

这个其实和五子棋 象棋的寻址区别不大,都是最佳算法



有很多算法实现 你用alpha beta或者置换表都可以

验证做好的是最忧搜索+置换表+历史启发,现在不写那些了 代码不好找 你去网上搜索五子棋人工智能就应该有



但是Button有getActionListeners() 可以返回监听器数组

有removeActionListener(ActionListener l) 可以删除监听器






Dim ChessBoard(-2 To 10, -2 To 10) As Byte ''棋盘(8竖*8棋)

Dim x(10) As Integer, y(10) As Integer ''搜索的每种走法

Dim x1(10) As Integer, y1(10) As Integer ''搜索的每种走法的可吃子坐标

Dim BestLocate As CHESSER

Dim CurrentPlayer As Byte ''当前玩家

Dim CurrentStep As Integer ''当前步

Dim 人机模式 As Boolean

Dim cSel As Byte ''玩家选择了哪个棋子

Dim tTemp As Boolean


Rem 如果Cer为1(黑方),则返回2(红方),否则返加1(黑方)

Public Function NextCer(ByVal Cer As Byte) As Byte

NextCer = 1

If Cer = 1 Then NextCer = 2

End Function

Rem 棋盘

Private Sub Initial()

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

For i = 1 To 8: For j = 1 To 8: ChessBoard(i, j) = 0: Next j: Next i

ChessBoard(1, 2) = 201

ChessBoard(1, 4) = 201

ChessBoard(1, 6) = 201

ChessBoard(1, 8) = 201

ChessBoard(2, 1) = 201

ChessBoard(2, 3) = 201

ChessBoard(2, 5) = 201

ChessBoard(2, 7) = 201

ChessBoard(3, 2) = 201

ChessBoard(3, 4) = 201

ChessBoard(3, 6) = 201

ChessBoard(3, 8) = 201

ChessBoard(6, 1) = 101

ChessBoard(6, 3) = 101

ChessBoard(6, 5) = 101

ChessBoard(6, 7) = 101

ChessBoard(7, 2) = 101

ChessBoard(7, 4) = 101

ChessBoard(7, 6) = 101

ChessBoard(7, 8) = 101

ChessBoard(8, 1) = 101

ChessBoard(8, 3) = 101

ChessBoard(8, 5) = 101

ChessBoard(8, 7) = 101

End Sub

Rem 反显示(将屏幕显示的内容存入ChessBoard数组)

Private Sub ReDisplay()

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer

k = 0

For i = 1 To 8

For j = 1 To 8

If cbText(k).Text = "" Then ChessBoard(i, j) = 0

If cbText(k).Text = "101" Then ChessBoard(i, j) = 101

If cbText(k).Text = "201" Then ChessBoard(i, j) = 201

If cbText(k).Text = "102" Then ChessBoard(i, j) = 102

If cbText(k).Text = "202" Then ChessBoard(i, j) = 202

k = k + 1

Next j

Next i

End Sub

Rem 显示(将ChessBoard数组的内容显示到屏幕后)

Private Sub Display()

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer

k = 0

For i = 1 To 8

For j = 1 To 8

If ChessBoard(i, j) = 0 Then

cbText(k).Text = ""


cbText(k).Text = ChessBoard(i, j)

End If

k = k + 1

Next j

Next i

Call 胜负判断

End Sub

Rem 胜负判断

Private Sub 胜负判断()

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

Dim a As Integer, b As Integer

a = 0: b = 0

For i = 1 To 8

For j = 1 To 8

If Int(ChessBoard(i, j) / 100) = 1 Then a = a + 1 ''计算玩家的棋子数

If Int(ChessBoard(i, j) / 100) = 2 Then b = b + 1 ''计算电脑的棋子数

Next j

Next i

If a = 0 Then Call MsgBox("我赢了!", vbOKOnly + 32, "提示:"): Exit Sub

If b = 0 Then Call MsgBox("我认输了!", vbOKOnly + 32, "提示:"): Exit Sub

End Sub

Rem 返回估值

Private Function CurrentValue(Cer As Byte) As Integer

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

CurrentValue = 0

For i = 1 To 8

For j = 1 To 8

If Int(ChessBoard(i, j) / 100) = Cer Then _

CurrentValue = CurrentValue + ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 * 100 + 100 ''是我方的棋子,棋子为1加100分,棋子为2加200分

If Int(ChessBoard(i, j) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) Then _

