




英语里面象声词 都有哪些啊



apes: (猿)gibber叽哩咕噜

asses: (驴)bray, heehaw

babies: cry

bear: growl

bees: buzz, hum, murmur, drone

beetles(甲虫): drone

birds: chatter, chirp, chirrup, flap, peck, sing, squawk, twitter,

bulls: bellow, bow

camels: grunt

cats: miaow, mew, purr

cattle: low

chicken: cheep, peep, pip

chicks: cheep

child: chatter

cock: crow, cock-a-doodle-do

cows: boo, low, moo, moo,

crickets(蟋蟀): chirp

crows: caw, croak

deer: beat

dogs: bark, bay, bow-wow, grow, how, whine, yap, yelp

donkeys: bray, hee-haw

doves: coo, crood, croud, croodle

ducks: quack, screech

eagle: scream

elephants: trumpet

flies: buzz, hum, drone

foxes: yelp, bark

frogs: croak

geese: cackle, gabble, gaggle, hiss

goats: bleat, baa

hawks: scream,

hens: cackle, chuckle

horse: whiney, nicker, neigh, snort,

hounds: bay

insects: chirp

kittens(小猫): mew

larks(百灵): sing, warble

lions: roar

magpies(喜鹊): chatter

man: giggle, hem(哼),ouch, hush, mumble, chatter, bravo, murmur, whisper

mice: peep, squeak

monkeys: chatter, japer, screech, chatter

mosquitoes: buzz, hum, drom

night eagles: ner

owls: hoot, scream, screech, whop

owls: hoot, screech, scream

ox: bo, how, moo

parrots: talk, quack

pigeons: coo, crood, croodle

pigs crowd

puppies: yelp

rabbits: suqeak

seagulls(海鸥): scream

sheep: bleat, baa

snakes: hiss

sparrows: chatter, chirp, twitter

swallows: twitter

swans: cry

tigers: roar, groul, gaoll

turkeys: gobble

vultures(秃鹫): scream

whales: blow

wide goose(大雁): honk

wolves: howl growl


abacus(算盘) balls: pit-a-pat, pita pat

arrows: whistle, whiz

artillery(大炮): booms

balls: bounce

bank notes: rustle

bayonets: clink and clash

beats: pit-a-pat, pita pat, thump, thud, patter

bellows(风箱): flip-flap

bells: clink, clang, jingle, jingle-jangles-jingle, ding dong.

bikes: jangle

boots(皮靴): crunch

bottles: crack, crick-crack, rattle

bow string: snap

bowels: rumble

brakes: screech

branches: snap

breeze: puffs

bullets: whistle, whiz, zip

buses: rattle, hoot, and thump

cameras: snick

candles: splutter

cars: crash, toot(horn)

carts: rumble, creak

cattle: low

chains: clank

clocks: ding dang, tick, ticktack, tic tak

clothes: rustle

coins: jingle

cooking pots: sizzle

cords: pop

curtains: flap

dishes: ding dang, jingle, clatter

doors: creak, rat-tat-tat, rat tattoo, rattle,

drums: rub-a-dub, rataplan

dry leaves: rustle

eating: slurp

engines: chug, chum, whistle

feet: chatter, tramp

fingers snap

fire crackers: bang, pup

fire snap

flags: flap flutter

floor: creak

glass: crash, clinks,

gongs: ding-dang

guns pup, boom, click

hands: clap, flick

high heal shoes: click

horns: toot

horse's hooves: dip-clop

jade: tickle

keys: clink

knife and fork: clack

leather shoes: click-clack

leaves: whisper, rustle,

locks: snap, click,

locomotive(火车头): puff

machines: buzz,

machines guns: rattle, chatter, tat-rat, tat-tat-tat

metal: ting, clash, clink, tinkle, jing dong, ticktack

mind: buzz

oil: sizzle

paper: rustle

planes: zoom, crash,

radios: squeak

rain: patters, pit-pat-pit-pat

rifle: crack, pop

ropes: crack, snap, pop

scissors: clip-clop

silk: rustle

snow: spatters

steam: hoop, hoos, hoot

stick: swish

stomach: rumble

stones: smack, flop

tears: plop

teeth: chatter

telephone: ring, jangle

thunder: clap, peal, rumble,

tongue: click

trains: rattle, clatter, whistle, murmur

trumps(号): toot

trucks: rumble, grunt

type writers: tap, clatter

watches: tick, ticktack

water: babbles, bubbles, drip-draps, splashes, sizzles, spish-splash, hiss,

wheels: rumble, crunch, whir

whips(鞭子): flick, smack, snap, swish

whistles: whack

wind: haot, toot, howl, rattle, sough

windows: rattle


jing chatter 在哪里能看


ha ha 哈哈

hee hee 嘿嘿

ho ho (Santa Claus等老头的笑)

