一种临时解决方案,在切换动画加载完毕后,再去构造 WebView,这样从用户角度上看,就不会有路由切换动画的卡顿了。class WebViewPage extends StatefulWidget {undefined
final String uri;
@required this.uri,
}) : assert(uri != null);
_WebViewPageState createState() = _WebViewPageState();
class _WebViewPageState extends State {undefined
WebViewController _controller;
bool _animationCompleted = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {undefined
// 主要是下面的代码
var route = ModalRoute.of(context);
if (route != null !_animationCompleted) {undefined
void handler(status) {undefined
if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) {undefined
setState(() {undefined
_animationCompleted = true;
return Scaffold(
title: widget.title,
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
body: _animationCompleted
? WebView(
initialUrl: 'about:blank',
onWebViewCreated: (WebViewController webViewController) {undefined
_controller = webViewController;
: Container(),
_loadHtmlFromAssets() async {undefined
var uri = Uri.dataFromString(
await rootBundle.loadString(widget.uri),
mimeType: 'text/html',
encoding: Encoding.getByName('utf-8'),
airhead: stupid person.
ace: excellent, great.
Adam and Eve - Rhyming Slang for 'believe'
aggro - short for aggravation or violence
amber fluid : beer
anorak - geek, nerd.
apples and pears - Rhyming Slang for 'stairs'.
armpit: dirty, unappealing place.
arse / ass [slightly offensive] (1): backside.
arse / ass (2): an unworthy person.
arse about/arsing about - to fool around
arse-about-face: something that is in a mess or crooked
arseholed: very drunk
arvo : afternoon
Aussie : Australian
awesome: great and impressive.
backhander (1): a payment given, normally in a secretive fashion.
backhander (2): hit someone.
ball (1): a fun time.
ball [slightly offensive] (2): a testicle.
ballistic - to go mad with rage
bang [slightly offensive](1): to make love
bang (2): a powerful effect.
banged up - to be put in prison.
bangers - another name for sausages.
barbie : barbecue, grill.
barf (1): vomit.
barmy - a foolish person, mad.
barney - row, violent argument.
beans: money.
beast [offensive] - an ugly woman.
beat: tired.
beemer: a BMW.
bent (1): a 'gay man'
bent (2): 'stolen'.
biggie: something important.
biker: a motorcycle rider.
bikkie : biscuit
bimbo - a young woman considered sexually attractive but of limited intelligence.
bird - woman/girl/girlfriend
bitch [offensive] (1): a very unpleasant woman.
bitch [offensive] (2): complain.
bitchy [slightly offensive]: moody.
bitzer : mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that!).
bladdered - very drunk
blag - a robbery
bloke - man
blotto - 'very drunk'
blue (1) - XXX; dirty, hot, steamy, pornographic
blue (2): domestic fight or row.
bluey - pornographic film
boat race - Rhyming Slang for 'face'.
bod: body.
bonkers; go bonkers: crazy.
bonzer : great.
booboo: a mistake.
bovver - trouble, usually fighting.
booze: alcohol.
boozer (1): a pub
boozer (2): someone who likes alcohol.
Brahms and Liszt - Rhyming Slang for 'pissed' (drunk).
brass monkeys - cold weather
bread: money.
brew (1): tea or coffee.
brew (2): beer.
brill - short for 'brilliant'.
bull: bullshit; lie.
bullshit [offensive]: lie; dishonesty.
bugger - a mild form of abuse or an exclamation.
bunk-off - to be absent without permission
bunk-up - to make love.
bushed: extremely tired.
butt: the buttocks, bottom.
cabbage - someone who is a bit slow or stupid
cakehole - mouth..
catch some rays: get some sunshine.
char / cha - tea.
cheesy: cheap; lacking in good taste.
chicken: coward.
chook : a chicken
chuck up: vomit
chuck a sickie : take the day off sick from work when you're perfectly healthy.
ciggy - slang for cigarette.
cock and bull story - a rubbish story, nonsense.
