




tuplestring应该不是.net库的方法,而是某个第三方实现,如果你要知道它还有哪些参数的话,可以在Visual Studio中在tuplestring上按F12,查看它的签名,以及是否有多个重载。


Mark!20 个 .NET 6 新增的 API

.NET 6 引入了两种期待已久的类型 - DateOnly 和 TimeOnly, 它们分别代表 DateTime 的日期和时间部分。

DateOnly dateOnly = new ( 2021 , 9 , 25 );

Console . WriteLine ( dateOnly );

TimeOnly timeOnly = new ( 19 , 0 , 0 );

Console . WriteLine ( timeOnly );

DateOnly dateOnlyFromDate = DateOnly . FromDateTime ( DateTime . Now );

Console . WriteLine ( dateOnlyFromDate );

TimeOnly timeOnlyFromDate = TimeOnly . FromDateTime ( DateTime . Now );

Console . WriteLine ( timeOnlyFromDate );


var userHandlers = new []


"users/okyrylchuk" ,

"users/jaredpar" ,



using HttpClient client = new ()


BaseAddress = new Uri ( "" ),


client . DefaultRequestHeaders . UserAgent . Add ( new ProductInfoHeaderValue ( "DotNet" , "6" ));

ParallelOptions options = new ()


MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3


await Parallel . ForEachAsync ( userHandlers , options , async ( uri , token ) =


var user = await client . GetFromJsonAsync GitHubUser ( uri , token );

Console . WriteLine ( $ "Name: {user.Name} Bio: {user.Bio} " );


public class GitHubUser


public string Name { get ; set ; }

public string Bio { get ; set ; }


// Output:

// Name: David Fowler

// Bio: Partner Software Architect at Microsoft on the ASP.NET team, Creator of SignalR


// Name: Oleg Kyrylchuk

// Bio: Software developer | Dotnet | C# | Azure


// Name: Jared Parsons

// Bio: Developer on the C# compiler

ArgumentNullException 的小改进, 在抛出异常之前不需要在每个方法中检查 null, 现在只需要写一行, 和 response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); 类似。

ExampleMethod ( null );

void ExampleMethod ( object param )


ArgumentNullException . ThrowIfNull ( param );

// Do something


.NET 6 新增的数据结构, PriorityQueue, 队列每个元素都有一个关联的优先级,它决定了出队顺序, 编号小的元素优先出列。

PriorityQueue string , int priorityQueue = new ();

priorityQueue . Enqueue ( "Second" , 2 );

priorityQueue . Enqueue ( "Fourth" , 4 );

priorityQueue . Enqueue ( "Third 1" , 3 );

priorityQueue . Enqueue ( "Third 2" , 3 );

priorityQueue . Enqueue ( "First" , 1 );

while ( priorityQueue . Count 0 )


string item = priorityQueue . Dequeue ();

Console . WriteLine ( item );


// Output:

// First

// Second

// Third 2

// Third 1

// Fourth

提供基于偏移量的 API,用于以线程安全的方式读取和写入文件。

using SafeFileHandle handle = File . OpenHandle ( "file.txt" , access : FileAccess . ReadWrite );

// Write to file

byte [] strBytes = Encoding . UTF8 . GetBytes ( "Hello world" );

ReadOnlyMemory buffer1 = new ( strBytes );

await RandomAccess . WriteAsync ( handle , buffer1 , 0 );

// Get file length

long length = RandomAccess . GetLength ( handle );

// Read from file

Memory buffer2 = new ( new byte [ length ]);

await RandomAccess . ReadAsync ( handle , buffer2 , 0 );

string content = Encoding . UTF8 . GetString ( buffer2 . ToArray ());

Console . WriteLine ( content ); // Hello world

认识一个完全异步的“PeriodicTimer”, 更适合在异步场景中使用, 它有一个方法 WaitForNextTickAsync 。

// One constructor: public PeriodicTimer(TimeSpan period)

using PeriodicTimer timer = new ( TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( 1 ));

while ( await timer . WaitForNextTickAsync ())


Console . WriteLine ( DateTime . UtcNow );


// Output:

// 13 - Oct - 21 19:58:05 PM

// 13 - Oct - 21 19:58:06 PM

// 13 - Oct - 21 19:58:07 PM

// 13 - Oct - 21 19:58:08 PM

// 13 - Oct - 21 19:58:09 PM

// 13 - Oct - 21 19:58:10 PM

// 13 - Oct - 21 19:58:11 PM

// 13 - Oct - 21 19:58:12 PM

// ...