CurrentValue = CurrentValue - (ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 * 100 + 100) ''对方的棋子,棋子为1减100分,棋子为2减200分

Next j

Next i

End Function

Rem 如果Cer方i,j的棋子还可以吃子则返回True

Private Function IsLine(Cer As Byte, i As Byte, j As Byte) As Boolean

Dim x As Byte, y As Byte, x1 As Byte, y1 As Byte

IsLine = False



If Int(ChessBoard(i, j) / 100) = Cer Then


If Int(ChessBoard(i - 1, j - 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 1 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x = (i - 1) - 1 ''目标坐标

y = (j - 1) - 1

x1 = i - 1 ''吃子坐标

y1 = j - 1

If x 0 And y 0 And x 9 And y 9 And ChessBoard(x, y) = 0 Then IsLine = True '有可吃子,返回True

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(i - 1, j + 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 1 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x = (i - 1) - 1

y = (j + 1) + 1

x1 = i - 1

y1 = j + 1

If x 0 And y 0 And x 9 And y 9 And ChessBoard(x, y) = 0 Then IsLine = True '有可吃子,返回True

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(i + 1, j - 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 2 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x = (i + 1) + 1

y = (j - 1) - 1

x1 = i + 1

y1 = j - 1

If x 0 And y 0 And x 9 And y 9 And ChessBoard(x, y) = 0 Then IsLine = True '有可吃子,返回True

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(i + 1, j + 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 2 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x = (i + 1) + 1

y = (j + 1) + 1

x1 = i + 1

y1 = j + 1

If x 0 And y 0 And x 9 And y 9 And ChessBoard(x, y) = 0 Then IsLine = True '有可吃子,返回True

End If

End If

End Function

Rem 如果Cer方的棋子还可以吃子则返回True

Private Function IsLine2(Cer As Byte) As Boolean

Dim x As Byte, y As Byte, x1 As Byte, y1 As Byte

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

IsLine2 = False


For i = 1 To 8

For j = 1 To 8


If Int(ChessBoard(i, j) / 100) = Cer Then


If Int(ChessBoard(i - 1, j - 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 1 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x = (i - 1) - 1 ''目标坐标

y = (j - 1) - 1

x1 = i - 1 ''吃子坐标

y1 = j - 1

If x 0 And y 0 And x 9 And y 9 And ChessBoard(x, y) = 0 Then IsLine2 = True '有可吃子,返回True

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(i - 1, j + 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 1 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x = (i - 1) - 1

y = (j + 1) + 1

x1 = i - 1

y1 = j + 1

If x 0 And y 0 And x 9 And y 9 And ChessBoard(x, y) = 0 Then IsLine2 = True '有可吃子,返回True

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(i + 1, j - 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 2 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x = (i + 1) + 1

y = (j - 1) - 1

x1 = i + 1

y1 = j - 1

If x 0 And y 0 And x 9 And y 9 And ChessBoard(x, y) = 0 Then IsLine2 = True '有可吃子,返回True

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(i + 1, j + 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 2 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x = (i + 1) + 1

y = (j + 1) + 1

x1 = i + 1

y1 = j + 1

If x 0 And y 0 And x 9 And y 9 And ChessBoard(x, y) = 0 Then IsLine2 = True '有可吃子,返回True

End If

End If

Next j

Next i

End Function

Rem 搜索程序

Private Function Search(Cer As Byte, Steps As Integer, IsTop As Boolean, UpMax As Integer)

Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, b1 As Integer, b2 As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer, v As Integer

Dim MaxValue As Integer

Dim Sc(40) As CHESSER

Dim IsEat(7) As Boolean ''搜索到的7种走法有没有吃子

Dim EAT As Boolean ''有没有吃子

If IsTop Then


For i = 0 To 40: Sc(i).Allow = False: Next i ';默认情况下所有走法皆不允许,如果所有值均为False则皆允许

End If

EAT = False

For i = 0 To 7: IsEat(7) = False: Next i ''默认情况所有搜索到的走法都没有吃子

Steps = Steps - 1

If Steps 1 And IsLine2(Cer) = False Then


Search = -CurrentValue(Cer) ''返回估值

Exit Function

End If

k = 0


For i = 1 To 8

For j = 1 To 8


If Int(ChessBoard(i, j) / 100) = Cer Then

For i1 = 1 To MAXDOWNPOINT: x(i1) = 0: x1(i1) = 0: Next ''x记载所有走法,清空x



x(0) = i - 1: y(0) = j - 1

x(1) = i - 1: y(1) = j + 1

x(2) = i + 1: y(2) = j - 1

x(3) = i + 1: y(3) = j + 1

''棋子表示方法:白棋 101(普通)、102 (过底的威力棋)