(to) cop it - to die, to get into trouble.
cool: excellent; superb.
cooler, the: gaol; jail; prison
couch potato: a person who watches too much television.
cozzie : swimming costume
cranky : in a bad mood, angry.
crap [slightly offensive] (1): something worthless.
crap [offensive] (2): excrement.
crap [slightly offensive] (3): falsehoods and lies.
crikey - an expression of astonishment.
crust - money / wage.
cushy - easy.
dead cert - something that is definite.
deck: to hit someone.
dicey: unpredictable; risky.
dickhead [slightly offensive] - an idiot, fool.
dill : an idiot.
ding-dong - argument or fight.
dipstick - idiot, fool.
dirt: extremely bad person.
dirty: offensive; pornographic.
div/divvy - stupid or slow person.
doodle - something thats easy / no problem.
dodgy - dubious person or thing.
dog [offensive] - an ugly girl.
done over - beaten up
dope - a slow or stupid person.
doobry - a nonsensical word used when you forget the name of something
dorky: strange; peculiar.
dosh - money.
dosser - down-and-out, tramp.
down under : Australia and New Zealand.
Drongo : a dope, stupid person.
dude: a male.
dump [slightly offensive] - to defecate.
dyke [offensive] - lesbian.
dynamite: powerful; excellent.
dinosaur: something out of date or old fashioned.
earbashing : nagging, non-stop chatter.
evil: great; excellent.
eyeball: to stare long and hard at someone or something.
eyepopper: something or someone visibly astounding.
fab: fabulous.
face-off: confrontation.
fag [offensive] (1): homosexual
fag (2): cigarette
family jewels - Rhyming Slang for testicles.
far out - splendid.
fart [offensive] (1): an escape of gas from the bowels.
fart [slightly offensive] (2): an unpleasant person
fat head - an idiot or dull person.
fender-bender: small accident.
filth [offensive] - the police.
fit - sexually attractive.
five finger discount - shoplifting.
flaky: unpredictable.
flashback: sudden memory.
flick (1): film; movie.
flick (2): to give something or somebody the flick is to get rid of it or him/her
floating : intoxicated
floozie - a mistress or girlfriend.
flommox - confuse
flutter - a bet (on horse racing or football)
footie - Abbreviated form for football.
for crying out loud ! - a expression of frustration or anger.
forty winks - a short sleep or nap.
fox: attractive, alluring person.
freebie: something that does not cost money.
French kiss : kissing with the tongue.
full monty - 'the whole lot', everything.
full-on - powerful, with maximum effort.
funny farm - mental hospital or institution.
funny money - counterfeit money.
gaff - house or flat.
gander - to look at.
geek: an unattractive person who works too hard.
get it: to understand something.
glitch: flaw.
gobshite [offensive] - someone who talks rubbish all the time.
go bananas: go slightly mad.
good onya : good for you, well done
goof (1): make a mistake.
goof (2): a silly and foolish person.
goof off: waste time.
goof up: make a mistake.
goofy: silly.
Gordon Bennet - an exclamation.
grand: one thousand dollars.
grass: marijuana.
greaser - slang name for a 1950's style man.
grog : alcohol, beer.
grub: food.
grubby: not clean.
grungy: unclean and stinky.
gut: a person's stomach; belly.
guts: courage.
gyno - gynaecologist
hacked off - fed up, annoyed.
hairy: difficult; dangerous.
ham-fisted - clumsy.
hammered - drunk.
handcuffs: an engagement ring or wedding ring
hang a left: make a left turn.
hang a right: make a right turn.
headcase - mad
hep: sensible; informed.
her ('er) indoors - wife, girlfriend.
hickey: a love bite on the skin.
hip: sensible; informed.
hole in the wall - a cashpoint machine or bankomat.
hoo-ha - trouble; commotion.
hooker: prostitute.
horny: in the mood for sex, sexually stimulated;.
hot (1): sexy.
hot (2):popular.
hottie : hot water bottle
huff - bad mood.
humungous: really big.
hump (1) - to have sex.
hump (2) - bad mood.
hyper: overly excited.
icky: unpleasant.
