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com.jacob jacob 1.7 system ${basedir}/../fileConvertApp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/jacob.jar
import java.io.File; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent; import com.jacob.com.Dispatch; import com.jacob.com.Variant; /** * Converter Util * * @author Jason * */ public class OfficeConverterUtil { /** * log */ private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OfficeConverterUtil.class); private static final int WDFO_RMATPDF = 17; private static final int XLTYPE_PDF = 0; private static final int PPT_SAVEAS_PDF = 32; public static final int WORD_HTML = 8; public static final int WORD_TXT = 7; public static final int EXCEL_HTML = 44; public static final int PPT_SAVEAS_JPG = 17; // private static final int msoTrue = -1; // private static final int msofalse = 0; /** * @param argInputFilePath * @param argPdfPath * @return */ public static boolean officeFileConverterToPdf(String argInputFilePath, String argPdfPath) { if (argInputFilePath.isEmpty() || argPdfPath.isEmpty() || getFileSufix(argInputFilePath).isEmpty()) { logger.debug("输入或输出文件路徑有誤!"); return false; } String suffix = getFileSufix(argInputFilePath); File file = new File(argInputFilePath); if (!file.exists()) { logger.debug("文件不存在!"); return false; } // PDF如果不存在则创建文件夹 file = new File(getFilePath(argPdfPath)); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdir(); } // 如果输入的路径为PDF 则生成失败 if (suffix.equals("pdf")) { System.out.println("PDF not need to convert!"); return false; } if (suffix.equals("doc") || suffix.equals("docx") || suffix.equals("txt")) { return wordToPDF(argInputFilePath, argPdfPath); } else if (suffix.equals("xls") || suffix.equals("xlsx")) { return excelToPdf(argInputFilePath, argPdfPath); } else if (suffix.equals("ppt") || suffix.equals("pptx")) { return pptToPdf(argInputFilePath, argPdfPath); // return ppt2PDF(argInputFilePath, argPdfPath); } return false; } /** * converter word to pdf * * @param wordPath * @param pdfPath * @return */ public static boolean wordToPDF(String wordPath, String pdfPath) { ActiveXComponent msWordApp = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application"); msWordApp.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false)); Dispatch docs = Dispatch.get(msWordApp, "Documents").toDispatch(); // long pdfStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); Dispatch doc = Dispatch.invoke(docs, "Open", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { wordPath, new Variant(false), new Variant(true) }, new int[1]).toDispatch(); deletePdf(pdfPath); Dispatch.invoke(doc, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { pdfPath, new Variant(WDFO_RMATPDF) }, new int[1]); // long pdfEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug(wordPath + ",pdf转换完成.."); if (null != doc) { Dispatch.call(doc, "Close", false); } return true; } /** * excel to pdf * * @param inputFile * @param pdfFile * @return */ public static boolean excelToPdf(String inputFile, String pdfFile) { ActiveXComponent activeXComponent = new ActiveXComponent("Excel.Application"); activeXComponent.setProperty("Visible", false); deletePdf(pdfFile); Dispatch excels = activeXComponent.getProperty("Workbooks").toDispatch(); Dispatch excel = Dispatch.call(excels, "Open", inputFile, false, true).toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(excel, "ExportAsFixedFormat", XLTYPE_PDF, pdfFile); Dispatch.call(excel, "Close", false); activeXComponent.invoke("Quit"); return true; } /** * ppt to pdf * * @param inputFile * @param pdfFile * @return */ public static boolean pptToPdf(String inputFile, String pdfFile) { // ComThread.InitSTA(); ActiveXComponent activeXComponent = new ActiveXComponent("PowerPoint.Application"); // activeXComponent.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false)); Dispatch ppts = activeXComponent.getProperty("Presentations").toDispatch(); deletePdf(pdfFile); Dispatch ppt = Dispatch.call(ppts, "Open", inputFile, false, // ReadOnly true, // Untitled指定文件是否有标题 true// WithWindow指定文件是否可见 ).toDispatch(); // Dispatch ppt = Dispatch.invoke(ppts, "Open", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { inputFile, new Variant(false), new Variant(true) }, new int[1]).toDispatch(); // Dispatch.call(ppt, "SaveAs", pdfFile, PPT_SAVEAS_PDF); // Dispatch.call(ppt, "SaveAs", pdfFile, new Variant(PPT_SAVEAS_PDF)); // Dispatch.call(ppt, "SaveAs", pdfFile, new Variant(PPT_SAVEAS_PDF)); // Dispatch.invoke(ppt, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { pdfFile, PPT_SAVEAS_PDF }, new int[1]); // Dispatch.invoke(ppt, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { new Variant(PPT_SAVEAS_PDF) }, new int[1]); Dispatch.callN(ppt, "SaveAs", new Variant(pdfFile)); Dispatch.call(ppt, "Close"); activeXComponent.invoke("Quit"); // ComThread.Release(); return true; } /** * ppt to img * * @param inputFile * @param imgFile * @return */ public static boolean pptToImg(String inputFile, String imgFile) { // 打开word应用程序 ActiveXComponent app = new ActiveXComponent("PowerPoint.Application"); // 设置word不可见,office可能有限制 // app.setProperty("Visible", false); // 获取word中国所打开的文档,返回Documents对象 Dispatch files = app.getProperty("Presentations").toDispatch(); // 调用Documents对象中Open方法打开文档,并返回打开的文档对象Document Dispatch file = Dispatch.call(files, "open", inputFile, true, true, false).toDispatch(); // 调用Document对象的SaveAs方法,将文档保存为pdf格式 // Dispatch.call(doc, "ExportAsFixedFormat", outputFile, // PPT_TO_PDF); Dispatch.call(file, "SaveAs", imgFile, PPT_SAVEAS_JPG); // 关闭文档 // Dispatch.call(file, "Close", false); Dispatch.call(file, "Close"); // 关闭word应用程序 // app.invoke("Quit", 0); app.invoke("Quit"); return true; } /** * get file extension * * @param argFilePath * @return */ public static String getFileSufix(String argFilePath) { int splitIndex = argFilePath.lastIndexOf("."); return argFilePath.substring(splitIndex + 1); } /** * subString file path * * @param argFilePath * file path * @return filePaths */ public static String getFilePath(String argFilePath) { int pathIndex = argFilePath.lastIndexOf("/"); return argFilePath.substring(0, pathIndex); } /** * 如果PDF存在则删除PDF * * @param pdfPath */ private static void deletePdf(String pdfPath) { File pdfFile = new File(pdfPath); if (pdfFile.exists()) { pdfFile.delete(); } } }
public void wps2PDF(String inputFile,String pdfFile) { File sFile = new File(inputFile); File tFile = new File(pdfFile); ActiveXComponent wps = null; try { ComThread.InitSTA(); wps = new ActiveXComponent("wps.application"); ActiveXComponent doc = wps.invokeGetComponent("Documents").invokeGetComponent("Open", new Variant(sFile.getAbsolutePath())); doc.invoke("ExportPdf", new Variant(tFile.getAbsolutePath())); doc.invoke("Close"); doc.safeRelease(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (wps != null) { wps.invoke("Terminate"); wps.safeRelease(); } ComThread.Release(); } }