



insert into 库.表 values(字段值列表);

insert into 库.表(字段值列表) values(字段值列表);

insert into 库.表 values(字段值列表),(字段值列表);



select 字段名列表 from 库.表 where 条件;



        字段名 符号 值 符号:>  >=  <  <=  =  !=


        字段名 符号 "值"  符号: =  !=


        字段名 in (值列表)在...里

        select id,name from user where name in ("apache","root","bob");

        select id,name,uid from user where uid in (1,2,3,4);

        字段名 not in(值类表)不在...里

        select name from user where uid not in(0,1,2,3,4,5);

        字段名 between 值  and 值 在...之间(数值类型)

        select * from user where id between 10 and 15;

        select name from user where uid between 1 and 10;


        匹配空  is null

        字段名 is null

        匹配非空  is not null

        字段名  is not null

        select id from user where name is null;


        insert into user(name) values (""),("null"),(null);

        select id,name from user where name="";

        select id,name from user where name="null";

        select id,name from user where name is null;

        MySQL> select id,name from user where id between 45 and 47;


        | id      | name    |


        |  45    |               |

        | 46     | null       |

        | 47     | NULL   |


        3 rows in set (0.00 sec)



        distinct 字段名

        select shell from user;

        select distinct shell from user;

        mysql> select distinct shell from user;


        | shell                           |


        | /bin/bash                   |

        | /sbin/nologin             |

        | /bin/sync                    |

        | /sbin/shutdown         |

        | /sbin/halt                    |

        | /bin/false                    |

        | NULL                          |


        7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

逻辑匹配: 有多个条件时

        逻辑与  and  多个条件必须都成立


        逻辑非  !取反

        select id,name from user where name="zhangsan"and uid=500 and shell="/bin/bash";

运算操作 +  -  *  /  %

        字段名 符号  字段名

        select uid+gid as heid from user where name='root';

        select uid+gid  heid from user where name='root';


        where 字段名 like '表达式'

        _匹配任意一个字符 % 0个或多个字符

        select name from user where name like '____' and uid <= 10;

        select name from user where name like '%a%';



        where 字段名 regexp '正则表达式';

        . ^  $   [ ]  *

        mysql> select name,uid from user where uid regexp '^..$';




        avg() 集合平均值


        min() 集合中的最小值

        max() 集合中的最大值

        count() 记录的各数



        sql查询 order by 字段名 asc/desc(降序)

        select name,uid from user where uid between 10 and 50 order by uid ;


        sql查询 group by 字段名

        select shell from user where uid between 10 and 50 group by shell;


查询限制显示行数 limit

        select shell from user where uid between 10 and 50 limit 1;

        select * from user limit 1;#显示查询的前一行

        select * from user limit 2,3;#设置显示行范围  从第2行显示(行数开始为0行) 显示3行


        select 字段名列表 from 表名列表;笛卡尔集

        select 字段名列表 from 表名列表 where 条件;

        create table studb.t1 select name,uid,shell from user limit 3;

        create table studb.t2 select name,uid,homedir from user limit 4;

        select t1.*,t2.homedir from t1,t2 where t1.uid =t2.uid;


        where 嵌套查询:把内层的查询结果做为外层查询的查询条件

        select 字段名列表 from 表名 where 条件 (select 字段名列表 from 表名 where 条件)

        select name,uid from user where uid > (select avg(uid) from user);

        select name from user where name in (select user from mysql.user);


        create table 库.表 sql查询;


        create database dbbak;

        create table dbbak.user2 select * from user;



        create table dbbak.user3 select * from user where 1=2;



        select 字段列表 from  表A left join 表B on 条件


        select 字段列表 from  表A right join 表B on 条件

        create table studb.t3 select name,uid,shell from user limit 3;

        create table studb.t4 select name,uid,shell from user limit 5;

        mysql> select * from t3 left join t4 on t3.uid=t4.uid;#以左为主 显示

        mysql> select * from t3 right join t4 on t3.uid=t4.uid; #以右为主 显示




        update 库.表 set 字段名=值,字段名='值'

        mysql> update user set age="18";


        update 库.表 set 字段名=值,字段名='值' where 条件

        mysql> update user set name="zhangsan" where id=48;




        delete from 库.表 where 条件;

        mysql> delete from user where shell is NULL;


mysql 键值(限制如何给字段赋值)