I.D.: identification.
iffy - dubious, doubtful.
I'm outta here: I'm leaving; I'm departing.
in: fashionable.
ivories: teeth.
jack around: waste time.
jam (1): trouble.
jam (2): improvise (musically).
jamming, to be : going well.
jammy - lucky.
jerk: stupid or annoying person.
jock: someone good at sports.
K : a thousand.
keep your hair on - "keep calm".
kick back: relax and enjoy.
kick the bucket: die.
kip - sleep.
knackered - exhausted.
knees up - party.
knock: condemn, criticise.
knockout: beautiful woman; handsome man.
knock back : refusal (noun), refuse (transitive verb)
kook: peculiar person.
kraut [slightly offensive] - German
laid back: relaxed; calm.
lairy - loud, brash.
lame: incompetent.
legless - very drunk.
limp wristed - a gay man.
lip: cheeky talk.
loaded - someone with a lot of money.
loo : toilet
loser: a bungling and worthless person.
lost the plot - crazy/mad.
love handles: excess fat around the waist.
luvverly jubberly - wonderful, great, all is well.
make waves: cause problems.
malarkey - nonsense.
mate - friend
max, to the : maximum.
mega: big.
megabucks: a large amount of money.
mellow: relaxed.
mickey-mouse: unimportant; time-wasting.
minger [offensive] - an unattractive person (usually female).
mongrel : despicable person
moonie [offensive!] - to show one's bottom (arse) to unsuspecting onlookers.
moose [offensive] - an ugly girl.
mozzie : mosquito
mug : a gullible person.
naff - something which is cheap and nasty.
naff off - a milder version off fu*k off.
nancy (nancy boy) - a homosexual.
nark - a police informer.
narked - to be annoyed.
neat: cool; great.
nick - to steal.
nipper - a small child.
no-hoper - somebody who'll never do well
nosh - food.
not cricket - not normal or correct.
not all there - someone who is stupid, not bright intellectually
not half! - cetainly, for sure.
not the full quid - someone who is stupid, not bright intellectually.
nuke (1): nuclear weapon.
nuke (2): destroy; delete.
nuke (3): cook something in the microwave oven.
nut (1): odd or crazy person.
nut (2): someone passionate about something.
nutter - crazy person.
nuts [slightly offensive]: testicles.
nutty - eccentric.
off your face - to be very drunk.
out of your tree - crazy, drunk or stoned.
pad: someone's home.
pants (1) - an exclamation of frustration.
pants (2) - bad or rubbish.
party: celebrate.
party animal: someone that loves parties.
paws: hands.
peanuts: very little money.
pee: to urinate.
pickled: drunk.
pig out: eat too much.
pigs ear: to make a mistake with something.
piss [slightly offensive] - to urinate.
pissed - drunk.
pissed (off): angry; upset.
piss-head - a habitual drinker or alcoholic.
piss-up - a big drinking session.
plank - an idiot.
plastered: drunk.
plonker - an idiot
pad: someone's home.
plonk (1) : cheap wine
plonk (2): sit down - as in "plonk your arse down there".
poop [offensive]: defecation; shit.
poop out: get tired and quit.
postie : postman
pot: marijuana.
prezzy : present, gift
pro - someone who's good at something; professional.
psycho: crazy person.
puke: vomit.
pumped (up): excited.
queer [slightly offensive] - a homosexual.
rabbit - talk.
racket (1): noise.
racket (2): an occupation.
racket (3): something that's dishonest or deceptive.
rat: a despicable person.
rat-arsed - drunk.
rear (end): buttocks.
