Recommended Reference Material
The detailed screenshots about installation and upgrading Oracle Server are as the following.
Checking the software requirements
Verify that the following softwares are installed on the system
OS Requirements
# cat /proc/version
Package Requirements
For any Oracle Database 11g release prior to, both the 32 bit and 64bit packages listed in the following table are required.
Creating required OS groups and users
# groupadd oinstall # groupadd dba # useradd -g oinstall -G dba oracle # passwd oracle
Creating kernel parameters
Increase shell limits for the oracle user to the minimum values listed in the above table by adding the following lines to
/etc/security/limits.conf file
Creating required directories
Preparing installation media
I prefer to use WinSCP tool to upload Oracle11gR2_for_Teamcenter_linux64_[1,2] to Linux server.
Installing Oracle Database
Enter the following command to start OUI (Oracle Universal Installer)
$ cd /pdm/tc/soft/database $ ./runInstaller
Tip: In Chinese nls env, Chinese characters in OUI display messed.
Reset the LANG env variable to fix the above Chinese character display issue.
$ export LANG=en_US.utf8 $ ./runInstaller
Step 1 Ignore email notification about security updates
Step2 Install database software only. We will use db templates provided from Siemens to create a database late.
Step 3 Single instance database installation. Teamcenter recommends single instance database.
Step 4 Add [Simplified Chinese] to Selected languages.
Step 5 Select [Enterprise Edition] to install
Step 6 Specify [Oracle Base] and [Oracle Home] locations
Step 7 Use default directory for inventory directory if no special reason.
Step 8 &9 Run prerequisite checks. In my Linux env, the pdksh-5.2.14 is missing and so the checks are not passed. But it’s OK to select [ignore all] to further install.
Tip:Please follow the below URL to investigate into the issue if necessary.
Step 10&11 Execute configuration scripts following the popup message box.