GI ocssd.log rotation fails with error LFI-00142 and logfile grows to huge size (Doc ID 1900986.1)
Bug 18700935 - LFI-142: Unable to delete an existing file [ocssd][l10] not owned by Oracle (Doc ID 18700935.8)
2020-01-14 12:20:21.721: [client(78442)]CRS-0009:log file "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/log/ncpdb02/client/olsnodes.log" reopened 2020-01-14 12:20:21.721: [client(78442)]CRS-0019:file rotation terminated. log file: "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/log/ncpdb02/client/olsnodes.log" 2020-01-14 12:25:21.763: [client(80910)]CRS-0014:An error occurred while attempting to delete file "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/log/ncpdb02/client/olsnodes.l03" during log file rotation. Additional diagnostics: LFI-00142: Unable to delete an existing file [olsnodes][l03] not owned by Oracle.
The CSSD thread that encountered the LFI-00142 error needs to be restarted to ensure log rotation works again.
Manually deleting the logfile will not resolve the log rotation problem.
1). Shutdown CRS on the node reporting the problem.
# crsctl stop crs
2). Once CRS is down, proceed to manually delete the 'ocssd.l10' file, or copy the logfile to another location if you need to keep a backup.
# rm $GRID_HOME/log/
3). Startup Clusterware again
# crsctl start crs
If you are NOT able to schedule downtime and file size growth in the GRID Home is causing a space issue then copy the logs to another location and do the following % echo 0 > ocssd.l10新闻标题:CRS-0019CRS-0014LFI-00142-创新互联