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Finally, for this article, examples of the geotechnical engineering investigation by the conclusions and recommendations: a pile foundation of this project, based on a strong weathering granite (plaque) for the rock pile ⑤-bearing stratum, a pile of salt (drilling) Hole irrigation pile. The venue for the type of environment class Ⅱ, venue and type of groundwater by the environmental impact of the formation permeability of non-corrosive concrete structure, the reinforced concrete structure in the long-term immersion in the non-corrosive; on the reinforced concrete structure in alternating wet and dry under A weak corrosive; groundwater on the steel structures with weak corrosive. The venue for the seismic intensity of seven degree of security, the basic design of earthquake acceleration value of 0.10 g, the earthquake division for the second group, the Project for Class C buildings, should be carried out seismic fortification intensity seismic fortification. Ⅱ construction site for the type of category, feature cycle for 0.40 s. Mainland-based drilling depth of the layers of artificial fill, alluvial salt, silt, residual weathering causes of type, mainly in the foundation soil filling ①, silty clay ②, Muddy soil ③, plastic-like residual gravelly clay ④ -1, hard characters residual gravelly clay ④ -2, strong weathered granite ⑤. Memory venues in the greater thickness of the mud and filling ① soil ③, a lot of negative anti-seismic construction.