'' 红棋 201(普通)、202 (过底的威力棋)


If Cer = 1 And ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 2 Then x(2) = -2: x(3) = -2


If Cer = 2 And ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 2 Then x(0) = -2: x(1) = -2


If Int(ChessBoard(i - 1, j - 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 1 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x(4) = (i - 1) - 1 ''目标坐标

y(4) = (j - 1) - 1

x1(4) = i - 1 ''吃子坐标

y1(4) = j - 1

If x(4) 0 And y(4) 0 And x(4) 9 And y(4) 9 And ChessBoard(x(4), y(4)) = 0 Then _

EAT = True: IsEat(4) = True ''有可吃子,必需走此步,其余走法无效

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(i - 1, j + 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 1 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x(5) = (i - 1) - 1

y(5) = (j + 1) + 1

x1(5) = i - 1

y1(5) = j + 1

If x(5) 0 And y(5) 0 And x(5) 9 And y(5) 9 And ChessBoard(x(5), y(5)) = 0 Then _

EAT = True: IsEat(5) = True ''有可吃子,必需走此步,其余走法无效

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(i + 1, j - 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 2 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x(6) = (i + 1) + 1

y(6) = (j - 1) - 1

x1(6) = i + 1

y1(6) = j - 1

If x(6) 0 And y(6) 0 And x(6) 9 And y(6) 9 And ChessBoard(x(6), y(6)) = 0 Then _

EAT = True: IsEat(6) = True ''有可吃子,必需走此步,其余走法无效

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(i + 1, j + 1) / 100) = NextCer(Cer) And (Cer = 2 Or ChessBoard(i, j) Mod 100 = 2) Then

x(7) = (i + 1) + 1

y(7) = (j + 1) + 1

x1(7) = i + 1

y1(7) = j + 1

If x(7) 0 And y(7) 0 And x(7) 9 And y(7) 9 And ChessBoard(x(7), y(7)) = 0 Then _

EAT = True: IsEat(7) = True ''有可吃子,必需走此步,其余走法无效

End If


If EAT = True Then

For a = 0 To 7

If IsEat(a) = False Then x(a) = -1

Next a

End If


For a = 0 To 7

'If x(a) = 5 And y(a) = 2 Then Stop


If x(a) 0 And y(a) 0 And x(a) 9 And y(a) 9 Then


If ChessBoard(x(a), y(a)) = 0 Then


Sc(k).Initx = i

Sc(k).Inity = j

Sc(k).ObjX = x(a)

Sc(k).ObjY = y(a)

Sc(k).x1 = x1(a) ''被吃子位置

Sc(k).y1 = y1(a)

If IsEat(a) = True Then Sc(k).Allow = True ''如果有吃子,则允许此着走法

k = k + 1

End If

End If

Next a

'If EAT = True Then i = 100: j = 100 ''如果有吃子则不必再搜索

End If

Next j

Next i

MaxValue = -30000 ''当前分数

tTemp = False


For i = 0 To k - 1

If Sc(i).Allow = True Then tTemp = True

Next i


If tTemp = False Then

For i = 0 To k - 1: Sc(i).Allow = True: Next i

End If


For i = 0 To k - 1

If Sc(i).Allow = True Then

b1 = ChessBoard(Sc(i).Initx, Sc(i).Inity) ''记录起点棋子和终点棋子

b2 = ChessBoard(Sc(i).ObjX, Sc(i).ObjY)

