_RU, 25600 bytes, 50 tape blocks x openssh.msg.SK_SK, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ZH_CN, 25600 bytes, 50 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ZH_TW, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks x openssh.msg.Zh_CN, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.Zh_TW, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ca_ES, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.cs_CZ, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.de_DE, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.en_US, 17408 bytes, 34 tape blocks x openssh.msg.es_ES, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.fr_FR, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.hu_HU, 27648 bytes, 54 tape blocks x openssh.msg.it_IT, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ja_JP, 26624 bytes, 52 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ko_KR, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.pl_PL, 27648 bytes, 54 tape blocks x openssh.msg.pt_BR, 18432 bytes, 36 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ru_RU, 27648 bytes, 54 tape blocks x openssh.msg.sk_SK, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.zh_CN, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.zh_TW, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks
[root@aix209 ssh]#ls
OpenSSH_5.8.0.6102.tar openssh.msg.IT_IT openssh.msg.Zh_TW openssh.msg.pl_PL openssh.base openssh.msg.JA_JP openssh.msg.ca_ES openssh.msg.pt_BR openssh.license openssh.msg.Ja_JP openssh.msg.cs_CZ openssh.msg.ru_RU openssh.msg.KO_KR openssh.msg.de_DE openssh.msg.sk_SK openssh.msg.CA_ES openssh.msg.PL_PL openssh.msg.en_US openssh.msg.zh_CN openssh.msg.CS_CZ openssh.msg.PT_BR openssh.msg.es_ES openssh.msg.zh_TW openssh.msg.DE_DE openssh.msg.RU_RU openssh.msg.fr_FR openssl- openssh.msg.EN_US openssh.msg.SK_SK openssh.msg.hu_HU ssh.txt openssh.msg.ES_ES openssh.msg.ZH_CN openssh.msg.it_IT openssh.msg.FR_FR openssh.msg.ZH_TW openssh.msg.ja_JP openssh.msg.HU_HU openssh.msg.Zh_CN openssh.msg.ko_KR
[root@aix209 ssh]#tar xvf OpenSSH_5.8.0.6102.tar
x openssh.base, 6310912 bytes, 12326 tape blocks x openssh.license, 338944 bytes, 662 tape blocks x, 153600 bytes, 300 tape blocks x openssh.msg.CA_ES, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.CS_CZ, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.DE_DE, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.EN_US, 17408 bytes, 34 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ES_ES, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.FR_FR, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.HU_HU, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.IT_IT, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.JA_JP, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks x openssh.msg.Ja_JP, 26624 bytes, 52 tape blocks x openssh.msg.KO_KR, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.PL_PL, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.PT_BR, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.RU_RU, 25600 bytes, 50 tape blocks x openssh.msg.SK_SK, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ZH_CN, 25600 bytes, 50 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ZH_TW, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks x openssh.msg.Zh_CN, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.Zh_TW, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ca_ES, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.cs_CZ, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.de_DE, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.en_US, 17408 bytes, 34 tape blocks x openssh.msg.es_ES, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.fr_FR, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks x openssh.msg.hu_HU, 27648 bytes, 54 tape blocks x openssh.msg.it_IT, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ja_JP, 26624 bytes, 52 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ko_KR, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.pl_PL, 27648 bytes, 54 tape blocks x openssh.msg.pt_BR, 18432 bytes, 36 tape blocks x openssh.msg.ru_RU, 27648 bytes, 54 tape blocks x openssh.msg.sk_SK, 19456 bytes, 38 tape blocks x openssh.msg.zh_CN, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks x openssh.msg.zh_TW, 21504 bytes, 42 tape blocks
2、通过smit installs安装:
[root@aix209 ssh]#smit installs
3、安装成功后,系统自动启动ssh service:
[root@aix209 ssh]#l***c -a |grep ssh
sshd ssh 6029368 active
[grid@aix209 grid]$ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/grid/.ssh/id_rsa): Created directory '/home/grid/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/grid/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/grid/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: 46:8c:ac:aa:82:62:b1:5e:e2:ba:ed:d5:02:5e:f5:62 grid@aix209 The key's randomart p_w_picpath is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | | | . o | | + o | | o o | | . o E S | | o + o o | |..=.o . | |==o. . | |X=o | +-----------------+
[grid@aix209 grid]$ssh-keygen -t dsa
Generating public/private dsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/grid/.ssh/id_dsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/grid/.ssh/id_dsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/grid/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: 4a:6d:60:35:ee:1c:fe:7d:62:54:f6:31:5c:7b:4a:54 grid@aix209 The key's randomart p_w_picpath is: +--[ DSA 1024]----+ | o ..E| | o . .. o| | o o +=.| | . * . + o+| | . S . . .| | . o . o | | . . + . | | . o | | | +-----------------+
[grid@aix209 ~]$cd .ssh
[grid@aix209 .ssh]$ls
id_dsa id_rsa
[grid@aix209 .ssh]$cd ..