.NET 6 实现了 OpenTelemetry Metrics API 规范, 内置了指标API, 通过 Meter 类创建下面的指标






var builder = WebApplication . CreateBuilder ( args );

var app = builder . Build ();

// Create Meter

var meter = new Meter ( "MetricsApp" , "v1.0" );

// Create counter

Counter counter = meter . CreateCounter ( "Requests" );

app . Use (( context , next ) =


// Record the value of measurement

counter . Add ( 1 );

return next ( context );


app . MapGet ( "/" , () = "Hello World" );

StartMeterListener ();

app . Run ();

// Create and start Meter Listener

void StartMeterListener ()


var listener = new MeterListener ();

listener . InstrumentPublished = ( instrument , meterListener ) =


if ( instrument . Name == "Requests" instrument . Meter . Name == "MetricsApp" )


// Start listening to a specific measurement recording

meterListener . EnableMeasurementEvents ( instrument , null );



listener . SetMeasurementEventCallback (( instrument , measurement , tags , state ) =


Console . WriteLine ( $ "Instrument {instrument.Name} has recorded the measurement: {measurement}" );


listener . Start ();



•ParameterInfo 参数

•FieldInfo 字段

•PropertyInfo 属性

•EventInfo 事件

var example = new Example ();

var nullabilityInfoContext = new NullabilityInfoContext ();

foreach ( var propertyInfo in example . GetType (). GetProperties ())


var nullabilityInfo = nullabilityInfoContext . Create ( propertyInfo );

Console . WriteLine ( $ "{propertyInfo.Name} property is {nullabilityInfo.WriteState}" );


// Output:

// Name property is Nullable

// Value property is NotNull

class Example


public string ? Name { get ; set ; }

public string Value { get ; set ; }


它允许您获取嵌套元素的可为空的信息, 您可以指定数组属性必须为非空,但元素可以为空,反之亦然。

Type exampleType = typeof ( Example );

PropertyInfo notNullableArrayPI = exampleType . GetProperty ( nameof ( Example . NotNullableArray ));

PropertyInfo nullableArrayPI = exampleType . GetProperty ( nameof ( Example . NullableArray ));

NullabilityInfoContext nullabilityInfoContext = new ();

NullabilityInfo notNullableArrayNI = nullabilityInfoContext . Create ( notNullableArrayPI );

Console . WriteLine ( notNullableArrayNI . ReadState ); // NotNull

Console . WriteLine ( notNullableArrayNI . ElementType . ReadState ); // Nullable

NullabilityInfo nullableArrayNI = nullabilityInfoContext . Create ( nullableArrayPI );

Console . WriteLine ( nullableArrayNI . ReadState ); // Nullable

Console . WriteLine ( nullableArrayNI . ElementType . ReadState ); // Nullable

class Example


public string ?[] NotNullableArray { get ; set ; }

public string ?[]? NullableArray { get ; set ; }


直接通过 Environment 获取进程ID和路径。

int processId = Environment . ProcessId

string path = Environment . ProcessPath ;

Console . WriteLine ( processId );

Console . WriteLine ( path );

和 DI 的 GetRequiredService() 是一样的, 如果缺失, 则会抛出异常。

WebApplicationBuilder builder = WebApplication . CreateBuilder ( args );

WebApplication app = builder . Build ();

MySettings mySettings = new ();

// Throws InvalidOperationException if a required section of configuration is missing

app . Configuration . GetRequiredSection ( "MySettings" ). Bind ( mySettings );

app . Run ();

class MySettings


public string ? SettingValue { get ; set ; }


您可以从密码安全伪随机数生成器 (CSPNG) 轻松生成随机值序列。





// Fills an array of 300 bytes with a cryptographically strong random sequence of values.

// GetBytes(byte[] data);

// GetBytes(byte[] data, int offset, int count)

// GetBytes(int count)

// GetBytes(Span data)

byte [] bytes = RandomNumberGenerator . GetBytes ( 300 );

.NET 6 引入了一个新的 API 来分配本机内存, NativeMemory 有分配和释放内存的方法。



byte * buffer = ( byte *) NativeMemory . Alloc ( 100 );

NativeMemory . Free ( buffer );

/* This class contains methods that are mainly used to manage native memory.

public static class NativeMemory


public unsafe static void * AlignedAlloc ( nuint byteCount , nuint alignment );

public unsafe static void AlignedFree ( void * ptr );

public unsafe static void * AlignedRealloc ( void * ptr , nuint byteCount , nuint alignment );

public unsafe static void * Alloc ( nuint byteCount );

public unsafe static void * Alloc ( nuint elementCount , nuint elementSize );

public unsafe static void * AllocZeroed ( nuint byteCount );

public unsafe static void * AllocZeroed ( nuint elementCount , nuint elementSize );

public unsafe static void Free ( void * ptr );

public unsafe static void * Realloc ( void * ptr , nuint byteCount );



.NET 6 引入了用于处理 2 的幂的新方法。

•'IsPow2' 判断指定值是否为 2 的幂。

•'RoundUpToPowerOf2' 将指定值四舍五入到 2 的幂。

// IsPow2 evaluates whether the specified Int32 value is a power of two.

