const TX_TYPE_IN = 1; const TX_TYPE_OUT = 2; export const CreateUtxos = async (address: string, data: any) => { let mapData = new Map(); let temp = new Map(); for (const iter of data) { mapData.set(iter.hash, iter); // console.log(iter.hash); let type = TX_TYPE_IN; for (const input of iter.inputs) { if (input.coin.coinbase) continue; if (address == input.coin.address) { type = TX_TYPE_OUT; } } let out = -1; let balance = 0; for (const output of iter.outputs) { out++; if (address == output.address) { balance = output.value; break; } } temp.set(iter.hash, { type, out, balance, spentTxid: null, spentHeight: 0 }); } for (const [key, value] of mapData) { for (const input of value.inputs) { if (input.coinbase) continue; if (temp.has(input.prevout.hash)) { const pre = temp.get(input.prevout.hash); const local = temp.get(key); if (pre.spentHeight <= 0 && (pre.type != local.type || local.type == TX_TYPE_OUT)) { pre.spentTxid = value.hash; pre.spentHeight = value.height; } } } } let balance = 0; let unspentList: Array= []; for (const [key, value] of temp) { if (value.spentHeight === 0) { balance += value.balance; // console.info(key, value.out); unspentList.push(value); } /*else { temp.delete(key); }*/ } // return {balance, unspentList: Array.from(temp.values())} return { balance, unspentList }; }