redis-benchmark -h localhost -p 6379 -c 100 -n 100000
- [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-benchmark -h localhost -p 6379 -c 100 -n 100000
- ====== PING ======
- 10001 requests completed in 0.41 seconds
- 50 parallel clients
- 3 bytes payload
- keep alive: 1
- 0.01% <= 0 milliseconds
- 23.09% <= 1 milliseconds
- 85.82% <= 2 milliseconds
- 95.60% <= 3 milliseconds
- 97.20% <= 4 milliseconds
- 97.96% <= 5 milliseconds
- 98.83% <= 6 milliseconds
- 99.41% <= 7 milliseconds
- 99.70% <= 8 milliseconds
- 99.99% <= 9 milliseconds
- 100.00% <= 12 milliseconds
- 24274.27 requests per second
redis-cli -h localhost -p 6380 monitor
Dump all the received requests in real time; 监控host为localhost,端口为6380,redis的连接及读写操作
- [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-cli -h localhost -p 6380 monitor
- +OK
- +1289800615.808225 "monitor"
- +1289800615.839079 "GET" "name"
- +1289800615.853694 "PING"
- +1289800615.853783 "PING"
- +1289800615.854646 "PING"
- +1289800615.854974 "PING"
- +1289800615.857693 "PING"
- +1289800615.866862 "PING"
- +1289800615.871944 "PING"
redis-cli -h localhost -p 6380 info
information and statistics about the server
; 提供host为localhost,端口为6380,redis服务的统计信息
- [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-cli -h localhost -p 6380 info
- redis_version:2.0.4
- redis_git_sha1:00000000
- redis_git_dirty:0
- arch_bits:32
- multiplexing_api:epoll
- process_id:21990
- uptime_in_seconds:490580
- uptime_in_days:5
- connected_clients:103
- connected_slaves:0
- blocked_clients:0
- used_memory:4453240
- used_memory_human:4.25M
- changes_since_last_save:200
- bgsave_in_progress:0
- last_save_time:1290394640
- bgrewriteaof_in_progress:0
- total_connections_received:809
- total_commands_processed:44094018
- expired_keys:0
- hash_max_zipmap_entries:64
- hash_max_zipmap_value:512
- pubsub_channels:0
- pubsub_patterns:0
- vm_enabled:0
- role:slave
- master_host:localhost
- master_port:6379
- master_link_status:up
- master_last_io_seconds_ago:18
- db0:keys=1319,expires=0
redis-stat host localhost port 6380 overview
Print general information about a Redis instance; 实时打印出host为localhost,端口为6380,redis实例的总体信息
- [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-stat port 6380 overview
- ------- data ------ ------------ load ----------------------------- - childs -
- keys used-mem clients requests connections
- 1319 5.37M 103 44108021 (+44108021) 810
- 1319 5.38M 103 44108124 (+103) 810
- 1319 5.38M 103 44108225 (+101) 810
- 1319 5.39M 103 44108326 (+101) 810
- 1319 5.40M 103 44108427 (+101) 810
- 1319 5.41M 103 44108528 (+101) 810
redis-stat host localhost port 6380 overview
Measure Redis server latency; 输出host为localhost,端口为6380,redis服务中每个请求的响应时长
- [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-stat port 6380 latency
- 1: 0.16 ms
- 2: 0.11 ms
- 3: 0.15 ms
- 4: 0.11 ms
- 5: 0.18 ms
- 6: 0.14 ms