b = ChessBoard(Sc(i).x1, Sc(i).y1) ''记录被吃子位置的棋子

ChessBoard(Sc(i).Initx, Sc(i).Inity) = 0 ''清除起点的棋子

ChessBoard(Sc(i).ObjX, Sc(i).ObjY) = b1 ''试下棋

ChessBoard(Sc(i).x1, Sc(i).y1) = 0 ''清除被吃子位置的棋子



If Cer = 1 Then


If Sc(i).ObjX = 1 Then ChessBoard(Sc(i).ObjX, Sc(i).ObjY) = 102

End If


If Cer = 2 Then


If Sc(i).ObjX = 8 Then ChessBoard(Sc(i).ObjX, Sc(i).ObjY) = 202

End If

If b 0 And IsLine(Cer, Sc(i).ObjX, Sc(i).ObjY) = True And EAT = True Then


v = CurrentValue(Cer) + 300 ''V为当前局面价值加300分


v = Search(NextCer(Cer), Steps - 1, False, -UpMax) ''没有连续可吃子,继续搜索

End If


ChessBoard(Sc(i).x1, Sc(i).y1) = b ''恢复被吃子

ChessBoard(Sc(i).Initx, Sc(i).Inity) = b1 ''记录起点棋子和终点棋子

ChessBoard(Sc(i).ObjX, Sc(i).ObjY) = b2

'' 显示每种走法的得分

If IsTop Then

List1.AddItem "从" Str(Sc(i).Initx) "," Str(Sc(i).Inity) _

"到" Str(Sc(i).ObjX) "," Str(Sc(i).ObjY) "得分:" Str(v)

End If


If IsTop And (v MaxValue Or MaxValue = -30000) Then

BestLocate.Initx = Sc(i).Initx

BestLocate.Inity = Sc(i).Inity

BestLocate.ObjX = Sc(i).ObjX

BestLocate.ObjY = Sc(i).ObjY

BestLocate.x1 = Sc(i).x1

BestLocate.y1 = Sc(i).y1

MaxValue = v

End If

If v MaxValue Then MaxValue = v

'下句: 如果 MaxValue = -UpMax //α-β剪枝, 符合剪枝条件的就Cut掉。UpMax为上层的MaxValue

If IsTop = False And MaxValue = -UpMax Then i = 100 ''剪枝程序

End If

Next i

If IsTop = False Then Search = -MaxValue Else Search = MaxValue

End Function

Private Sub cbText_Click(Index As Integer)

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, C As Integer ''C记载吃子

Dim Temp As String, Temp2 As String, Temp3 As String

Dim x As Byte, y As Byte, x2 As Byte, y2 As Byte

If cbText(Index).BackColor HC0E0FF Then Call MsgBox("落棋无效!", vbOKOnly + 32, "提示:"): Exit Sub

If cSel = 0 And Trim(cbText(Index).Text) "" Then cSel = Index: cbText(cSel).ForeColor = QBColor(12): Exit Sub ''如果玩家一个也没先且当前棋盘位置有棋子,则标示玩家选择此棋子

If cSel 0 And Val(cbText(Index).Text) = Val(cbText(cSel).Text) Then cbText(cSel).ForeColor = H80000008: cSel = 0: Exit Sub ''如果玩家两次选择相同的棋子则取消选择

If cSel 0 Then


cbText(Index).Text = cbText(cSel).Text


k = Val(cbText(Index).Text)

If Int(k / 100) = 1 And Index 8 Then cbText(Index).Text = "102" ''如果1方走到顶端就变成加强棋

If Int(k / 100) = 2 And Index 55 Then cbText(Index).Text = "202" ''如果2方走到顶端就变成加强棋

cbText(cSel).Text = ""

cbText(cSel).ForeColor = H80000008



If Index - cSel = -18 Then

cbText(Index + 9).Text = "": ''被吃子

C = Index + 9

End If


If Index - cSel = -14 Then

cbText(Index + 7).Text = "": ''被吃子

C = Index + 7

End If


If Index - cSel = 14 Then

cbText(Index - 7).Text = "": ''被吃子

C = Index - 7

End If


If Index - cSel = 18 Then

cbText(Index - 9).Text = "": ''被吃子

C = Index - 9

End If


k = 0: Temp = "": Temp2 = "": Temp = ""

For i = 1 To 8

For j = 1 To 8

If k = cSel Then Temp = "从" Str(i) + "," + Str(j)

If k = Index Then Temp2 = " 到" + Str(i) + "," + Str(j): x = i: y = j

If k = C Then Temp3 = "吃子 " Str(i) "," Str(j): x2 = i: y2 = j

k = k + 1

Next j

Next i

List2.AddItem "第" Str(CurrentStep) "手 " Str(CurrentPlayer) + "方" + Temp + Temp2 + Temp3

CurrentStep = CurrentStep + 1

Text3.Text = Temp + Temp2

cSel = 0

Call ReDisplay


If 人机模式 = True And (IsLine(CurrentPlayer, x, y) = True And x2 1 And y2 2) = False Then

