北京大学图书馆一角 摄影:朱成轩
在太史公笔下,我们不仅慨叹于商鞅穷途末路时的绝望,更会随之思考改革背后的矛盾、坚持与远见;我们不仅欣慕于黄帝“生而神灵,成而聪明”的天资,更会不由得好奇古人对“顺天地之际”这种朴素规律的看法;我们不仅聆听到太史公对礼法与秩序的深刻论述,也同时会迁移至今日寻找其中仍存在的合理性。这是一本历史之书,更是一本经验之书、智慧之书,一本不可不读之书。推荐书目 The Ten Thousand Doors of January作者:Alix E. Harrow
荐书人:苏妮灿 Nitzan Schwarz(以色列),“未来领导者”国际本科项目推荐理由:
This book is lyrically beautiful, with prose embedded into every sentence. The story and characters are simultaneously incredibly real and incredibly otherworldly, with adventure and wonder woven into every page. If you’d like to go through an experience as you read a book, this one is the perfect choice.
推荐书目 The Joys of Motherhood作者:Buchi Emecheta荐书人:莫娅 Yata Baty Mbodj(塞内加尔),“未来领导者”国际本科项目推荐理由:
Although its title sounds very rosy, this book addresses the challenges women face when fulfilling the highest level of gratification in traditional Nigerian society: being a wife and a mother. However, as Nigeria undergoes profound political and social changes, meeting traditional society’s expectations becomes more complex than ever for both women and men. This prompts the book’s characters to undertake self-discovery quests and find a trade-off between their social responsibilities and their own happiness. Despite covering themes like colonization, gender roles, mysticism, The Joys of Motherhood poses a timeless and universal question: “what defines our womanhood or manhood, in short our humanity?”