创新互联公司2013年至今,公司以网站制作、网站建设、系统开发、网络推广、文化传媒、企业宣传、平面广告设计等为主要业务,适用行业近百种。服务企业客户近1000家,涉及国内多个省份客户。拥有多年网站建设开发经验。为企业提供专业的网站建设、创意设计、宣传推广等服务。 通过专业的设计、独特的风格,为不同客户提供各种风格的特色服务。
端口可自定义 默认80
线程可自定义 默认10
#-*-coding=utf-8-*- # __author__ = 'sanr' # __email__ = '' # __url__ = '' # __version__ = '2.0' import requests import re import sys from threading import Thread,Lock import Queue import chardet import netaddr import socket import struct import optparse import os import time lock = Lock() q = Queue.Queue() def ip2int(addr): return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(addr))[0] def int2ip(addr): return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", addr)) def int_dec(pagehtml): ''' 智能获取页面编码 第一步查找charset 第二步使用chardect智能匹配 ''' charset = None if pagehtml != '': # print 'use charset dect' enc = chardet.detect(pagehtml) # print 'enc= ', enc if enc['encoding'] and enc['confidence'] > 0.9: charset = enc['encoding'] if charset == None: charset_re = re.compile("((^|;)\s*charset\s*=)([^\"']*)", re.M)[:1000]) charset=charset and or None # test charset try: if charset: unicode('test',charset,errors='replace') except Exception,e: print 'Exception',e charset = None # print 'charset=', charset return charset def http_banner(): while True: try: if q.qsize() == 0: break; ip = q.get() url='http://%s:%s'%(ip,port) url=requests.get(url,timeout=2) body = url.content charset = None if body != '': charset = int_dec(body) if charset == None or charset == 'ascii': charset = 'ISO-8859-1' if charset and charset != 'ascii' and charset != 'unicode': try: body = unicode(body,charset,errors='replace') except Exception, e: body = '' #获取状态码 Struts=url.status_code #获取webserver信息 Server=url.headers['server'][0:13] #获取title if Struts==200 or Struts==403 or Struts==401: title=re.findall(r"(.*)<\/title>",body) if len(title): title = title[0].strip() else: title = '' #输出加锁 防止第二行输入 #申请锁 lock.acquire() print ('%s\t%d\t%-10s\t%s'%(ip.lstrip('http://'),Struts,Server,title)) #释放锁 lock.release() except (requests.HTTPError,requests.RequestException,AttributeError,KeyError),e: pass def main(ips,threads=10): if '-' in ips: start, end = ips.split('-') startlong = ip2int(start) endlong = ip2int(end) ips = netaddr.IPRange(start,end) for ip in list(ips): q.put(str(ip)) elif '/' in ips: ips = netaddr.IPNetwork(ips) for ip in ips: q.put(str(ip)) ths = [] for i in xrange(threads): th = Thread(target=http_banner,name='thread'+str(i)) th.start() ths.append(th) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog [options] target') parser.add_option('-p', '--port', dest='port', default='80',type='string', help='Port.default = 80') parser.add_option('-t', '--threads', dest='threads_num',default=10, type='int',help='Number of threads. default = 10') (options,args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.print_help() print 'usage: python %s'%os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print 'usage: python %s '%os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print 'usage: python %s -p 8080'%os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print 'usage: python %s -t 100 -p 8080'%os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(0) ips=args[0] port=options.port threads = options.threads_num main(ips,int(threads))