普通索引 index

        什么是索引 : 类似“一个书的目录” 树型目录结构

        索引的优点 : 加快查询的速度

        索引的缺点 : 减慢写的速度 (insert update delete);占用物理存储空间


使用普通索引  索引index





        查看decs 表名;

        show index from 表名;

        标志 MUL



        mysql> create table t25(

            -> name char(10),

            -> age int,

            -> sex enum("boy","girl"),

            -> index(sex)#索引名 默认和字段名相同

            -> index(name)

            -> );

        在已有表创建索引 create index 索引名 on 表名(被赋索引的字段名)

        mysql> create index age on t21(age);

        mysql> show index from t21\G;

        Table: t21

           Non_unique: 1

             Key_name: age

         Seq_in_index: 1

          Column_name: age

            Collation: A

          Cardinality: 4

             Sub_part: NULL

               Packed: NULL

         Null: YES

           Index_type: BTREE





        还支持 hash B+TREE


        删除drop index 索引名 on 表名;

        mysql> drop index a1 on t21;

fulltext 全文索引

unique 唯一索引


可以为空 但是有值不能重复

mysql> create table t211( stu_id char(9), name char(10), sex enum('boy','girl'), unique(stu_id) );

mysql> desc t211;


mysql> alter table t211 modify stu_id char(9) not null;

mysql> desc t211;

key标志是PRI 但是不是主键

mysql> drop index stu_id on t211;

创建 unique index

mysql> create unique index stu on t211(stu_id);



        一个表中只能有一个primary key

        不允许重复 不能为空

        查看 decs 表名;

        标志 PRI


        mysql> create table t26(

            -> name char(10),

            -> age int,

            -> likes set("a","b","c"),

            -> primary key(name)

            -> );

        mysql> create table t22(

            -> id int primary key,

            -> name char(10)

            -> );


        mysql> alter table t25 add primary key(name);

        删除 alter table 表名 drop primary key;

        mysql> alter table t25 drop primary key;


        复合主键多个字段一起做主键 字段的值不允许同时重复


        mysql> desc t28;


        mysql> create table t28(

            -> cip char(15),

            -> port smallint,

            -> status enum("allow","deny") defualt "deny",

            -> primary key(cip,port)

            -> );


        mysql> alter table t28 add primary key (cip,port);


        mysql> alter table t28 drop primary key;

        主键一般 与auto_increment 连用


        满足条件 主键 数值类型


        mysql> create table t27(

            -> id int(2) zerofill primary key auto_increment,

            -> name char(10),

            -> class char(4),

            -> index (name)

            -> );


        mysql> alter table t27 modify id int(2) unsigned zerofill not null;

        mysql> alter table t27 drop primary key;




        表的存储引擎必须是 innodb




        foreign key(字段名) references 表名(字段名) 

        on update cascade同步更新

        on delete cascade同步删除

        update 表名 set 字段名=值  where 条件;

        delete from 表名 where 条件


        mysql> show create table xsb;#查看建表命令


        alter table 表名 drop foreign key 外键名



        alter table 表名 add foreign key(字段名) references 表名(字段名) 

        on update cascade同步更新

        on delete cascade同步删除

mysql 服务的体系结构:(8个功能模块)


       sql接口: 执行的命令 传递给mysqld



        查询缓存:数据库的物理内存划分出的 每次查询 先找查询缓存







        mysql 数据库服务软件自带的程序。



        mysql> show engines;

        | InnoDB             | DEFAULT |#default 默认存储引擎

        | MyISAM             | YES     |



        表.frm 表结构




        不支持事务 不支持事务回滚


        表.frm 表结构

        表.ibd表结构 索引信息


        支持事务 事务回滚

        事务日志文件 :记录对innodb存储引擎的表执行过的操作




        锁类型:读锁 select 

         写锁insert delete update

        锁粒度:行级锁  表级锁




        事务回滚:一次数据访问 任意一步执行失败,恢复所有操作。














        mysql> create table tt1(id int(2));

        mysql> show create table tt1;


        | tt1   | CREATE TABLE `tt1` (

          `id` int(2) DEFAULT NULL




        alter table 表名 engine=存储引擎;



        creat table 表名(...)engine=存储引擎;