[grid@aix210 grid]$ssh-keygen -t rsa
[grid@aix210 grid]$ssh-keygen -t dsa
[grid@aix209 ~]$cat .ssh/ >>.ssh/authorized_keys
[grid@aix209 ~]$cat .ssh/ >>.ssh/authorized_keys
[grid@aix209 ~]$ssh aix210 cat .ssh/ >>.ssh/authorized_keys
The authenticity of host 'aix210 (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 65:25:9b:46:05:a4:84:73:76:d2:ba:d2:c8:a2:91:0e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'aix210,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
grid@aix210's password:
[grid@aix209 ~]$ssh aix210 cat .ssh/ >>.ssh/authorized_keys
grid@aix210's password:
[grid@aix209 ~]$scp .ssh/authorized_keys aix210:~/.ssh
grid@aix210's password:
authorized_keys 100% 1988 1.9KB/s 00:00
[grid@aix209 ~]$ssh aix210 date
Mon Jan 5 22:24:19 CST 1970
[grid@aix209 ~]$ssh aix210-priv date
The authenticity of host 'aix210-priv (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 65:25:9b:46:05:a4:84:73:76:d2:ba:d2:c8:a2:91:0e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'aix210-priv,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Jan 5 22:24:27 CST 1970
[grid@aix209 ~]$ssh aix209-priv date
The authenticity of host 'aix209-priv (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 8f:54:98:0e:1b:c1:81:10:36:88:62:e2:20:61:16:91.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'aix209-priv,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Mar 28 18:39:55 CDT 2016
[grid@aix209 ~]$ssh aix209 date
The authenticity of host 'aix209 (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 8f:54:98:0e:1b:c1:81:10:36:88:62:e2:20:61:16:91.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'aix209,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Mar 28 18:40:02 CDT 2016
[grid@aix210 ~]$ssh aix209 date
The authenticity of host 'aix209 (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 8f:54:98:0e:1b:c1:81:10:36:88:62:e2:20:61:16:91.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'aix209,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Mar 28 18:40:30 CDT 2016
[grid@aix210 ~]$ssh aix209-priv date
The authenticity of host 'aix209-priv (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 8f:54:98:0e:1b:c1:81:10:36:88:62:e2:20:61:16:91.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'aix209-priv,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Mar 28 18:40:36 CDT 2016
[grid@aix210 ~]$ssh aix210-priv date
The authenticity of host 'aix210-priv (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 65:25:9b:46:05:a4:84:73:76:d2:ba:d2:c8:a2:91:0e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'aix210-priv,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Jan 5 22:25:26 CST 1970
[grid@aix210 ~]$ssh aix210 date
The authenticity of host 'aix210 (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 65:25:9b:46:05:a4:84:73:76:d2:ba:d2:c8:a2:91:0e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'aix210,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Jan 5 22:25:31 CST 1970
------ 在构建Oracle RAC时,需要Oracle用户也要建立信任关系 。。。
以上是“Oracle Study在AIX环境下如何构建主机信任关系”这篇文章的所有内容,感谢各位的阅读!希望分享的内容对大家有帮助,更多相关知识,欢迎关注创新互联行业资讯频道!