'If 人机模式 = True Then


CurrentPlayer = NextCer(Int(Val(cbText(Index).Text) / 100))

Call Command2_Click ''如果是人机模式则让电脑运长

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

List2.Clear ''清除棋谱

CurrentStep = 1

Call Initial

Call Display

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Dim t As Boolean

Command2.Enabled = False


Text1.Text = Str(Search(CurrentPlayer, Val(Text2.Text), True, 0))

Command2.Enabled = True

With BestLocate

t = DownChess(.Initx, .Inity, .ObjX, .ObjY, .x1, .y1)

Call Display

If t = True And IsLine(CurrentPlayer, .ObjX, .ObjY) Then Call MsgBox("我还想再吃一个"): GoTo t ''如果所下之棋还能吃子(连续吃)则再运算

End With

CurrentPlayer = NextCer(CurrentPlayer)

End Sub

Rem 移棋

Rem Sx,Sy:起点棋子 Ex,Ey:终点棋子 Ax,Ay:被吃子

Rem 如果有吃子则返回True

Private Function DownChess(Sx As Byte, Sy As Byte, ex As Byte, ey As Byte, Ax As Byte, Ay As Byte) As Boolean

ChessBoard(ex, ey) = ChessBoard(Sx, Sy)

ChessBoard(Sx, Sy) = 0

ChessBoard(Ax, Ay) = 0 ''清除被吃子

If Ax 0 And Ay 0 Then DownChess = True Else DownChess = False

Text3.Text = "第" Str(CurrentStep) "手 " Str(CurrentPlayer) + "方从" Str(Sx) + "," + Str(Sy) + "到" + Str(ex) + "," + Str(ey) _

"吃子 " Str(Ax) "," Str(Ay)

CurrentStep = CurrentStep + 1

List2.AddItem Text3.Text


If Int(ChessBoard(ex, ey) / 100) = 1 Then


If ex = 1 Then ChessBoard(ex, ey) = 102

End If


If Int(ChessBoard(ex, ey) / 100) = 2 Then


If ex = 8 Then ChessBoard(ex, ey) = 202

End If

End Function

Rem 运算一

Private Sub Command3_Click()

CurrentPlayer = 1

Call Command2_Click

End Sub

Rem 运算二

Private Sub Command4_Click()

CurrentPlayer = 2

Call Command2_Click

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

Call ReDisplay

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

If 人机模式 = False Then 人机模式 = True Else 人机模式 = False

If 人机模式 = False Then Command6.Caption = " 人机模式": Command6.ToolTipText = "当前模式:人人对战" Else Command6.Caption = " 休息模式": Command6.ToolTipText = "当前模式:人机对战"

End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()


End Sub

Rem 存谱

Private Sub Command8_Click()

On Error GoTo e

Dim i As Integer

Open InputBox("请输入文件名:") For Output As #1

For i = 0 To List2.ListCount - 1

Print #1, List2.List(i)

Next i

Close #1

Exit Sub


Call MsgBox("存储错误!", vbOKOnly + 32, "提示:")


Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

人机模式 = False

cSel = 0

CurrentPlayer = 1

Call Command1_Click

End Sub



Chess As Byte ''为何棋,在BestLocate则标明为何数组

Initx As Byte ''起初棋的位置

Inity As Byte

ObjX As Byte ''经运算后的落棋点

ObjY As Byte

x1 As Byte

y1 As Byte

Allow As Boolean ''是否允许

End Type

Java 跳棋的程序

JavaJava,是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言和Java平台的总称。用Java实现的HotJava浏览器(支持Java applet)显示了Java的魅力:跨平台、动态的Web、Internet计算。


import java.awt.*;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class JumpChess extends JFrame{

public JumpChess(){

setSize(800,800); setVisible(true);



public void paint(Graphics g){ g.setColor(Color.gray); int x=290; int y=140; int x1=330;

for(int row=1;row13;row++){ g.drawLine(x,y,x1,y);




System.out.println(); }

int x2=110; int y2=230; int x3=90; int y3=260;

for(int row=1;row13;row++){ g.drawLine(x2,y2,x3,y3); x2=x2+40; x3=x3+20; y3=y3+30;



int x4=510; int y4=230; int x5=530; int y5=260;

for(int row=1;row13;row++){ g.drawLine(x4,y4,x5,y5); x4=x4-40; x5=x5-20; y5=y5+30;



int x6=510;
