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[root@localhost:~] ethtool -i vmnic0 driver: igb version: firmware-version: 1.63, 0x80000dbd bus-info: 0000:01:00.0 [root@localhost:~] ethtool -i vmnic7 driver: bnx2x version: 1.78.80.v60.12 firmware-version: bc 7.8.55 bus-info: 0000:11:00.1获取主机总线适配器当前使用的驱动程序类型
[root@localhost:~] esxcfg-scsidevs -a vmhba0 lsi_mr3 link-n/a sas.500605b00cbce9e0 (0000:07:00.0) LSI MegaRAID SAS Invader Controller vmhba32 iscsi_vmk online iqn.1998-01.com.vmware:594af84f-3e99-cb7d-f42f-e04f43072844-7704b070iSCSI Software Adapter------------------------------------------------
[root@localhost:~] esxcfg-module -i lsi_mr3 | more esxcfg-module module information input file: /usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/lsi_mr3 License: GPLv2 Version: 6.605.08.00-7vmw.600.1.17.3029758 Name-space: Required name-spaces: com.vmware.vmkapi@v2_3_0_0 Parameters: max_sectors: int Maximum number of sectors per IO command mfiDumpFailedCmd: int Hex dump of failed command in driver log-----------------------------------------------------
/usr/lib/vmware/vmkmgmt_keyval/vmkmgmt_keyval -a查看HBA卡驱动
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