#!/usr/bin/env python #_*_coding:utf-8 _*_ __author__ = 'gaogd' import datetime,threading import sys, os, urllib2, json reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') ips = {} # ip作为字典的key,访问次数做value iplist = [] # 遍历日志中的ip,相同的ip也会记录到列表,插入数据库 fh = open("./ip.txt", "r").readlines() # 我的是把日志和代码在一个目录下面 for line in fh: ip = line.split(" ")[0] if 6 < len(ip) <= 15: ips[ip] = ips.get(ip, 0) + 1 alist = iplist.append(ip) def get_ip_area(ip,num): try: apiurl = "" %ip content = urllib2.urlopen(apiurl).read() data = json.loads(content)['data'] code = json.loads(content)['code'] if code == 0: # success country=(data['country']) area = (data['area']) region = (data['region']) city = (data['city']) ip = (data['ip']) print(data['country']),(data['area']),(data['region']),(data['city']),(data['ip']) line = data['country'],data['area'],data['region'],data['city'],data['ip'] data = "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % line file='./checkiparea%s.txt' %num with open(file, 'a+') as f: f.write(data) else: print data # data = "%s,\n" % data # with open('./checkiparea.txt', 'a+') as f: # f.write(data) except Exception as ex: print ex def getip(num,num2): for ip in iplist[num:num2]: get_ip_area(ip,num) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(300): number=i*10000 t = threading.Thread(target=getip, args=(number,number*(1+i))) t.start()
Python 脚本如下:
#!/usr/bin/env python #_*_coding:utf-8 _*_ __author__ = 'gaogd' import MySQLdb as mysql import datetime import sys, os, urllib2, json db = mysql.connect(user="root",passwd="xxxx@2015",db="intest",host="") #数据库连接信息 db.autocommit(True) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('set names utf8') addtime = ips = {} #ip作为字典的key,访问次数做value iplist = [] #遍历日志中的ip,相同的ip也会记录到列表,插入数据库 fh = open("./access_test.log", "r").readlines() #我的是把日志和代码在一个目录下面 for line in fh: ip = line.split(" ")[0] print ip if 6 < len(ip) <=15: ips[ip] = ips.get(ip, 0) + 1 alist = iplist.append(ip) for key,value in ips.items(): listinfo = str(ips) sql = 'insert into ipinfo(ipaddress,countip) value ("%s","%s")' % (key,value) cur.execute(sql) def get_ip_area(ip): try: apiurl = "" %ip content = urllib2.urlopen(apiurl).read() data = json.loads(content)['data'] code = json.loads(content)['code'] if code == 0: # success country=(data['country']) area = (data['area']) region = (data['region']) city = (data['city']) ip = (data['ip']) print(data['country']),(data['area']),(data['region']),(data['city']),(data['ip']) sql = 'insert into whereip (country,area,region,city,ip,time) value ("%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s")' % (country.encode("utf-8"),area.encode("utf-8"),region.encode("utf-8"),city.encode("utf-8"),ip.encode("utf-8"),addtime) cur.execute(sql) print 'sql:',sql else: print data except Exception as ex: print ex if __name__ == '__main__': for ip in iplist: get_ip_area(ip) ################################################ ''' radiansdict.get(key, default=None) 返回指定键的值,如果值不在字典中返回default值 '''
获取到的字典在 进行格式化得到下面格式
{ "code": 0, "data": { "country": "中国", "country_id": "CN", "area": "华南", "area_id": "800000", "region": "广东省", "region_id": "440000", "city": "深圳市", "city_id": "440300", "county": "", "county_id": "-1", "isp": "电信", "isp_id": "100017", "ip": "" }}
mysql> create database intest ; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> use intest; Database changed mysql> create table ipinfo(id int auto_increment primary key,ipaddress varchar(200),countip int); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec) mysql> create table whereip(id int primary key auto_increment,country varchar(100),area varchar(100),region varchar(100),city varchar(100),ip varchar(100),time datetime); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec) mysql> mysql> desc ipinfo; +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | ipaddress | varchar(200) | YES | | NULL | | | countip | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> desc whereip; +---------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | country | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | | | area | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | | | region | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | | | city | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | | | ip | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | | | time | datetime | YES | | NULL | | +---------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql>
mysql> select * from whereip limit 10; +----+---------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+---------------------+ | id | country | area | region | city | ip | time | +----+---------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+---------------------+ | 1 | 美国 | | | | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | | 2 | 美国 | | | | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | | 3 | 美国 | | | | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | | 4 | 中国 | 华南 | 广东省 | 广州市 | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | | 5 | 美国 | | | | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | | 6 | 美国 | | | | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | | 7 | 美国 | | | | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | | 8 | 美国 | | | | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | | 9 | 美国 | | | | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | | 10 | 美国 | | | | | 2016-09-01 10:53:01 | +----+---------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+---------------------+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql>