1、neutron.conf network_device_mtu=1450 # 生效的设备:neutron 网络节点上的 qdhcp 和 qrouter network namespace 的 qr,qg 和 ns 接口以及对应的 veth tap 设备 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron/agent/linux/ if self.conf.network_device_mtu: if self.conf.ovs_use_veth:
2、ml2_conf.ini path_mtu = 9000 segment_mtu = 1500
flat网络类型如何获取MTU: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/ class FlatTypeDriver(helpers.BaseTypeDriver): # 父类BaseTypeDriver """Manage state for flat networks with ML2. The FlatTypeDriver implements the 'flat' network_type. Flat network segments provide connectivity between VMs and other devices using any connected IEEE 802.1D conformant physical_network, without the use of VLAN tags, tunneling, or other segmentation mechanisms. Therefore at most one flat network segment can exist on each available physical_network. """ def __init__(self): super(FlatTypeDriver, self).__init__() self._parse_networks(cfg.CONF.ml2_type_flat.flat_networks) # 如果定义了flat provider的physet_mtus,取physical_network_mtus和segment_mtu的最小值 def get_mtu(self, physical_network): seg_mtu = super(FlatTypeDriver, self).get_mtu() mtu = [] if seg_mtu > 0: mtu.append(seg_mtu) if physical_network in self.physnet_mtus: mtu.append(int(self.physnet_mtus[physical_network])) return min(mtu) if mtu else 0 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/ class BaseTypeDriver(api.TypeDriver): """BaseTypeDriver for functions common to Segment and flat.""" def __init__(self): try: self.physnet_mtus = utils.parse_mappings( cfg.CONF.ml2.physical_network_mtus ) except Exception: self.physnet_mtus = [] def get_mtu(self, physical_network=None): return cfg.CONF.ml2.segment_mtu
vlan 网络类型如何获取MTU: class VlanTypeDriver(helpers.SegmentTypeDriver): # 父类SegmentTypeDriver """Manage state for VLAN networks with ML2. The VlanTypeDriver implements the 'vlan' network_type. VLAN network segments provide connectivity between VMs and other devices using any connected IEEE 802.1Q conformant physical_network segmented into virtual networks via IEEE 802.1Q headers. Up to 4094 VLAN network segments can exist on each available physical_network. """ def __init__(self): super(VlanTypeDriver, self).__init__(VlanAllocation) self._parse_network_vlan_ranges() # vlan的获取mtu方式和flat一样 def get_mtu(self, physical_network): seg_mtu = super(VlanTypeDriver, self).get_mtu() mtu = [] if seg_mtu > 0: mtu.append(seg_mtu) if physical_network in self.physnet_mtus: mtu.append(int(self.physnet_mtus[physical_network])) return min(mtu) if mtu else 0 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/ class BaseTypeDriver(api.TypeDriver): """BaseTypeDriver for functions common to Segment and flat.""" def __init__(self): try: self.physnet_mtus = utils.parse_mappings( cfg.CONF.ml2.physical_network_mtus ) except Exception: self.physnet_mtus = [] def get_mtu(self, physical_network=None): return cfg.CONF.ml2.segment_mtu class SegmentTypeDriver(BaseTypeDriver): """SegmentTypeDriver for segment allocation. Provide methods helping to perform segment allocation fully or partially specified. """ def __init__(self, model): super(SegmentTypeDriver, self).__init__() self.model = model self.primary_keys = set(dict(model.__table__.columns)) self.primary_keys.remove("allocated")
