4.0.0 org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-parent 2.2.1.RELEASE qinfeng.zheng learn-pagequery 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT learn-pagequery Demo project for Spring Boot 1.8 org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-web org.mybatis.spring.boot mybatis-spring-boot-starter 1.3.2 mysql mysql-connector-java 5.1.47 runtime org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-test test org.junit.vintage junit-vintage-engine com.github.pagehelper pagehelper-spring-boot-starter 1.2.12 org.springframework.boot spring-boot-maven-plugin
2. application.peroperties
spring.datasource.driver-class-name = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
spring.datasource.url= jdbc:mysql://120.79.xx.xx:3306/test?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false
spring.datasource.username = root
spring.datasource.password = 1212212
public class Country implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6569081236403751407L; private int id; private String countryname; private String countrycode; public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } public String getCountryname() { return countryname; } public void setCountryname(String countryname) { this.countryname = countryname; } public String getCountrycode() { return countrycode; } public void setCountrycode(String countrycode) { this.countrycode = countrycode; } }
@Mapper public interface CountryMapper { @Select("select * from country") ListfindAll(); }
@RestController public class CountryController { @Autowired private CountryMapper countryMapper; @GetMapping("/findAll") public ListfindAll(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer pageNum, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "20") Integer pageSize) { PageHelper.startPage(pageNum, pageSize); List countries = countryMapper.findAll(); Page page = (Page) countries; System.out.println("每页展示条数:" + page.getPageSize()); System.out.println("总条数:" + page.getTotal()); System.out.println("当前页:" + page.getPageNum()); System.out.println("总页数:" + page.getPages()); return countries; } }
drop table country if exists; create table country ( id int primary key auto_increment, countryname varchar(32), countrycode varchar(2) ); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(1,'Angola','AO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(2,'Afghanistan','AF'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(3,'Albania','AL'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(4,'Algeria','DZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(5,'Andorra','AD'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(6,'Anguilla','AI'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(7,'Antigua and Barbuda','AG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(8,'Argentina','AR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(9,'Armenia','AM'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(10,'Australia','AU'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(11,'Austria','AT'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(12,'Azerbaijan','AZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(13,'Bahamas','BS'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(14,'Bahrain','BH'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(15,'Bangladesh','BD'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(16,'Barbados','BB'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(17,'Belarus','BY'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(18,'Belgium','BE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(19,'Belize','BZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(20,'Benin','BJ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(21,'Bermuda Is.','BM'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(22,'Bolivia','BO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(23,'Botswana','BW'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(24,'Brazil','BR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(25,'Brunei','BN'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(26,'Bulgaria','BG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(27,'Burkina-faso','BF'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(28,'Burma','MM'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(29,'Burundi','BI'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(30,'Cameroon','CM'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(31,'Canada','CA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(32,'Central African Republic','CF'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(33,'Chad','TD'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(34,'Chile','CL'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(35,'China','CN'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(36,'Colombia','CO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(37,'Congo','CG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(38,'Cook Is.','CK'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(39,'Costa Rica','CR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(40,'Cuba','CU'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(41,'Cyprus','CY'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(42,'Czech Republic','CZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(43,'Denmark','DK'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(44,'Djibouti','DJ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(45,'Dominica Rep.','DO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(46,'Ecuador','EC'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(47,'Egypt','EG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(48,'EI Salvador','SV'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(49,'Estonia','EE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(50,'Ethiopia','ET'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(51,'Fiji','FJ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(52,'Finland','FI'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(53,'France','FR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(54,'French Guiana','GF'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(55,'Gabon','GA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(56,'Gambia','GM'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(57,'Georgia','GE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(58,'Germany','DE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(59,'Ghana','GH'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(60,'Gibraltar','GI'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(61,'Greece','GR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(62,'Grenada','GD'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(63,'Guam','GU'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(64,'Guatemala','GT'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(65,'Guinea','GN'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(66,'Guyana','GY'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(67,'Haiti','HT'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(68,'Honduras','HN'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(69,'Hongkong','HK'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(70,'Hungary','HU'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(71,'Iceland','IS'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(72,'India','IN'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(73,'Indonesia','ID'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(74,'Iran','IR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(75,'Iraq','IQ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(76,'Ireland','IE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(77,'Israel','IL'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(78,'Italy','IT'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(79,'Jamaica','JM'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(80,'Japan','JP'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(81,'Jordan','JO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(82,'Kampuchea (Cambodia )','KH'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(83,'Kazakstan','KZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(84,'Kenya','KE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(85,'Korea','KR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(86,'Kuwait','KW'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(87,'Kyrgyzstan','KG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(88,'Laos','LA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(89,'Latvia','LV'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(90,'Lebanon','LB'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(91,'Lesotho','LS'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(92,'Liberia','LR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(93,'Libya','LY'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(94,'Liechtenstein','LI'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(95,'Lithuania','LT'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(96,'Luxembourg','LU'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(97,'Macao','MO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(98,'Madagascar','MG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(99,'Malawi','MW'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(100,'Malaysia','MY'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(101,'Maldives','MV'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(102,'Mali','ML'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(103,'Malta','MT'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(104,'Mauritius','MU'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(105,'Mexico','MX'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(106,'Moldova, Republic of','MD'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(107,'Monaco','MC'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(108,'Mongolia','MN'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(109,'Montserrat Is','MS'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(110,'Morocco','MA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(111,'Mozambique','MZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(112,'Namibia','NA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(113,'Nauru','NR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(114,'Nepal','NP'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(115,'Netherlands','NL'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(116,'New Zealand','NZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(117,'Nicaragua','NI'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(118,'Niger','NE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(119,'Nigeria','NG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(120,'North Korea','KP'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(121,'Norway','NO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(122,'Oman','OM'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(123,'Pakistan','PK'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(124,'Panama','PA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(125,'Papua New Cuinea','PG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(126,'Paraguay','PY'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(127,'Peru','PE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(128,'Philippines','PH'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(129,'Poland','PL'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(130,'French Polynesia','PF'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(131,'Portugal','PT'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(132,'Puerto Rico','PR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(133,'Qatar','QA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(134,'Romania','RO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(135,'Russia','RU'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(136,'Saint Lueia','LC'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(137,'Saint Vincent','VC'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(138,'San Marino','SM'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(139,'Sao Tome and Principe','ST'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(140,'Saudi Arabia','SA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(141,'Senegal','SN'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(142,'Seychelles','SC'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(143,'Sierra Leone','SL'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(144,'Singapore','SG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(145,'Slovakia','SK'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(146,'Slovenia','SI'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(147,'Solomon Is','SB'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(148,'Somali','SO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(149,'South Africa','ZA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(150,'Spain','ES'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(151,'Sri Lanka','LK'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(152,'St.Lucia','LC'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(153,'St.Vincent','VC'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(154,'Sudan','SD'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(155,'Suriname','SR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(156,'Swaziland','SZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(157,'Sweden','SE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(158,'Switzerland','CH'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(159,'Syria','SY'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(160,'Taiwan','TW'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(161,'Tajikstan','TJ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(162,'Tanzania','TZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(163,'Thailand','TH'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(164,'Togo','TG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(165,'Tonga','TO'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(166,'Trinidad and Tobago','TT'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(167,'Tunisia','TN'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(168,'Turkey','TR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(169,'Turkmenistan','TM'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(170,'Uganda','UG'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(171,'Ukraine','UA'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(172,'United Arab Emirates','AE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(173,'United Kiongdom','GB'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(174,'United States of America','US'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(175,'Uruguay','UY'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(176,'Uzbekistan','UZ'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(177,'Venezuela','VE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(178,'Vietnam','VN'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(179,'Yemen','YE'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(180,'Yugoslavia','YU'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(181,'Zimbabwe','ZW'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(182,'Zaire','ZR'); insert into country (id, countryname, countrycode) values(183,'Zambia','ZM');
OK ,验证完毕!完美!!!
@GetMapping("/findAll") public PageInfofindAll(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer pageNum, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "20") Integer pageSize) { PageHelper.startPage(pageNum, pageSize); List countries = countryMapper.findAll(); // Page page = (Page) countries; // System.out.println("每页展示条数:" + page.getPageSize()); // System.out.println("总条数:" + page.getTotal()); // System.out.println("当前页:" + page.getPageNum()); // System.out.println("总页数:" + page.getPages()); PageInfo result = new PageInfo<>(countries); return result; }
private int pageNum; // 当前页码 private int pageSize; // 每页展示的多少条数据 private int size; // 数据总条数 private int startRow; private int endRow; private int pages; // 总共多少页 private int prePage; // 前一页 private int nextPage; // 后一页 private boolean isFirstPage; private boolean isLastPage; private boolean hasPreviousPage; private boolean hasNextPage; private int navigatePages; private int[] navigatepageNums; private int navigateFirstPage; private int navigateLastPage;