(a) riot - something or someone very funny.
rip off (1): stealing.
rip off (2): fraud.
ripper : great, fantastic
rocking: great; excellent.
roll up - a hand rolled cigarette.
rosie lee - tea
rubbish: nonsense; not true.
ruck - a fight.
rug - wig, toupee.
rug rat: a child.
rum - odd, strange.
runs, the: diarrhoea.
scoff: to eat.
screw up: to make a mistake.
screw-up: a person who makes a mistake.
scum (offensive] - a despicable individual.
shades - sunglasses.
shag [slightly offensive] - to make love.
shagged-out - to feel tired.
shed-load - a huge amount.
shite - milder variation of the word shit.
shitfaced [slightly offensive] - very drunk.
shithead [slightly offensive]: a stupid, impolite person.
skint - to have no money
skosh - a little bit.
slapper [offensive] - a loose or easy woman.
smeghead - an idiot.
snog - to kiss
snookered: cheated, stuck.
solid (1): really good; cool.
solid (2): consecutive.
specs: eyeglasses.
split: to leave.
spunk [offensive] (1): semen
spunk (2): spirit.
spunk (3): an attractive man.
stoned: drunk from drugs or alcohol.
stunner - a very good looking woman.
street smart: knowledgeable about city life.
strewth : exclamation
(I'll be) stuffed : expression of surprise
suck: to be bad and unacceptable.
sunnies : sunglasses
swagman : tramp
sweet - excellent, cool.
ta - thanks.
tacky - something of poor taste or style.
tanked (up) - to get very drunk.
tea leaf - Rhyming Slang for thief.
telly - television.
thick as shit [offensive]- very stupid.
thick as two short planks [offensive] - very stupid.
thingo : Wadjamacallit, thingummy, whatsit, something you don't know the name of!
thou: thousand.
threads: clothing.
ticker (1): the heart.
ticker (2): a watch.
tiddly - slightly drunk.
toss-pot [slightly offensive] - idiot.
totally: really; completely.
to the max: maximum.
troll - an ugly girl.
(the) trots - diarrhoea.
trouble and strife - Rhyming Slang for 'wife'.
trout [offensive] - unattractive woman
turkey (1): failure; flop.
turkey (2): dumb person.
turn-off: something that repulses a person.
umpteen: many; countless.
up for it - to be willing to have a good time.
up the duff - to be pregnant.
Uncle Tom Cobley and all - a phrase meaning 'everyone'.
uptight: nervous; anxious.
veg out : relax in front of the TV (like a vegetable)
wad: a lot of money.
wanker - an idiot or an unpleasant person.
wasted: killed.
weed (1): marijuana.
weed (2): someone who is weak.
wheels: car; motorcycle.
whiz: someone who shows a special talent for something.
wicked - excellent, cool.
wimp: weak; feeble.
wimpy: weak.
wind up - to tease.
winks: sleep.
wuss : coward
x-rated - pornographic.
yabber : talk (a lot)
Yank: an American.
yob - a horrible or uncouth young man.
zeds - sleep.
zero - an unimportant person.
zilch - nothing
zip (1) -nothing.
zip (2) - energy; vigor.
zip it - shut up.
zit: pimple; acne.
苹果在为“人工智能”不停收购, 谁能再做一个谷歌与Facebook在人工智能方面的收购清单?
