PHP 魔术方法指的是在某些时刻会自动被调用的内置函数,它们以两个连续的下划线开头。
析构函数,用于在 php 运行终止时,释放对象所占用的内存。析构函数是 php 的垃圾回收机制,使用栈结构,后进先出。
class computer{ private $brand; function __construct($brand){ $this->brand = $brand; } function __destruct(){ echo "release ".$this->brand.""; } } $myComputer = new computer("MAC"); $yourComputer = new computer("Asus"); $hisComputer = new computer("Dell"); echo "end of php file
end of php file release Dell release Asus release MAC
可以发现析构函数在 php 文件执行结束之后才执行
类中用 protected 和 private 关键字定义的成员属性或方法是无法通过对象的实例访问的。__get() 方法会且仅会在对象的实例访问 proctected 和 private 成员属性 时自动执行 (访问成员方法时不会,因为没有意义)。
__get() 方法的意义在于将 proctected 和 private 成员属性进行处理后输出。
__get() 有且仅有一个输入参数
__get() 方法的一个例子
class computer{ private $brand; protected $owner; public $price; function __construct($brand, $owner, $price){ $this->brand = $brand; $this->owner = $owner; $this->price = $price; } function __get($name){ echo "It's up to me to decide if let you konw the owner and the brand of this computer or not :)"; echo "I will tell you the name of woner: ".$this->owner."
"; echo "I won't tell you that the brand is ".md5($this->brand)."
"; echo "
"; } function __destruct(){ echo "release ".$this->brand."
"; } } $myComputer = new computer("MAC", "me", "1000"); $yourComputer = new computer("Asus", "you", "500"); $hisComputer = new computer("Dell", "his", "700"); echo $myComputer->price; echo "
"; echo $myComputer->owner; echo $yourComputer->brand; echo "end of php file
1000 It's up to me to decide if let you konw the owner and the brand of this computer or not :) I will tell you the name of woner: me I won't tell you that the brand is 2e25c285356cbb0ed8785a1377027d79 It's up to me to decide if let you konw the owner and the brand of this computer or not :) I will tell you the name of woner: you I won't tell you that the brand is cb6ab3315634a1e4d11b091ba48b60ba end of php file release Dell release Asus release MAC
可以看到,当访问 public 成员属性 price 时,__get()方法并没有被调用。输出 brand 时,我们使用了 md5 对其进行了加密处理,这种对封装的成员属性进行处理后输出的用法就是 get 方法的意义所在。
__set($name, $value)
__set($name, $value) 与用于给当前类中封装的方法或属性进行重新赋值或定义。
与 get 类似但不同的时,__set($name, $value)会在成员属性被访问赋值时自动执行,其中 $name 是被访问的成员属性名,$value 为成员属性被赋予的值
__set() 的例子
class computer{ private $brand; protected $owner; function __construct($brand, $owner, $price){ $this->brand = $brand; $this->owner = $owner; $this->price = $price; } function __get($name){ echo "It's up to me to decide if let you konw the owner and the brand of this computer or not :)"; echo "I will tell you the name of woner: ".$this->owner."
"; echo "I won't tell you that the brand is ".md5($this->brand)."
"; echo "
"; } function __set($name, $value){ $this->owner = $value; echo "set $name to $value"."
"; } function __destruct(){ echo "release ".$this->brand."
"; } } $myComputer = new computer("MAC", "me", "1000"); echo $myComputer->owner = "my friend"; echo $myComputer->owner; echo "end of php file
set owner to my friend my friendIt's up to me to decide if let you konw the owner and the brand of this computer or not :) I will tell you the name of woner: my friend I won't tell you that the brand is 2e25c285356cbb0ed8785a1377027d79 end of php file release MAC
我们看到在给 owner 赋值时调用了 set , 而访问属性时,调用了 get 。
用于直接打印对象句柄,也就是说当我们使用 echo 加对象名时,__torsring()将会被自动调用
__tosring() 例子
class computer{ function __tostring(){ return "This is a computer class"; } } $myComputer = new computer(); echo $myComputer;如果没有 __totring() 方法,我们是无法使用 echo+对象名,会出现 fatal error
__call($method, $arguments)
当我们调用不存在的方法时,__call() 会自动执行,用于进行异常处理,并使程序继续正常运行。
__call() 例子
class computer{ function start(){ echo "starting computer"; } function __call($m, $a){ echo "erro function: ".$m; echo "
"; echo "error param: "; print_r($a); echo "
"; } } $myComputer = new computer(); $myComputer->start(); $myComputer->shutdown('10 min', '20 min'); echo "here";
starting computer erro function: shutdown error param: Array ( [0] => 10 min [1] => 20 min ) here
我们可以看到,$method 返回了错误的函数名,而 arguments 返回了参数,最后输出了 "here" 说明程序继续正常运行。
__clone() 方法 和 clone 关键字
clone 关键字用于复制对象,__clone() 方法实在克隆对象时自动调用的函数
clone 例子
class computer{ public $name; function __clone(){ echo "A computer has been cloned"; } } $myComputer = new computer(); $youComputer = $myComputer; $youComputer->name = 'pc1'; echo "My computer's name is ".$myComputer->name."
"; echo "
"; $hisComputer = clone $myComputer; $hisComputer->name = 'pc2'; echo "My computer's name is ".$myComputer->name."
"; echo "His computer's name is ".$hisComputer->name."
My computer's name is pc1 A computer has been cloned My computer's name is pc1 His computer's name is pc2
我们看到用 = 号并不能复制对象,只是为对象添加了一个别名而已,这里 $myComputer 和 $youComputer 指向同一块内存,修改了 $youComputer 的值相当于修改了 $myComputer 的值。
在实例化对象时,__autolaod() 会自动被调用,用于快速取得对应的类文件
__autoload() 例子
带 try, catch 异常处理的例子
function __autoload($class_name){ echo "want to load ".$class_name.""; if(file_exists($class_name.".class.php")){ include($class_name.".class.php"); }else{ throw new Exception("Unable to laod ".$class_name.".class.php"); } } try{ $obj = new myClass(); } catch(Exception $e){ echo $e->getMessage()."
"; }