环境:win10 + python2.7.14
#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*- #author : beihuijie #version 1.1 import re import sys import os import countTime def getParameters(): ''' get parameters from console command ''' with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as fread: lines = fread.readlines() keywords=[] for line in lines: temp = line.split(', ') keywords.append(temp) for i in range(0, (len(keywords[0]) - 1)): print ' Keyword = %s' % keywords[0][i] return keywords[0] def isFileExists(strfile): ''' check the file whether exists ''' return os.path.isfile(strfile) def Search(keyword, filename): ''' search the keyword in a assign file ''' if(isFileExists(filename) == False): print 'Input filepath is wrong,please check again!' sys.exit() linenum = 1 findtime = 0 with open(filename, 'r') as fread: lines = fread.readlines() for line in lines: rs = re.findall(keyword, line, re.IGNORECASE) if rs: #output linenum of keyword place sys.stdout.write('line:%d '%linenum) lsstr = line.split(keyword) strlength = len(lsstr) findtime = findtime + 1 #print strlength for i in range(strlength): if(i < (strlength - 1)): sys.stdout.write(lsstr[i].strip()) sys.stdout.write(keyword) else: sys.stdout.write(lsstr[i].strip() + '\n') linenum = linenum + 1 print '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+' print (' Search result: find keyword: %s %d times'%(keyword, findtime)) print '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+' def executeSearch(): ''' this is a execute search method ''' ls = getParameters() start = countTime.getTime() parameter_number = len(ls) print 'Filename = %s ' % ls[parameter_number - 1] print '--------------------start search-------------------------' if(parameter_number >= 2): for i in range(parameter_number - 1): Search(ls[i], ls[parameter_number - 1]) else: print 'There is a parameter error occured in executeSearch()!' end = countTime.getTime() print '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+' print ' Total cost time: %s'%countTime.formatTime(end - start) print '+============================================================================+' if __name__=='__main__': executeSearch()