Moodstocks公司是以图像识别技术为主,并推出了智能手机的图像识别应用程序Moodstocks Notes。在加入谷歌在巴黎的研发团队之后,他们将继续研发自己的视觉图像识别工具。
Dark Blue Labs(2014年10月23日被Google收购)
Dark Blue Labs是一家深度学习公司,主要从事数据架构以及算法开发工作,被收购后并入DeepMind。
Emu被Google收购后主要用于Google Hangouts以及Google Now中。
Flutter2010年底由Navneet Dalal和Mehul Nariyawala创办,利用计算机视觉技术结合手势监测识别技术,使得用户可以用简单的手势来操控电脑和移动设备。
Flutter被Google收购后主要应用在Android以及Google X项目中。
Wavii被Google收购后主要应用在Google Knowledge Graph(Google知识图谱)中。
DNNresearch公司是由深度学习大神Geoffrey Hinton与他的两个研究生Alex Krizhevsky和Ilya Sutskever成立。由于谷歌在本次收购中没有获得任何实际的产品或服务,所以本次收购实际上属于人才性收购,收购的主体是为了这三人团队。
Viewdle曾经推出的应用包括SocialCamera和Third Eye,Social Camera是其推出的首款应用,用户只需通过Faceprint教会你的相机识别好友,此后只要照片中出现了这些好友,SocialCamera就可以自动为他们打上标签。
Clever Sense(2011年12月13日被Google收购)
Clever Sense是本地推荐应用Alfred的开发商。Alfred的独特之处在于它将人工智能和机器算法有机结合,为用户提供个性化的场所推荐,推荐的场所包括附近的餐馆、咖啡厅、酒吧和夜店。
Clever Sense被Google收购后主要应用在Android中。
SayNow是一家成立于2005年的语音识别公司,总部位于美国加州帕罗奥托(Palo Alto)市。
SayNow被Google收购后主要应用在Google Voice中。
Phonetic Arts(2010年12月3日被Google收购)
Phonetic Arts公司是一家位于英国的语音合成技术厂商。被Google收购前Phonetic Arts公司的语音合成技术主要用在游戏中,但谷歌希望将该技术用于其电脑声音自动输出系统,以使机器合成的人声更像人类的声音以及更加流利。
Phonetic Arts被Google收购后主要应用在Google Voice和Google Translate中。
Metaweb是一家从事语义搜索(Semantic Search)技术开发的风险企业,目标是开发用于Web的语义数据存储的基础结构。
Metaweb被Google收购后主要应用在Google Search中。
Neven Vision(2006年8月15日被Google收购)
Neven Vision是一家图像识别技术公司,其能自动从图片里提取信息、并且辨认图片的内容,被收购前主要应用于手机以及美国政府和执法部门的计量生物学应用中。
Neven Vision被Google收购后主要应用在Picasa以及Google Goggles中。
(1)三次蛙泳腿一次蛙泳手(3kick-1 pull breast),低头,两臂夹紧并拢伸直,蹬壁出发,要求蹬三次蛙泳腿划一次蛙泳手的节奏完成动作,重点要求运动员上身保持流线型,两臂与髋部,不要上下晃动,保持稳定。训练中分解练习的蹬腿次数可以针对试用与不同的运动员,能力越高的队员可以加大蹬腿次数与划臂的配合,反之,相对减少。
(2)蛙泳划手蝶泳打腿(br w/dolphin kick),要求运动员按照一次蛙泳手,一次蝶泳腿的节奏进行练习,其目的是控制身体流线型,保持游进的稳定性。训练中也可增加难度,如把头抬起,一直保持在水面;蛙泳腿、蝶泳腿交替等训练手段,后者可加强纠正蛙泳收腿动作。值得注意的是,通过对主教练团队的访谈得知,国内蛙泳训练常见的一次蛙手两次蝶腿的技术动作,在国外比较少用,因从蛙泳技术动作的结构而言,如采用两次腿一次手的技术练习,会间接破坏身体游进的流线型,从而达不到此练习方法的效果。
(3)蛙泳划手自由泳打腿(br w/flutter kick),要求运动员按照一次蛙泳划手,六次自由泳打腿的节奏进行练习,其目的是为了控制运动员上身及手臂划动后保持身体在水中的流线型。其中要注意自由泳打腿的次数取决于划幅与划频,越快越好,持续不间断,如能完成每次划手动作配合6~8次的打腿,效果会更好。
二, 蛙泳技术动作的水下辅助工具训练方法