heh heh 呵呵

lol(这个是最常用的,但不算拟声,是laugh out loud的缩写)

giggle 哈哈大笑



apes: (猿)gibber叽哩咕噜

asses: (驴)bray, heehaw

babies: cry

bear: growl

bees: buzz, hum, murmur, drone

beetles(甲虫): drone

birds: chatter, chirp, chirrup, flap, peck, sing, squawk, twitter,

bulls: bellow, bow

camels: grunt

cats: miaow, mew, purr

cattle: low

chicken: cheep, peep, pip

chicks: cheep

child: chatter

cock: crow, cock-a-doodle-do

cows: boo, low, moo, moo,

crickets(蟋蟀): chirp

crows: caw, croak

deer: beat

dogs: bark, bay, bow-wow, grow, how, whine, yap, yelp

donkeys: bray, hee-haw

doves: coo, crood, croud, croodle

ducks: quack, screech

eagle: scream

elephants: trumpet

flies: buzz, hum, drone

foxes: yelp, bark

frogs: croak

geese: cackle, gabble, gaggle, hiss

goats: bleat, baa

hawks: scream,

hens: cackle, chuckle

horse: whiney, nicker, neigh, snort,

hounds: bay

insects: chirp

kittens(小猫): mew

larks(百灵): sing, warble

lions: roar

magpies(喜鹊): chatter

man: giggle, hem(哼),ouch, hush, mumble, chatter, bravo, murmur, whisper

mice: peep, squeak

monkeys: chatter, japer, screech, chatter

mosquitoes: buzz, hum, drom

night eagles: ner

owls: hoot, scream, screech, whop

owls: hoot, screech, scream

ox: bo, how, moo

parrots: talk, quack

pigeons: coo, crood, croodle

pigs crowd

puppies: yelp

rabbits: suqeak

seagulls(海鸥): scream

sheep: bleat, baa

snakes: hiss

sparrows: chatter, chirp, twitter

swallows: twitter

swans: cry

tigers: roar, groul, gaoll

turkeys: gobble

vultures(秃鹫): scream

whales: blow

wide goose(大雁): honk

wolves: howl growl


abacus(算盘) balls: pit-a-pat, pita pat

arrows: whistle, whiz

artillery(大炮): booms

balls: bounce

bank notes: rustle

bayonets: clink and clash

beats: pit-a-pat, pita pat, thump, thud, patter

bellows(风箱): flip-flap

bells: clink, clang, jingle, jingle-jangles-jingle, ding dong.

bikes: jangle

boots(皮靴): crunch

bottles: crack, crick-crack, rattle

bow string: snap

bowels: rumble

brakes: screech

branches: snap

breeze: puffs

bullets: whistle, whiz, zip

buses: rattle, hoot, and thump

cameras: snick

candles: splutter

cars: crash, toot(horn)

carts: rumble, creak

cattle: low

chains: clank

clocks: ding dang, tick, ticktack, tic tak

clothes: rustle

coins: jingle

cooking pots: sizzle

cords: pop

curtains: flap

dishes: ding dang, jingle, clatter

doors: creak, rat-tat-tat, rat tattoo, rattle,

drums: rub-a-dub, rataplan

dry leaves: rustle

eating: slurp

engines: chug, chum, whistle

feet: chatter, tramp

fingers snap

fire crackers: bang, pup

fire snap

flags: flap flutter

floor: creak

glass: crash, clinks,

gongs: ding-dang

guns pup, boom, click

hands: clap, flick

high heal shoes: click

horns: toot

horse's hooves: dip-clop

jade: tickle

keys: clink

knife and fork: clack

leather shoes: click-clack

leaves: whisper, rustle,

locks: snap, click,

locomotive(火车头): puff

machines: buzz,

machines guns: rattle, chatter, tat-rat, tat-tat-tat

metal: ting, clash, clink, tinkle, jing dong, ticktack

mind: buzz

oil: sizzle

paper: rustle

planes: zoom, crash,

radios: squeak

rain: patters, pit-pat-pit-pat

rifle: crack, pop

ropes: crack, snap, pop

scissors: clip-clop

silk: rustle

snow: spatters

steam: hoop, hoos, hoot

stick: swish

stomach: rumble

stones: smack, flop

tears: plop

teeth: chatter

telephone: ring, jangle

thunder: clap, peal, rumble,

tongue: click

trains: rattle, clatter, whistle, murmur

trumps(号): toot

trucks: rumble, grunt

type writers: tap, clatter

watches: tick, ticktack

water: babbles, bubbles, drip-draps, splashes, sizzles, spish-splash, hiss,

wheels: rumble, crunch, whir

whips(鞭子): flick, smack, snap, swish

whistles: whack

wind: haot, toot, howl, rattle, sough

windows: rattle