vxlan 网络类型如何获取MTU: class VxlanTypeDriver(type_tunnel.EndpointTunnelTypeDriver): # 父类EndpointTunnelTypeDriver def __init__(self): super(VxlanTypeDriver, self).__init__( VxlanAllocation, VxlanEndpoints) def get_type(self): return p_const.TYPE_VXLAN def initialize(self): try: self._initialize(cfg.CONF.ml2_type_vxlan.vni_ranges) except n_exc.NetworkTunnelRangeError: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to parse vni_ranges. " "Service terminated!")) raise SystemExit() def get_endpoints(self): """Get every vxlan endpoints from database.""" vxlan_endpoints = self._get_endpoints() return [{'ip_address': vxlan_endpoint.ip_address, 'udp_port': vxlan_endpoint.udp_port, 'host':} for vxlan_endpoint in vxlan_endpoints] def add_endpoint(self, ip, host, udp_port=p_const.VXLAN_UDP_PORT): return self._add_endpoint(ip, host, udp_port=udp_port) def get_mtu(self, physical_network=None): mtu = super(VxlanTypeDriver, self).get_mtu() return mtu - p_const.VXLAN_ENCAP_OVERHEAD if mtu else 0 # mtu - vxlan开销,自动减去vxlan overhead from neutron.plugins.common import constants as p_const /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron/plugins/common/ # Network Type MTU overhead GENEVE_ENCAP_MIN_OVERHEAD = 50 GRE_ENCAP_OVERHEAD = 42 VXLAN_ENCAP_OVERHEAD = 50 # vxlan开销 class EndpointTunnelTypeDriver(TunnelTypeDriver): class TunnelTypeDriver(helpers.SegmentTypeDriver): """Define stable abstract interface for ML2 type drivers. tunnel type networks rely on tunnel endpoints. This class defines abstract methods to manage these endpoints. """ def get_mtu(self, physical_network=None): seg_mtu = super(TunnelTypeDriver, self).get_mtu() mtu = [] if seg_mtu > 0: mtu.append(seg_mtu) if cfg.CONF.ml2.path_mtu > 0: mtu.append(cfg.CONF.ml2.path_mtu) return min(mtu) if mtu else 0
gre网络类型如何获取MTU: class GreTypeDriver(type_tunnel.EndpointTunnelTypeDriver): # 父类也是EndpointTunnelTypeDriver def __init__(self): super(GreTypeDriver, self).__init__( GreAllocation, GreEndpoints) def get_type(self): return p_const.TYPE_GRE def initialize(self): try: self._initialize(cfg.CONF.ml2_type_gre.tunnel_id_ranges) except n_exc.NetworkTunnelRangeError: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to parse tunnel_id_ranges. " "Service terminated!")) raise SystemExit() def get_endpoints(self): """Get every gre endpoints from database.""" gre_endpoints = self._get_endpoints() return [{'ip_address': gre_endpoint.ip_address, 'host':} for gre_endpoint in gre_endpoints] def add_endpoint(self, ip, host): return self._add_endpoint(ip, host) def get_mtu(self, physical_network=None): mtu = super(GreTypeDriver, self).get_mtu(physical_network) return mtu - p_const.GRE_ENCAP_OVERHEAD if mtu else 0 # mtu - gre开销,自动减去gre overhead from neutron.plugins.common import constants as p_const /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron/plugins/common/ # Network Type MTU overhead GENEVE_ENCAP_MIN_OVERHEAD = 50 GRE_ENCAP_OVERHEAD = 42 # gre开销,为什么是42,还不清楚 VXLAN_ENCAP_OVERHEAD = 50 # vxlan开销 L版发现neutron多了种网络类型geneve,Geneve简介,暂时还不知道怎么玩的
3、neutron.conf advertise_mtu = true 以前的做法: [root@controller2 ~(keystone_admin)]# cat /etc/neutron/dnsmasq-neutron.conf # 对所有network都生效 dhcp-option-force=26,1450 # 现在可以把这个去掉 log-facility=/var/log/neutron/neutron-dnsmasq.log /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron/agent/linux/ class Dnsmasq(DhcpLocalProcess): # The ports that need to be opened when security policies are active # on the Neutron port used for DHCP. These are provided as a convenience # for users of this class. if cfg.CONF.advertise_mtu: mtu = # Do not advertise unknown mtu if mtu > 0: cmd.append('--dhcp-option-force=option:mtu,%d' % mtu) # 看这里 # Cap the limit because creating lots of subnets can inflate # this possible lease cap. cmd.append('--dhcp-lease-max=%d' % min(possible_leases, self.conf.dnsmasq_lease_max)) cmd.append('--conf-file=%s' % self.conf.dnsmasq_config_file) if self.conf.dnsmasq_dns_servers: cmd.extend( '--server=%s' % server for server in self.conf.dnsmasq_dns_servers)