[root@el02node01 bin]# ./exabr h
ExaBR 1.2.6 (b12259)
Usage: exabr
General options:
--version Display the exabr version
--help Display this usage help and exit
Targets can be specified by listing the comma-separated IPs or hostnames or by using one of the predefined targets:
all-ib (all Infiniband switches), all-mgmt (all management (Cisco) switches), all-cn (all compute nodes and their ILOMs),
all-cn-iloms (all compute nodes ILOMS), all-sn (all storage nodes and their ILOMs), all-sn-iloms (all storage ILOMs),
all-hw (all the hardware components), control-stack, user-vm (zfs snapshot)
or all-itemized-vms (all user-vservers listed in the configuration file)
Common options:
--repository, -r path to the backup repository (any path, usually a mount to a NFS share)
(EXABR_REPO environment variable can be also used instead)
init - initialize the exabr configuration file. Uses ECU data or the configuration of the given compute-node to obtain hostnames of different rack components
exabr -r
init-ssh, remove-ssh - establish or remove SSH public key authentication
exabr -r
exabr -r
backup - back up the target to the backup repository
exabr -r
exabr -r
exabr -r
--noprompt, -n never prompts for password, and skips the target instead if public key authentication has not been
established (via init-ssh command)
--exclude-paths comma-separated list of directories or files that should not be included in the backup
--include-paths comma-separated exclusive list of directories and/or files to be backed up
--timeout timeout value in seconds to wait for the backup to complete. Default is 2700 seconds.
restore - restore the target from the backup repository
exabr -r
exabr -r
exabr -r
exabr -r
exabr -r Options: --backup, -b the name of the specific backup to be restored. If option is not given, the latest backup is used. the backup name is shown in brackets by 'list' command. --exclude-paths comma-separated list of directories or files that should not be restored from the backup --include-paths comma-separated exclusive list of directories and/or files to be restored --vm name or uuid of the vm to restore from the named zfs snapshot. Restores entire disk image --timeout timeout value in seconds to wait for the restore to complete. Default is 2700 seconds. stop, start - stops or starts control stack VMs exabr -r exabr -r list - list the content of the backup repository exabr -r Options: --verbose, -v display more details ib-register - when the hardware component has been replaced and has a new Infiniband identity, register it with the Infiniband fabric exabr -r Options: --dry-run display the commands that would be run without performing them. configure - configure and/or check the ECU networking settings for a re-imaged compute node exabr -r control-unregister - unregister a compute-node from OVMM and from EMOC even if it is not reachable, or missing exabr -r control-register - register a live compute-node with OVMM and with EMOC exabr -r ERROR: Invalid arguments. Two arguments expected: 以上为命令的帮助. 1.首先进行初始化 ./exabr init 10.135.1623.200 <= first node of exalogic 2.对配置文件进行编辑 编辑/exalogic-lcdata/backups/exabr.config文件 3.对ib结点进行备份 [root@el02node01 bin]# ./exabr backup all-ib ExaBR 1.2.6 (b12259) Logging to file /root/exabr.log ------------------------ Using backup repository: /exalogic-lcdata/backups Using configuration file: /exalogic-lcdata/backups/exabr.config --------------------------------------------------- Targets: 3 total Infiniband Gateway switch: el02gateway01.xx.cn, el02gateway02.xx.cn Infiniband Spine switch: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- (1 out of 3) --------------------------------------------------- el02gateway01.fawcar.com.cn authentication successful Backing up Infiniband Gateway switch el02gateway01.xx.com.cn Destination directory: /exalogic-lcdata/backups/ib_gw_switches/el02gateway01.xx.com.cn/201812060805 --------------------------------------------------- Fetching firmware version Backing up switch configuration Backing up partitions Generating md5 checksum MD5 checksums created OK: Infiniband Gateway switch el02gateway01.xx.com.cn backup successful (took: 7 seconds) --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- (2 out of 3) --------------------------------------------------- el02gateway02.fawcar.com.cn authentication successful Backing up Infiniband Gateway switch el02gateway02.xx.com.cn Destination directory: /exalogic-lcdata/backups/ib_gw_switches/el02gateway02.fawcarxx.com.cn/201812060805 --------------------------------------------------- Fetching firmware version Backing up switch configuration Backing up partitions Generating md5 checksum MD5 checksums created OK: Infiniband Gateway switch el02gateway02.xx.com.cn backup successful (took: 9 seconds) --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- (3 out of 3) --------------------------------------------------- authentication successful Backing up Infiniband Spine switch Destination directory: /exalogic-lcdata/backups/ib_spine_switches/ --------------------------------------------------- Fetching firmware version Backing up switch configuration Backing up partitions Generating md5 checksum MD5 checksums created OK: Infiniband Spine switch backup successful (took: 4 seconds) --------------------------------------------------- ------------------- SUMMARY ----------------------- OK: 3 out of 3 finished successfully --------------------------------------------------- 4.对计算结点进行备份 [root@el02node01 bin]# ./exabr backup all-cn 略 5.对存储结点进行备份 [root@el02node01 bin]# ./exabr backup all-sn 6.对思科交换机备份 [root@el02node01 bin]# ./exabr backup all-mgmt 7.备份硬件信息 [root@el02node01 bin]# ./exabr backup all-hw 以上是“exalogic备份exabr怎么用”这篇文章的所有内容,感谢各位的阅读!希望分享的内容对大家有帮助,更多相关知识,欢迎关注创新互联-成都网站建设公司行业资讯频道!