Console . WriteLine ( BitOperations . IsPow2 ( 128 )); // True

// RoundUpToPowerOf2 rounds the specified T:System.UInt32 value up to a power of two.

Console . WriteLine ( BitOperations . RoundUpToPowerOf2 ( 200 )); // 256

您可以更轻松地等待异步任务执行, 如果超时会抛出 “TimeoutException”

Task operationTask = DoSomethingLongAsync ();

await operationTask . WaitAsync ( TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( 5 ));

async Task DoSomethingLongAsync ()


Console . WriteLine ( "DoSomethingLongAsync started." );

await Task . Delay ( TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( 10 ));

Console . WriteLine ( "DoSomethingLongAsync ended." );


// Output:

// DoSomethingLongAsync started.

// Unhandled exception.System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.






•Min, Max, Abs, Sign, Clamp 支持 nint 和 nuint

•DivRem 返回一个元组, 包括商和余数。

// New methods SinCos, ReciprocalEstimate and ReciprocalSqrtEstimate

// Simultaneously computes Sin and Cos

( double sin , double cos ) = Math . SinCos ( 1.57 );

Console . WriteLine ( $ "Sin = {sin} Cos = {cos}" );

// Computes an approximate of 1 / x

double recEst = Math . ReciprocalEstimate ( 5 );

Console . WriteLine ( $ "Reciprocal estimate = {recEst}" );

// Computes an approximate of 1 / Sqrt(x)

double recSqrtEst = Math . ReciprocalSqrtEstimate ( 5 );

Console . WriteLine ( $ "Reciprocal sqrt estimate = {recSqrtEst}" );

// New overloads

// Min, Max, Abs, Clamp and Sign supports nint and nuint

( nint a , nint b ) = ( 5 , 10 );

nint min = Math . Min ( a , b );

nint max = Math . Max ( a , b );

nint abs = Math . Abs ( a );

nint clamp = Math . Clamp ( abs , min , max );

nint sign = Math . Sign ( a );

Console . WriteLine ( $ "Min = {min} Max = {max} Abs = {abs}" );

Console . WriteLine ( $ "Clamp = {clamp} Sign = {sign}" );

// DivRem variants return a tuple

( int quotient , int remainder ) = Math . DivRem ( 2 , 7 );

Console . WriteLine ( $ "Quotient = {quotient} Remainder = {remainder}" );

// Output:

// Sin = 0.9999996829318346

// Cos = 0.0007963267107331026

// Reciprocal estimate = 0.2

// Reciprocal sqrt estimate = 0.4472135954999579

// Min = 5

// Max = 10

// Abs = 5

// Clamp = 5

// Sign = 1

// Quotient = 0

// Remainder = 2

这个是在字典中循环或者修改结可变结构体时用, 可以减少结构的副本复制, 也可以避免字典重复进行哈希计算,这个有点晦涩难懂,有兴趣的可以看看这个

Dictionary int , MyStruct dictionary = new ()


{ 1 , new MyStruct { Count = 100 } }


int key = 1 ;

ref MyStruct value = ref CollectionsMarshal . GetValueRefOrNullRef ( dictionary , key );

// Returns Unsafe.NullRef () if it doesn't exist; check using Unsafe.IsNullRef(ref value)

if (! Unsafe . IsNullRef ( ref value ))


Console . WriteLine ( value . Count ); // Output: 100

// Mutate in-place

value . Count ++;

Console . WriteLine ( value . Count ); // Output: 101


struct MyStruct


public int Count { get ; set ; }


IHostBuilder 上的新 ConfigureHostOptions API, 可以更简单的配置应用。

public class Program


public static void Main ( string [] args )


CreateHostBuilder ( args ). Build (). Run ();


public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder ( string [] args ) =

Host . CreateDefaultBuilder ( args )

. ConfigureHostOptions ( o =


o . ShutdownTimeout = TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 10 );



.NET 6 引入了一种新的 CreateAsyncScope 方法, 当您处理 IAsyncDisposable 的服务时现有的 CreateScope 方法会引发异常, 使用 CreateAsyncScope 可以完美解决。

await using var provider = new ServiceCollection ()

. AddScoped Example ()

. BuildServiceProvider ();

await using ( var scope = provider . CreateAsyncScope ())


var example = scope . ServiceProvider . GetRequiredService Example ();


class Example : IAsyncDisposable


public ValueTask DisposeAsync () = default ;








static byte [] Decrypt ( byte [] key , byte [] iv , byte [] ciphertext )


using ( Aes aes = Aes . Create ())


aes . Key = key ;

return aes . DecryptCbc ( ciphertext , iv , PaddingMode . PKCS7 );


